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The Honorable Sir Thomas McIlwraith,
K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.P.

*The Honorable John Murtagh Macrossan, M.P.
The Honorable John Donaldson, M.P.
The Honorable Sir Samuel Walker Griffith,
The Honorable Arthur Rutledge, M.P.
K.C.M.G., Q.C., M.P.
The Honorable Andrew Joseph Thynne, M. L. C.
The Honorable Thomas Macdonald-Paterson, M.L.C.

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*Decease reported 31st March. † Acting from 2nd to 9th March, during absence of Mr. Wrixon.



The Honorable SIR HENRY PARKES, G.C.M.G., M.P.



Chairman of Committees:

The Honorable JOSEPH PALMER ABBOTT, M.P., Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, N.S. W.

Members of the Convention:

Abbott, The Honorable Joseph Palmer, M.P. Atkinson, The Honorable Sir Harry Albert, K.C.M.G., M.L.C.

Baker, The Honorable Richard Chaffey, C. M.G., M.L.C.

Barton, The Honorable Edmund, Q.C., M.L.C.
Bird, The Honorable Bolton Stafford, M.H.A.
Bray, The Honorable Sir John Cox, K.C.M.G.,

Brown, The Honorable Nicholas John, M.H.A.
Burgess, The Honorable William Henry, M. H. A.
Clark, The Honorable Andrew Inglis, M. H.A.
Cockburn, John Alexander, Esq., M.D., M.P.
Cuthbert, The Honorable Henry, M.L.C.
Deakin, The Honorable Alfred, M.P.
Dibbs, George Richard, Esquire, M. P.
Donaldson, The Honorable John, M.P.
Douglas, The Honorable Adye, M. L.C.
Downer, The Honorable Sir John William,
K.C.M.G., Q.C., M.P.

Forrest, The Honorable John, C.M.G., M.P.
Forrest, Alexander, Esquire, M.P.
Fitzgerald, The Honorable Nicholas, M.L.C.
Fysh, The Honorable Philip Oakley, M. L.C.
Gillies, The Honorable Duncan, M.P.
Gordon, The Honorable John Hannah, M.L.C.
Grey, Sir George, K.C.B.

Griffith, The Honorable Sir Samuel Walker,
K.C.M.G., Q.C., M.P.

Hackett, The Honorable John Winthrop, M. L. C. Jennings, The Honorable Sir Patrick Alfred, K.C.M.G., LL. D., M.L.C.

Kingston, The Honorable Charles Cameron, Q.C., M.P.

Lee-Steere, The Honorable Sir James George,

Loton, William Thorley, Esquire, M. P.
*Macrossan, The Honorable John Murtagh, M.P.
McIlwraith, The Honorable Sir Thomas,
K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.P.

McMillan, The Honorable William, M.P.
Macdonald-Paterson, The Honorable Thomas,

Marmion, The Honorable William Edward, M.P.
Moore, The Honorable William, M.L.C.
Munro, The Honorable James, M. P.
Parkes, The Honorable Sir Henry, G.C.M.G.,

Playford, The Honorable Thomas, M. P.
Russell, Captain William Russell, M. H.R.
Rutledge, The Honorable Arthur, M.P.
+Shiels, The Honorable William, M. P.
Smith, The Honorable Lieutenant-Colonel
William Collard, M.P.

Suttor, The Honorable William Henry, M.L.C.
Thynne, The Honorable Andrew Joseph, M.L.C.
Wright, The Honorable John Arthur, M.L.C.
Wrixon, The Honorable Henry John, Q.C., M.P.


F. W. Webb, Esquire, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, N.S. W.

*Decease reported 31st March.

† Acting from 2nd to 9th March, during absence of Mr. Wrixon.





2 March to 9 April, 1891.


Abbreviations:-adj., Motion of Adjournment; m., Motion; obs., Observations; pers. expl.,
Personal Explanation.



Australian Natives' Association, 108.
Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church,
New South Wales and Queensland, Con-
ference of, 174.

Brisbane Chamber of Commerce, 409.

Broken Hill United Benefit Friendly Societies'
Council, 313.

Federated Builders' and Contractors' Associa-
tion of Australia, 108.

