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Kessler, S. J., "Sulfuric Acid in Root-canals"
correspondence), 918
Keyes, Frederick A., "Army Dentistry (Forsyth
Lectures for the Army Dental Reserve
Corps)" (bibliographical). 827
King, J. M., "Vincent's Angina: Report of a
Case," review of, 1159

Kirk, E. C., "A Dental Anomaly" (Hints), 539
on the clinical phenomena attending perice-
mental abscesses upon vital teeth, 571, 668
Kolmer, John A., and Edw. Steinfield, "The Dis-
infection of Pneumococcus-Carriers," re-
view of, 533

Kotts, Fred A., "Casting Zinc Electrode Points
for Ionization," 360

Krebs, Adolph, "Disease of the Eye from Focal
Infection," review of, 834

Kritchevski, D. S., "Scurvy-like Pyorrhea at the
Front" (correspondence), 709
Kritchevsky, B., and P. Séguin, "The Pathogenesis
and Treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris,"

Küsel, Geo. C., on care of the mouth during
pregnancy, 334

LABORATORY, dental, limitations of the, 325
Laboratory Diagnosis, Essentials of (bibliograph-
ical), 715

L'Alde Confraternelle, appeal for French dentists
made by (see editorial), 81
Honor Roll, 348, 624

Lain, E. S., "Herpes Zoster, A Focal Infection,"
review of, 86

Lancing of the gums in difficult dentition, 92
Langstroth, Lovell, "The Incidence of Chronic
Focal Infection in Chronic Diseases," re-
view of, 354

Lateral teeth, variation in, 1110

Laval University, School of Dental Surgery, com-
mencement of, 744

Law, W. J., "Twelve Months with British Pris-
oners of War," 950

Lee, Alfred P., on the pathology, etiology, and
treatment of pyorrhea, 618

Legal decisions : Cassius M. Carr patent void,

Dentists' Mutual Protective Alliance wins in
Taggart case,


Legislation, dental; provision for the Naval Den-
tal Corps, 733

Legislation, Pending Navy Dental (editorial), 344
Legislation (Proposed) for Navy Dental Corps,
(editorial), 166

proposed for the naval dental corps, 272, 365
Leucoplakia of the tongue, 941
Leucoplakia oris, 358

Levy, R. L., "Facial Paralysis Following Pasteur
Antirabic Treatment," review of, 91
Lewis, D. N., "The Porcelain Jacket Crown," re-

view of, 260

Lewis, J. M., on "procain for dental operations,"

Libraries, dental, some modern, 130

Lieberthal, R. H., "Correct Impression-Taking"

(clinic), 65

Lincoln Dental College, commencement of, 740
Lipoids, the, in tumors of the dental system, 831
Literature, Dental Scientific (editorial), 254
Literature, current dental, a brief review of, 301
periodical, need of an index of, 128
Local anesthesia for painless operating, 356
Local anesthetic solutions, to increase efficiency
of, 175

Locking devices for two-piece splint, description
of, 974

Logan, Geo. F., on educating the public along
prophylactic lines, 713

on non-cohesive gold, 713

[blocks in formation]

MCCALL, JOHN O., "Primary Factors in the Eti-
ology of Periodontoclasia," 1084

on crown and bridge work, 1139
McConnell, Guthrie, "General Pathology and
Bacteriology for Dental Students" (bib-
liographical), 715

McCoy, James D., "Dental and Oral Radiography"
(bibliographical), 626

McGill University, Department of Dentistry, com-
mencement of, 737

McKay, F. S., "Progress of the Year in the In-
vestigation of Mottled Enamel, with Spe-
cial Reference to Its Association with A-
tesian Water," review of, 831

McKinstry, W. H., "A Serological Investigation
of Vincent's Angina," review of, 449
McLean, David W., "Asepsis vs. Antisepsis in
Root-canal Procedure," 491

on the control of focal infections, 1013
Machat, B. B., "Mouth Diagnosis" (clinic), 65
Macroglossia lymphangioma, with report of case,

