Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
14 days 14 to seven abducted allow Anangwe answer Anyona ardhi hiyo asked the Minister aware beg to move beg to reply Capital Markets Authority Central Depositories Bill Chair debate Departmental Committee Deputy Speaker drugs Embu fact Finance Committee give Harambee Kamolleh Kariuki Katuku Keiyo District Kenya Ports Authority Kenyans Kiluta Kituyi Kiunjuri Kofa Kshs7 million Lands and Settlement Machakos Madoka Manga matter Member of Parliament Members Minister for Finance Minister for Information Minister for Lands Minister tell Ministerial Statement Miwani Sugar Company Mkalla Mombasa Mudavadi Munyao Mwala Constituency Mwenje Nanyuki Ndicho Nyagah Okemo Order Paper Planning and Trade point of order Procedural Motion publication period pyrrhic victory Question by Private read the Bills reason reduce the days relevant Committee repair seven days Supplementary Estimates talking Trade Committee Transport and Communications Wamunyu Water Project X-Ray machine