Improvement Societies' Union of Victoria, 174.
Melbourne Chamber of Commerce, 350.
New South Wales Licensed Victuallers'

Association, 519.

South Australia Literary Societies' Union, 174.
Suva Chamber of Commerce, 905.
Sydney Chamber of Commerce, 905.
Tuckurimba Progress Committee, 722.
Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, 108, 174.
Women's Christian Temperance Union, 174.
Warrnambool Citizens, 264.

Obs. on motions for, Mr. McMillan, 6, 721;
the President, 6, 512; Mr. Munro, 7, 263,
512; Mr. Dibbs, 7; Mr. Baker, 8, 513;
Sir John Bray, 264, 513; Mr. J. Forrest,
264, 515; Sir Samuel Griffith, 511, 513:
Mr. Abbott, 512, 513, 788; Mr. Clark, 512;
Mr. Barton, 513, 514, 788; Mr. Thynne,
513; Mr. Dibbs, 514; Sir John Downer,
514; Mr. Brown, 721.

[blocks in formation]

Sir George Grey, 518; withdrawn, 519;
report presented, and motion by Sir Samuel
Griffith that the report and appendices be
printed, agreed to, 521.


Motion by Mr. Suttor for appointment of a
committee to deal with the finance, taxation,
and trade regulations, with power to report
its conclusions to the Convention, 500;
motion withdrawn, 502; motion by Mr.
Barton referring the resolutions reported to
the Convention by Committee of the Whole
to two committees, the one for consideration
of constitutional powers and machinery, the
other for consideration of provisions relating
to finance, taxation, and trade regulation;
and directing that upon the result of the de-
liberations of the committees, the committee
on constitutional powers and machinery pre-
pare and submit to the Convention a bill
for the establishment of a federal constitu-
tion, 501, 507; debated by Mr. Playford,
502, 504; Sir John Downer, 502; Colonel
Smith, 502; Mr. Deakin, 503; Sir Samuel
Griffith, 503, 506, 508; Mr. Cuthbert, 504;
Mr. Wrixon, 505, 509; Mr. Dibbs, 505;
Mr. Munro, 506; (amendment by Mr. Clark
that a committee be also appointed to con-
sider the question of the establishment of a
federal judiciary, agreed to, 506); Dr.
Cockburn, 507; resolution, as amended,
agreed to, 509; committees appointed, 509,
510; motion by Sir Samuel Griffith that in
the event of the absence of any member of
a committee the delegation by which he
was chosen may have power to choose another
member in his stead, agreed to, 510; motion
by Mr. Barton that a majority of the com-
mittees form a quorum, agreed to, 510.
Motion by Mr. Munro that Joseph Palmer
Abbott, Esquire, be appointed Chairman of
Committees, agreed to, 313; motion by Mr.
Barton that Mr. W. Moore take the chair
in Committee on 7th April, agreed to, 788,

Motion by Sir Samuel Griffith referring draft
bill to Committee of the Whole Conven-
tion, 521; debated by Mr. Wrixon, 534;
Mr. Baker, 542; Mr. Clark, 546; agreed
to, 550.

In Committee:

Preliminary Provisions.

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Clause 1 (Short title), 550. Amendment by
Mr. Munro to change the name common-
wealth" to "federated states," 550; nega-
tived on division and clause agreed to, 557.
Clause 2 (Application of provisions referring
to the Queen) agreed to with verbal amend-
ment, 557.

Clause 3 (Power to proclaim commonwealth of
Australasia) agreed to, 557.

Clause 6 (Repeal of Federal Council of Austral-
asia Act), agreed to, 558.

Clause 7 (The constitution and laws of the
commonwealth binding) agreed to with
verbal amendment, 560.

Chapter I.-The Legislature.
Part I.-General.


Clause 2 (Governor-general), 560.
ment by Sir George Grey providing that
the governor-general may be elected, 561;
negatived on division, 573; clause verbally
amended, 574. Amendment by Mr. Baker
that the governor-general may exercise such
powers and functions as are contained in
schedule B, and such other powers and func-
tions not inconsistent therewith, 574; with-
drawn, 578; clause verbally amended and
agreed tɔ, 578.

