Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
African answer Assistant Minister Attorney-General beg to reply beg to support Bill cent coffee farmers cost of energy democracy Development documents drugs Electric Power Act electrification ensure European Union factories in Gatundu Gatundu Gatundu South going Government health institutions important inquest file investigations IPPs J.D. Lotodo KenGen Kenya Power Kenyans Kiganjo Kisii liberalisation Lighting Company KPLC Marine Shipping LCC Marsabit Matondoni megawatts Member milk Minister for Energy Ministry of Energy monopoly Motion as amended Muihia multipartyism Muriuki Murungaru Musila Mwingi District Najat Marine Shipping Ngutu Ntwiga Nyahururu Nyamira Ochuodho Ol Kalou P.K. Mwangi Parliament Phase political parties Power and Lighting Private Notice programme projects Question by Private Raila Raila Odinga recruitment retrenchment rivers road rural areas Samoei Sasura Sessional Papers STABEX funds Sumbeiywo supplied support this Motion tell this House Temporary Deputy Speaker Thika District Thirikwa Uganda Wako