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apprehension is, that a majority cannot be induced to adopt the trial by jury; and I consider that as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution. Mr. Paradise is the bearer of this letter. He can supply those details which it would be too tedious to write.

I am, with great-esteem, Dear Sir, your friend and servant, TH: JEFFERSON.



Adams John, letters to, 25, 36, 80, 171, 226, 240, 265, 271,
293, 409.

Asquith Lister, letter to, 26.

Authentication of deeds to be sent to the United States, the rea-
sons of T. J. for declining the, 412.


Bancroft Doctor, letter to, 433.
Bannister J. junior, letter to, 161.
Barclay Thomas, letter to, 201.

Bellini Mr. letter to, 340.

Bernstorff le Comte de, letters to, 285, 326.

Bingham Mrs. letter to, 94.

Brehan Madame de, letters to, 250, 440.

Brown John, letter to, 316.

Buffon Monsieur le Comte de, letter to, 243.


Carleton Sir Guy, instructions to, 41.

Carmichael William, letters to, 11, 29, 70, 160, 268, 318, 355,


Carnes Mr. letters to, 239, 432.

Carr Peter, letters to, 215, 325.

Carrington Colonel Edward, letters to, 84, 202, 277.

Cathalan Stephen, junior, letters to, 182, 356.

Charter of Rights, sketch of, for the States General, 473,

Churchman John, letter to, 214.

Convention Consular, made with France, 375.

Corny Madame de, letters to, 170, 252.

[blocks in formation]

Cosway Mrs. letters to, 46, 56.

Creve-coeur Monsieur de, letters to, 82, 350.
Currie Doctor, letter to, 204.

Cutting Mr. letters to, 359, 370.


Donald A. letters to, 191, 290, 384.

Drayton William, letters to, 14, 193.

Dumas Mr. letters to, 13, 97, 244, 251, 296.


England and France, declaration and counter-declaration of the

courts of, 259, 260.

Eppes J. W. letter to, 190.

Etienne Monsieur de St. letter to, 472.


Fayette Marquis de la, letters to, 101, 104, 456, 474, 489, 490,
491, 492.

France and England, declaration and counter-declaration of the
courts of, see England.

[blocks in formation]

Harcourt Monsieur le Duc D', letter to, 81.

Hartley David, letter to, 173.

Hawkins Mr. letter to, 205.

Hommande Monsieur l', letter to, 214.

Hopkinson F. letter to, 438.

Humphreys Colonel, letters to, 224, 447.


Jay John, letters to, 3, 5, 27, 39, 74, 77, 91, 97, 99, 100, 107,
166, 208, 225, 231, 237, 239, 245, 248, 255, 260, 281, 293,
307, 311, 320, 345, 352, 353, 357, 360, 368, 371, 385, 402,
417, 423, 427, 428, 435, 459, 475, 483, 487.

Jones Joseph, letter to, 221.

Journey, memoranda of into the south of France and north of
Italy, 115.


Lambe Mr. letter to, 30.
Lambert Monsieur, letter to, 285.
Lee Richard Henry, letter to, 1.
Limozin Monsieur, letter to, 279.


Madison James, letters to, 7, 64, 86, 162, 199, 247, 272, 303,
323, 342, 381, 421, 441, 466, 481.

Madison James, of William and Mary College, letter to, 335.
Malesherbes M. de, letter to, 434.

Monroe Colonel, letters to, 21, 33, 41, 68, 206, 349.

Montmorin Count de, observations to, 177; letters to, 185, 253,

263, 328, 363, 491.

Morellet M. l'Abbé, letter to, 176.

Moustier Monsieur le Comte de, letters to, 250, 310.

[blocks in formation]

Paine Thomas, letters to, 415, 445, 470, 493; extract of a letter

from, 465.

Paris, letter to Prevot des Marchands et Echevins de, 32.

Pleasants T. letter to, 20.

Pontiere Monsieur de, letter to, 468.

Price Doctor, letter to, 290.


Randolph Governor, letter to, 96.

Randolph T. M. junior, letter to, 180.

Reyneval Monsieur de, letters to, 31, 364, 369.

Rhode Island, letter to the Delegates of in Congress, 184.

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