Maine Board of Examiners, 195, 380

Maine dental law providing for dental hygienists,

Maine Dental Society, announcement, 379
Maitland, H. B., and H. K. Detweiler, "The
Localization of Streptococcus Viridans,"
review of, 173

Major, R. H., "Multiple Primary Malignant
Tumors," review of, 1162
Malformations, maxillo-dental-facial, 1159
Mallett, Stephen W., "Procain for Dental Oper-
ations," 966

Malocclusion, early diagnostic signs of, 790
etiology of, 789

importance of diagnosis of causes before at-
tempting treatment, 485

importance of proper muscle function in the
correction of, 858

Maltase, tests for, 289

Mandibular movement,


teeth do not control,

Mandible, anesthesia of, with procain-suprarenin,


unilateral hypertrophy of, 633

war fractures of, 629

Manila, dental clinics in, 1115

Manning, Paul R., "Electrobiolytic Theory of

Dental Caries," 26

Manson, David, on the influence of general health
on oral tissue, 242

president's address (Northeastern Dental As-
sociation), 151

Mantoux, C., "The Fifth Cusp and Congenital
Syphilis," review of, 447

Marquette Dental Alumni Association, announce-
ment, 194

Marquette University, School of Dentistry, com-
ment of, 849

Marshall, John S., "Persistent Chronic Apical
Inflammation and Its Treatment," review
of, 169

Maryland Board of Examiners, 379
Maryland State Dental Association, proceedings
of, 1130

Massachusetts Board of Examiners, 100, 856

Massachusetts State Dental Society, announce-

ment, 376

Mastication, insufficient, due to frail alveolar
bone, 576

thorough, as an economic measure, 93
Matrices for amalgam, 178, 1163

Matrix, a handy, 634

for synthetic fillings in adjoining approximal
cavities, 175

Matrix bands, good method for keeping, 452
Mattiossian, H. B., care of the mouth during
pregnancy, 335

on plaster vs. modeling composition for taking
impressions, 251

on the pathology, etiology, and treatment of
pyorrhea, 617

Maxfield, Geo. A., on president's address (North-
eastern Dental Association), 158
obituary notice of, 947

Maxilla, anesthesia of, with procain-suprarenin,


Mayhew, J. M., "Gonococcus Infection of the
Mucous Membrane of the Oral Cavity,"
review of, 534

Mayo, C. H., "The Control of Focal Infections,"

Medical College of Virginia, College of Dentistry,

commencement of, 847

Medical corps instruction extended, 275
Medical enlisted reserve corps, enlistment in, of
students of dental schools, 748

Medical ideas on bacteriology and caries (edito-
rial), 1049

Medical schools, continuous sessions in (report
of A. M. A. Council on Medical Education),

Medicine, the role of sepsis and of antisepsis in,

Medicine and dentistry, the line of demarcation
between, 985

relation of, 982

Meisburger, Louis, "Practical Sterilization for the

Dentist," 240

Meningitis, a case of, associated with the pres-
ence of bacillus fusiformis, 1160
Meniscus of the mandibular joint, effect of loss of
teeth upon the, 509

Mercury stains on gold crowns, to remove, 634
Merritt, A. H., "The Pathology, Etiology, and
Treatment of Pyorrhea," 574

Mershon, J. V., on exercises for development of
the muscles of the face, 934

on the removal of infected roots of deciduous
teeth, 335

Mewborn, Joseph L., obituary of, 361

Meyer, K. F., "The Present Status of Dental

Bacteriology," review of, 171

Michigan Board of Examiners, 379, 961
Michigan State Dental Society, announcement,


Miner, L. M. S., "The Influence of General Health
on Oral Tissue," 234

on the use of local in connection with gen-
eral anesthesia, 244

Minnesota State Dental Association, announce-
ment, 99

Mississippi Board of Examiners, 195

Mississippi State Dental Association, announce-
ment, 375

proceedings of, 1041

Missouri Board of Examiners, 552, 961

Missouri State Dental Association, announcement,

Modeling composition, taking impressions with, 92
Modeling compound, preparation of, for taking
impressions, 226

technique of taking impressions with, 226
Models, plaster, 175

Moffat, J. N. C., "Conduction Anesthesia," 1124

Moffitt, R. H., obituary of, 364

Molar, first permanent, importance of saving, 778
rudimentary impacted lower third, report of
a case of, 51

