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presented by R. WILLIAMS, Chairman, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, Nassau County, New York

(Thursday, July 14, 1966, 3:10 p.m.)

As provided in the Organization and Procedure of the Conference, the Director of the National Bureau of Standards, Dr. A. V. Astin, is the President of the Conference and is authorized to designate the Executive Secretary. All other officers are to be elected by vote of the Conference with the exception that vacancies occurring during the Conference year may be filled by the Executive Committee.

In selecting active members of the Conference to nominate for elective officers as presented in this report, consideration was given by the Committee to several factors, such as attendance records, geographical distribution, Conference participation, and interest shown in promoting Weights and Measures Administra



The Nominating Committee submits the following report, nominating for office for the National Conference on Weights and Measures and to serve for the ensuing year or until their successors might be elected, the following:

Chairman: J. E. Bowen, Massachusetts.

Vice Chairman: C. O. Cotton, Michigan; R. H. Fernsten, California; F. M. Gersz, Connecticut; J. G. Gustafson, Minnesota. Treasurer: C. C. Morgan, Indiana.

Chaplain: R. W. Searles, Ohio.

Executive Committee: J. R. Bird, New Jersey; S. J. Darsey, Florida; R. J. Fahey, Illionis; I. R. Frazer, Indiana; M. Greenspan, New York; W. H. Holt, West Virginia; D. E. Konsoer, Wisconsin; J. H. Lewis, Washington; W. A. Polaski, Pennsylvania; J. D. Walton, Texas.

R. WILLIAMS, Chairman







Committee on Nominations

(There being no further nominations from the floor, nominations were declared closed and the officers nominated by the Committee were elected unanimously by voice vote.)


presented by E. W. BALLENTINE, Chairman, Director, Bureau of Inspection, State of South Carolina

(Friday, July 15, 1966, 9:40 a.m.)

The Committee on Resolutions, having met and considered resolutions submitted to it by members of this 51st National Conference on Weights and Measures and other resolutions that originated with members of the Committee, now submits to this Conference for its consideration and action the following resolu tions that have received the unanimous endorse ment of the Committee.

There are included a number of individual resolutions which express appreciation for the arrangements for, conduct of, and participation in the National Conference. In order to expedite the handling of this phase of the Conference program, I request permission of the Chair simply to indicate those to whom appreciation is to be officially expressed:

1. To the Honorable John P. Orcutt, Commissioner of Agriculture, State of Colorado, for his constructive contribution to the program of the 51st National Conference on Weights and Measures.

2. To. Dr. A. V. Astin, J. P. Eberhard, M. W. Jensen, and staff of the National Bureau of Standards for their tireless efforts to insure a successful Conference in planning and administering the program and other details so essential to an interesting educational meeting.

3. To Mr. C. L. Bragaw and the staff of the Boulder Laboratories, National Bureau of Standards, for the many details involved in the physical arrange ments of the Conference.

4. To the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture for the interest and contributions in obtaining these new basic standards for greater accuracy in quality determination.

5. To the National Park Service for making available the services of Mr. Glen D. Gallison, and to Mr. Gallison for the many courtesies extended to the Conference delegates.

6. To all program speakers and Standing Committees for their excellent presentations and contributions to the success of the Conference.

7. To all State and local governing agencies that have arranged for or made possible the attendance at this meeting of one or more representatives of their organizations to participate in the deliberations directed toward the betterment of weights and measures controls throughout the Nation.

8. To business and industry for cooperating with the Conference, for attending and participating in the Conference, and for contributing to the success of the Conference through their participation and their gracious hospitality.

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9. To the Denver Convention and Visitors Bureau for assisting with the registration of delegates, for making available the use of bulletin typewriters, and for furnishing such excellent materials for distribution to the delegates. 10. To the management of The Brown Palace Hotel, who, through the facili ties and courtesies of its staff, has materially assisted in the conduct of the con ference.

The following resolutions are being read in whole in order that they might receive the consideration of the members of this Confer



Whereas, it is recognized that there exists great confusion in the determination of moisture contents of grain being sold;

Therefore, be it resolved that this 51st National Conference on Weights and Measures recommend and request the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, to jointly study and develop uniform methods for determining moisture in grains being bought and sold. This said study to include methods of test and standards for moisture meters.

RESOLUTION ON FAIR PACKAGING AND LABELING LEGISLATION Whereas, the National Conference on Weights and Measures has long provided leadership in a cooperative State-Federal-industry effort for nationwide uniformity in requirements for packaging and labeling of commodities in the interest of consumers; and

Whereas, under the leadership of the National Conference on Weights and Measures, a majority of the States have adopted similar laws and regulations in the cause of uniformity, and many industries, at great expense, have complied with these laws and regulations, especially as they apply to labeling; and

Whereas, in 1963, the 48th National Conference adopted a resolution of appreciation for congressional interest in "Truth in Packaging" legislation; and

Whereas, U.S. Senate Bill S. 985, "Fair Packaging and Labeling,” as reported favorably by the Senate Committee on Commerce in May 1966 and subsequently passed by the Senate, in general is consistent with the aims and efforts of this Conference: Therefore, be it

Resolved, That this 51st National Conference on Weights and Measures, duly assembled in Denver, Colorado, this 15th of July 1966, hereendorses legislation on fair packaging and labeling to attain the goals parallel with this Conference; and be it further

Resolved, That this Conference endorses enactment by the Congress of S. 985 as passed by the Senate, but recommends, in order to facilitate the accomplishment of the bill's objectives, certain technical language changes, as follows:

1. Section 12, pertaining to the bill's effect on State law, should be clarified to reflect the view of the Senate Committee on Commerce,

as published in the Report of the Committee, that "the bill is not intended to limit the authority of the States to establish such packaging and labeling standards as they deem necessary in response to State and local needs." Specifically, the Conference recommends the substitu tion of the words "are inconsistent or in conflict with" for "differ from" in said Section 12. This would make absolutely clear that State consumer-oriented weights and measures laws are not nullified, whether differing or not from Federal laws or regulations, if these are necessary for the protection of the citizens of the State and do not conflict with Federal laws or regulations so as unreasonably to affect the flow of products in interstate commerce.

2. The requirements for the declaration of net quantity of contents on the label under Section 4(a)(3)(A) should be expressed in terms of the largest whole unit or decimal fraction thereof, rather than being restricted to ounces or whole units of pounds, pints, or quarts. Declarations of quantities of length, area, and numerical count should be included in such requirements.

3. Since the words "accurately stated" in Section 4(a)(2) could be construed under present custom and usage to allow no measurement inaccuracy whatsoever, the Conference recommends adding the phrase "as is consistent with good packaging practice" after the words "accurately stated.”

4. The parenthetical expression in Section 4(a)(3)(B), “(by typography, layout, color, embossing, or molding)," should be deleted, since the three critical points with respect to conspicuousness are type size, color contrast, and free surrounding area.

and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the ap propriate committee or committees of Congress and to the Secretary of Commerce.

E. W. BALLENTINE, Chairman



Committee on Resolutions

(On motion of the Committee Chairman, seconded from the floor, the Report of the Committee on Resolutions was adopted by voice vote.)


presented by N. P. TILLEMAN, Chairman, City Sealer of Weights and Measures, Green Bay, Wisconsin

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(The report of the Auditing Committee was adopted by voice vote.)

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