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So many predictions and prophecies have failed, that the first question asked will be, "Is this book a fraud or does the writer profess inspiration?" To which I promptly answer, neither.

I claim there will be a revolution in the year 1907, just as you might claim the sun will rise and set at that time. Divine powers of prophecy are not required in either case. Both claims may be established scientifically. If you play with fire in a powder magazine you can prophecy an explosion. A doctor examining a consumptive can tell without being inspired, what is in store for his patient. Were you to drift with the current above Niagara Falls, the consequences might easily be predicted.

I claim that the political, social and industrial signs of an impending revolution are plain and easily read; and having brought them before you, ask you to read, think and diagnose for yourself.

I see danger ahead. So do many, many others. I may not be heard, yet duty compels me to raise my voice in

protest. It may be too late, (and I am convinced such is the case), yet I could not refrain if I would. I dare not. I must put forth my strongest effort to be heard.

For that large number of earnest reformers toiling in the noblest work man can engage in, endeavoring in the face of adversity to uplift mankind, I predict failure in their attempt to prevent the revolution. I do not say their efforts are wasted or lost. Far from it. The good seed they sow today will take root and bring forth an abundant harvest. But not until after the revolution.

Just a word to those who at first might think I am an anarchist, working and wishing for the revolution.

Do you blame the watchman for sounding the alarm, or the man who cries "Fire!" when the warning notes are those of truth?

Should the engineer blame the flagman who signals that danger is ahead? Or should the physician be blamed when he pronounces a malady fatal? All of these are friends, not enemies. They have not caused the trouble. They raise their hands and voices to aid in finding a way of escape.

I see grave danger ahead. I cannot endure the indifference around me. I love my country and love its people. From the housetops I shall proclaim the truth. If there is any way to make people think before it is too late, I shall not leave a stone unturned in endeavoring to find it.

Some will be made to think. Some cannot. be convinced by reason; others will only scoff.

Some will

But with

the earnest hope that the majority will see and appreciate the peril to our government today, this book is sent forth.

To substantiate my position I present the opinions of noted jurists, lawyers and business men. I quote the deepest thinkers, the best writers, and some of the most widely-read magazines in the country. This vast array of testimony adds infinite weight to my prediction. Lest some might think this book is the idea of one man, the product of one mind, I say that I have done nothing but place the truth and facts side by side, and just as they exist today, so that none can fail to discern clearly the signs of the time. All that is asked, all that is invoked, is earnest thought and consideration of these the most serious and important questions of the day. If this end be attained, then is the aim of this book achieved, and the labor and hopes of the author amply rewarded.


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