Molars, lower third, impacted, 101

Montana Board of Dental Examiners, 99, 554,


Montana State Dental Society, announcement, 657
Montgomery, Douglass W., "Leucoplakia of the
Tongue," review of, 941

Montgomery, D. W., and G. D. Culver, "Paral-
ysis of the Facialis Caused by Salvarsan,"
review of, 170

Morestin, "Cartilage Transplantation in Exten-
sive Wounds of the Lower Jaw," review
of, 172

Morrison, James Beall, obituary notice of, 269
Mothers, dental treatment for, 453

Mottled enamel, investigation of, with special
reference to its association with artesian
water, 831

Mottled teeth, notes upon, 631
Moufang, Alphonse N., "A Suggestion for Mak-
ing Splints in Two Separate Parts and
Their Union by Means of a Lock," 972
Mouth, examination of, preparatory to making a
plate, 877

gonococcus infection of the mucous membrane
in, 534

oldest part of the face, in the course of evolu-
tion, 116

preparation of, previous to dental operations,


systemic disturbances reflected in the, 234
Mouthwashes, uselessness of, 982
Mozer, M., and C. Chenet, "The Dental Stigmata
in Congenital Syphilis," review of, 447
Mucosa of the lip, retention cysts of, 831
Mulcahy, L. L., on "Correspondent's Report"
Dental Society of the State of New York),

Munger, Carl E., "Tuberculoma of the Tongue,"
review of, 171

Murlless, F. T., "President's Address" (Eastern
Angle Association), 928

on the diagnosis of malocclusion in its early
stages, 819

Muscle groups, consideration of the various, 862
Muscle trimming, 179, 227

Muscles of the face, exercises for the develop-
ment of, 857

of expression, 869

of mastication, 863

Muscular tissue, physiology of, 859

NASAL and palatal restoration, a case of, 131
National Association of Dental Examiners, an-

nouncement, 548

National Association of Dental Faculties, an-
nouncement, 375

National Association of Industrial Dental Sur-
geons, announcement, 960

National Dental Association, announcement, 548,
656, 754

National Mouth Hygiene Association, 196
Naval appropriation bill-provision for the Naval
Dental Corps, 733

Naval dental reserve corps, examinations for,
750, 1064

Naval dental surgeon, the, at work, 434

Navy dental corps, examination of candidates
for, 1064

increase and reorganization of 647

legislation limiting rank of members of, to
lieutenant-commander, 750

proposed legislation for, 166, 272, 365, 647
recent legislation concerning (see editorial),

Navy Dental Legislation, Pending (editorial), 344
Nebraska Board of Examiners, 553
Needles, hypodermic, to clean, 634
Nephritis, chronic; uremia; severe hemorrhage
from gums, 530

Nerve-blocking, 178, 729

Nesbett, Norman B., "A Simple Form of Re-
movable Bridge Work with Cast Clasps,"

Neuralgia, dental, or pain referred to branches of
the fifth nerve, 91

ionization in the treatment of, 357
terminal, a surgeon's impression of, 829
trigeminal, operative treatment of, 940
New, G. B., "Use of Heat and Radium in Treat-
ment of Cancer of the Jaws and Cheeks,"
review of, 831

New Jersey Board of Registration, 285, 1069
New Jersey, new dental law in, authorizing the
establishment of free dental clinics
municipalities, 644


New Jersey State Dental Society, announcement,

proceedings of, 54, 1019

New York City, oral hygiene ordinance for, 644
New York College of Dentistry, commencement of,

New York State, status of dentistry in, prior to
1868, 793

New Zealand, army dental service in, 952
free dentistry in, 265

Nies, F. H., "A New Continuous-gum Set," review
of, 719

Nitrous oxid-oxygen anesthesia, changes pro-
duced in the blood by, 633

Nitzschke, Wm. H., "Sterilization of Tooth Tis-
sues with Silver Nitrate" (correspon-
dence), 52

