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gain in the use of machines. The fact stands out so prominently that hundreds of thousands of men are now idle because machines are doing the work they formerly did, that any man must recognize it, if he will think but a moment. These men out of work do not buy as many goods as when employed, and this decreases the demand for goods, and thus prevents many more workmen froin being employed, increases the number out of work and stops more purchasing.

"What are you going to do with these unemployed? That prices of goods, as a whole, are being cheapened, does not give these men employment. There is no occupation open to them, for all occupations are glutted with men, for the same reason. You can't kill them (unless they strike), and there is nowhere for them to go. In all seriousness I ask, what are you going to do with them? Skilled farmers are bankrupting, so what show would these men have at that, even if they had land?

"These men are multiplying like leaves of the forest. Their numbers are estimated by milllions. There is no prospect of many of them getting employment, or if they do, it is only to take the places of others now employed who would then be added to the out-of-works. You think, perhaps, that it is none of your concern what becomes of them, but, my dear sir, it is your concern, and you will realize it before many seasons. It is a subject that cannot be dismissed by turning on your heel and refusing to listen. The French people thought that, once upon a time,

but they learned differently, even if the present generation has forgotten the lesson. The present generation in the United States must solve this question, and will solve it. in some way. It may be in peace and love and justice, or it may be by a man on horseback trampling down the rights of all, as you now carelessly see the rights of some trampled.

"The French were warned, but they could not listen because of the gaiety of royal rottenness. Will you listen? or will the present course be permitted to run unchecked until five or six millions are clamoring for bread or the oxide of iron? The trouble, when it comes, will be intensified in the United States a hundred-fold, because of the social conditions that have prevailed here for a century. The love of liberty has grown stalwart, nursed on a hatred of kings, tyrants and oppressors. No army or navy from the masses can be relied upon to shoot their own fathers and brothers at the beck or order of untitled or titled kings. Seeing what must result from a too prolonged idleness of millions, whose conditions will soon cement a bond of fellowship, do you not think you have some interest in the conditions they are producing? Would it not be better to find and apply a remedy, to employ these men, even in public workshops, than to have the finale?

"We know what the capitalists are doing: We see them preparing the munitions of war to rule the masses by force of arms. But they are foolish. They are wise only in their own conceits. They are adopting the tactics of

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Coxey's Army. The forerunner of the Army of the Revolution.

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kings, and will be as chaff before the wind, by and by. Ali the fates are against their tactics. Kings, with greater armies than can be mustered to fight for capitalism here, are trembling before the steady growth of a higher civilization among the people, hurried on by the distress of this rapidly increasing army of out-of-works. Justice injures none, though it may shut off the privileges of robbers. Let us as citizens, solve and settle the problem lawfully, not as partisans, but as citizens who think more of country than of party, and more of ustice than the king's gold."

All of these facts bring back to mind the awful conditions that prevailed in 1893. They will be duplicated with interest. Listen! Every one remembers Coxey's Army. How it was laughed at and treated as a joke. But imagine another similar army! Imagine times vastly harder and the size greatly increased. When Coxey's Army strode into Washington it was laughed and sneered at; but this army will receive the moral support and encouragement of 70,000,000 people. Will this time ever come? I think so. I am prepared to prove it. After you have studied and analized each element at work you will be forced to admit the same.

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