Clause 3 (Salary of governor-general), 578.
Amendment by Sir Harry Atkinson pro
viding that parliament shall be left free to
deal with the question of salary, 578; with-
drawn, 581. Amendment by Sir John Bray
that until fixed by parliament the annual
salary shall be £10,000, 581; negatived on
division, 584. Amendment by Sir George
Grey that the annual salary be not less
than £6,000, negatived, 584; clause verbally
amended, 584. Amendment by Mr. Deakin
to prevent alteration of salary of governor-
general during continuance of office, 584;
negatived, and clause, as amended, agreed
to, 585.

Clause 6 (First session of parliament) agreed
to, 585.

Clause 8 (Privileges, &c., of houses), 585.
Amendment by Mr. Adye Douglas to omit
the provision giving the senate and house of
representatives the powers appertaining to
the House of Commons, 585; negatived, and
clause verbally amended and agreed to, 587.

Part II.-The Senate.
Clause 9 (Senate), 588. Amendment by Mr.
Munro to reduce the representation in the
senate from eight to six members for each
state, 588; negatived, 590. Amendment by
Mr. Kingston to enable the state legislatures
to adopt such system as may commend itself
to their judgment for choosing the senate,
590; negatived on division, 598. Amend-
ment by Sir Samuel Griffith that the senators

in each state shall be certified by the governor
to the governor-general, agreed to, and
clause, as amended, agreed to, 599.
Clause 10 (Mode of election of senators) agreed
to with verbal amendment, 599.

Clause 12 (Retirement of senators) verbally
amended and agreed to, 603.

Clause 13(How vacancies filled), 603. Amend-
ment by Mr. Barton that the houses of par-
liament shall choose senators to fill vacancies,
604; negatived, and clause agreed to, 605.
Clause 15 (Qualifications of senator), 605.
Amendment by Mr. Macdonald-Paterson
that senators must have been for ten years
resident within the limits of the common-
wealth, withdrawn, 606. Amendment by
Mr. Adye Douglas to abolish residential
qualification, 606; negatived, 608. Amend-
ment by Mr. Macdonald-Paterson provid-
ing a residential qualification of seven years,
withdrawn, 609. Amendment by Mr. J.
Forrest providing a residential qualifica-
tion of three years, negatived, 609. "Amend-
ment by Sir Samuel Griffith that a senator
must have been a subject of the Queen at
least five years before he is chosen, agreed
to, and clause, as amended, agreed to, 610.
Clause 16 (Election of president of the senate),
610. Amendment by Sir John Bray to
alter the method by which the choice of the
president shall be made known to the go-
vernor-general, negatived, and clause agreed
to, 611.

Clause 19 (Disqualification of senator by
absence) agreed to, 611.

Clause 22 (Quorum of senate) agreed to, 611.
Clause 23 (Voting in senate) agreed to, 612.

Part III.-The House of Representatives.
Clause 24 (Constitution of house of represen-
tatives) agreed to, 613.

Clause 25 (Qualification of electors), 613.
Amendment by Dr. Cockburn that no pro-
perty qualification shall be necessary for
electors, and that each elector shall have
a vote for one electoral district, 614; with-
drawn, 628; resubmitted, 636; negatived
on division, 637. Amendment by Mr. Bar-
ton that the parliament of the common-
wealth may make laws prescribing a uniform
qualification of electors, 628; negatived,
636; clause agreed to, 637.

Clause 26 (Provision for case of persons not
allowed to vote) agreed to, 638.

Clause 29 (Periodical reapportionment) agreed
to, 639.

Clause 32 (Qualification of member of house
of representatives). Amendment by Mr.
Deakin providing for a three years' resi-
dence within the limits of the common-
wealth, 639; agreed to on division, 640.
Amendment by Mr. Cuthbert that a mem-
ber must be a subject of the Queen for at
least three years before he is elected, agreed
to; and clause, as amended, agreed to, 640.
Clause 37 (Disqualification of members).
Amendment by Mr. Gordon that the place
of a member shall become vacant if for four
consecutive weeks during a session he fails

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