Noma, a case of, following paratyphoid B, 1059
Nomenclature, orthodontic, 267

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania,
announcement, 195

Officers, dental reserve, promotion of, 275
Ohio State Dental Society, 1068

Ohio State University, College of Dentistry, com-
mencement of, 736

Oklahoma Board of Examiners, 553, 961
Omaha, Dental Dispensary of, 454

Ontario Dental Society, announcement, 284
Operations, dental, preparation of the mouth for,

plastic and dental, two cases illustrating, 172
Operative and prosthetic dental procedures, de-
fective, 1088

Operative dentistry, the past and present of, 884
Oral foci, relation of skin manifestations to,
clinic on, 65

Oral hygiene, dietetics and, 840

Oral hygiene ordinance for New York City, 644
Oral infections, effect of, on general health, 229
Oral mutilations, prosthesis for, 841
Oral restoration, nature's tolerance and compen-
sating adjustments as they relate to, 986
success in; what are the fundamental prin-
ciples upon which it must be based? 785
Oral sanitation, 990

Oral Sepsis (editorial), 621

"Oral sepsis," Wm. Hunter on, 591
"Oral Sepsis in Its Relationship to Systemic
Disease," by Wm. W. Duke (bibliograph-
ical), 627

Oral surgeon, the, and other specialists, need of
co-operation between, 221

Oral tissue, influence of general health on, 234
Orthodontia, a biological problem, 396

bearing of physical anthropology on the prob-
lem of, 305

movement of teeth predetermined by engineer-
ing instruments, 39

Orthodontic nomenclature, 267

Orthodontic problem, nature of the, 394
Orthodontic treatment of advanced cases, and pa-
tients coming from a distance, 45
Orthodonty, evolution of, 417

Osborn, H. F., on the bearing of physical anthro-
pology on the problem of orthodontia, 333
on the evolution of orthodontia, 435
Osborn, Lloyd A., obituary notice of, 948
Osborne, Oliver T., "The Menace of Mouth In-
fections," review of, 167

Osborne, Weeden Edward (dental surgeon, T. S.
navy), heroic death of, 851

Osgood, Ammon, obituary of, 842

Osler on defective teeth, 296

Osteomyelitis, chronic, case illustrating possible
relationship of, to oral focus, 147

Ottofy, Louis, "A Case of Tooth Gemination"
(correspondence), 807

"Dental Clinics in Manila." 1115

Ottolengui, R., on motor cars for camps, 958

on operative dentistry, 920

Overbite, extensive, pericemental abscesses on
vital teeth, the result of, 669

PACKING amalgam, technique for, 359
Pain, of devitalized pulp, to relieve, 1162
post-extraction, to relieve, 264

Palatal and nasal restoration, a case of, 131
Palatal surface of vulcanite dentures, to obtain
smooth finish on, 838

Palate, cleft, surgical correction of, 581

hard, perforating ulcer of the, resembling
tertiary syphilis, but due to a fuso-spiril-
lary invasion, 1160

Paper points in cleaning root-canals, 534
Paraffin treatment of burns, 175, 637

Paralysis, facial, following Pasteur antirabic
treatment, 91

Paralysis, facial, in a syphilitic, 1160

of the facialis, caused by salvarsan, 170
Parotitis, experimental, 1160

septic; 172

Pasteur antirabic treatment, facial paralysis fol-
lowing, 91

Patent litigation, decision in: Cassius M. Carr
patent void, 734

Dentists' Mutual Protective Alliance wins in
Taggart case, 735

Patent Office, Washington-special notice, 855
Patents, dental, monthly record of, 100, 196, 286,
380, 472, 554, 758, 962, 1070, 1174
Paterson, Alexander H., "Careful Technique the
Greatest Factor in the Construction of
Full Upper and Lower Dentures." 876
Pathology, General, and Bacteriology for Dental
Students (bibliographical), 715
Patients coming from a distance, orthodontic
treatment of, 45

Pearson, W. H., "President's Address" (Virginia
State Dental Association), 1033
Pennsylvania Board of Examiners, 379, 1069
Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, disso-
lution of, notice as to action of the Board
of Corporators, 654
Pennsylvania State Dental Society, announce-
ment, 195

Penrose, Clement A., "Some Experiences in the
Camps and Fields of the Armies Over-
seas," 1119

Percy, Nelson M., "Tumor of the Gasserian
Ganglion," review of, 941

Pericemental abscesses on vital teeth, nature of,

[blocks in formation]

Platinized gold backing, substitute for. 176
Platinum, iridium, palladium; Government regu-
lations limiting the sale, possession, and
use of these metals and compounds there-
of. 1066

rescinding of the Government regulations as
to. 1171

Platt, Harry, Geo. G. Campion, and Barron Rod-
way, "On Bone-grafting in Gunshot
Wounds of the Mandible," review of, 632
Platysma myoides, 870
Pneumococcus-carriers, disinfection of, 533
Policies, dental office, compared, with special ref-
erence to pulp exposure or death, 692
Polishing material for dentures, 534
Polishing vulcanite or metal plates, method of, 838
Pond, W. R., on president's address (North-

eastern Dental Association), 154

on the influence of the general health on
oral tissues, 242

Porcelain crown, new method of making, 839
Porcelain inlay, the, 1061
Porcelain jacket crown, 260

fitting of the, 407

Postgraduate Dental Meeting (Ala., Miss., Texas,

and La.), 378

Potter, N. B., A. McNeil. and S. Bradbury,
"Streptococcus Oral Sepsis: Complement
Fixation Test and the Value of Routine
Blood Examinations," review of, 450
Practitioner's Medical Dictionary, The, by Geo.
M. Gould (bibliographical), 84
Pregnancy, importance of dental supervision dur-
ing, 314

Prentiss, H. J.. "A Preliminary Report upon the
Temporo-mandibular Articulation in the
Human Type," 505

Preparedness League of American Dentists, an-
nouncement. 98, 277, 371, 464, 544, 651,
752, 856, 956, 1062, 1169

Preventive dentistry, 1103

the dentist's safeguard, 230

Price, W. A., and M. M. Brooks, "The Relative
Efficiency of Medicaments for the Steril-
ization of Tooth Structures," review of,

Prinz, Hermann, "Clinical Methods of Treating
Hypersensitive Dentin," review of, 88
"The Relationship of Oral Secretions to Den-
tal Caries (1) Method of Determining the
Amylolytic Index of Human Saliva," 140
(ii) "Conditions Influencing the Quantity
and Action of the Amylase Content of
Human Saliva." 197

(iii) "Ferments of Human Saliva Other than
Amylase," 287

"Sterilization of Root canals," 1071

"The Technique of Root Amputation," 381,


Prinz, Hermann, and W. F. Barry, "Conduction
Anesthesia" (clinic), 64

Procain, anesthetic properties of, 966
Procain and novocain identical, 919
Procain-suprarenin tablets, 967

solution prepared from, 968

Professional Appeal, A (editorial), 81 (348, 624)
Proposed Legislation for Navy Dental Corps
(editorial), 166

Prosthesis for oral mutilations, 841

type 18. temperament in the selection of
teeth, 108

Prosthetic dentistry, necessity of more interest
in, 223

needs of, 1108

Prosthetics, Dental, Manual of, by G. H. Wilson

(bibliographical), 85

Provan, Walter F., "Application of Silver Nitrate
Solution in Root-canal Work" (Hints),

Pruritis ani, true; its association with pyorrhea
alveolaris, 944

Psi Omega Fraternity, announcement. 194, 549
Psychology of the child, 1164

Ptosis, a case of, as the result of pulpitis, 709
Public health, unclean mouths a menace to, 294
Pulp, resistance of, to operative measures, 987
treatment of active hyperemia of, 177
Pulp chambers of tender or sore teeth, opening
the, 534

Pulp devitalization, 492

aseptic precautions in, 1101

contra-indicated, in placing permanent pyor-
rhea "fixatures," 672

Pulp exposure or death, comparison of office poli-
cies, with special reference to, 692

Pulpitis, a case of ptosis as the result of, 709
Pulpless teeth, phenol-sulfonic acid for, 178
preparation of, for jacket crown, 405
the question of retention of, 838
Pulps, use of arsenic for destroying, 176
Pulp testing, 891

Pyorrhea alveolaris, 536

blepharospasm secondary to, 834
causes of, of local origin, 660

clinical alveolar lesions associated with, 759
conditions similar to, the result of gastro-
intestinal disorders, 236

[blocks in formation]

RABINOWITZ, MEYER A.. "Aberrant Thyroid
Tumor of the Tongue," review of, 943
Radiograph, radiolucency of chloro-percha in the,
433, 611

what to expect and what not to expect from
the, 454

Radiographs, dental, technique of making, 232
Radiography, Dental and Oral, by J. D. McCoy
(bibliographical), 626

Radium, treatment of cancer of the lip by, 632
Radium and heat, use of, in treatment of cancer
of the jaws and cheeks. 831

Railliet, G. "The Maxillary Eminence of Sabour-
aud Its Clinical Significance," review of,

Ratcheff, C. W., "A Case of Tooth Gemination"
(correspondence), 330

Raymond, E. H., "A Type of Denture for Army
Use," 516

Reconstruction, Dentistry in Relation to (edito-
rial), 1149

Reder, Francis, "Giant-cell Epulis of the Upper
Jaw," review of, 528

Register, H. C., on a comparison of office policies,
with special reference to pulp exposure or
death, 711

on non-cohesive gold, 710

Reinoehl, W. (see obituary notice of Leon Vander-

White), 842

Reliefs in artificial dentures, 536
Replantation, tooth, 474, 613
post-operative treatment, 478
prognosis of, 474

some illustrative cases, 480
splint for, 479

technique of the operation, 475
three rare cases of, 261

Replantation and transplantation of teeth, with
special reference to the patho-histology
of the tissues of attachment, 527

Replanting vs. apicoectomy, 473
Re-sterilizing compound, instructions in, 1162
Retter. Arwed, obituary notice of, 540

Rhein, M. L., on the control of focal infections,

Rhode Island Board of Registration, 472, 1069
Rich, Amos C., "President's Address (Dental So-
ciety of the State of New York), 809

on Preparedness League of American Den-
tists, 811

Richmond crowns and bridge work, vulcolox an-
teriors in, 939

Riethmueller, R. H., on dentist or stomatologist?


Rip Van Winkle, M.D. (editorial), 1049
Roberts, Percy W., "Syphilitic Joint Lesions Sim-
ulating Tuberculosis," review of, 447
Robertson, D. E., and W. E. Gallie, "Trans-
plantation of Bone," review of, 533

Robin, Pierre, "Maxillo-facial-dental Malforma-
tions," review of, 1159

"Measurement of the Force of the Jaws,"
review of, 1058

Robinson, W. J., on modeling compound for tak
ing impressions, 251

Rockey, A. E., "Anesthesia and Antiseptics in
Plastic Restoration of the Face and
Mouth." review of, 942

Rodway, B. J., H. Platt, and Geo. G. Campion,
"On Bone-grafting in Gunshot Wounds of
the Mandible," review of, 632
Roentgen ray, as an aid in diagnosis, 209
Roentgenograms, interpretation of, 695
Roentgenology, Oral, by Kurt H. Thoma (bib-
liographical), 84

Rogers, A. P., "Exercises for the Development
of the Muscles of the Face, with a View
to Increasing Their Functional Activity,"

on movement of teeth predetermined by en-
gineering instruments, 71

Rogers, Leonard, "Autogenous Oral Streptococcal
Vaccines in the Treatment of Seventeen
Cases of Sprue," review of, 942
Romanelli, Enzo, "A Case of Noma Following
Paratyphoid B," review of, 1059
Root, bad lateral, removing, 1163
Root amputation, 381, 914

anesthetization of parts involved in, 386
incision for, 387

indications for, 381

instrumentarium, 383

operative procedures, 386

post-operative treatment, 388

technique of, 520, 613

Root-canal, materials for filling, 494
technique for filling, a, 495

Root-canal filling, efforts to standardize the oper-
ation of. 231
technique of, 1099

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