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(f) Code lot. All production of a particular product in a specific size container marked with a specific container code.

(g) Come-up time. The elapsed time, including venting time (if applicable), between the introduction of the heating medium into a closed retort and the start of process timing.

(h) Critical factor. Any characteristic, condition or aspect of a product, container, or procedure that affects the adequacy of the process schedule. Critical factors are established by processing authorities.

(i) Headspace. That portion of a container not occupied by the product.

(1) Gross headspace. The vertical distance between the level of the product (generally the liquid surface) in an upright rigid container and the top edge of the container (i.e., the flange of an unsealed can, the top of the double seam on a sealed can, or the top edge of an unsealed jar).

(2) Net headspace. The vertical distance between the level of the product (generally the liquid surface) in an upright rigid container and the inside surface of the lid.

(j) Hermetically sealed containers. Airtight containers which are designed and intended to protect the contents against the entry of microorganisms during and after thermal processing.

(1) Rigid container. A container, the shape or contour of which, when filled and sealed, is neither affected by the enclosed product nor deformed by external mechanical pressure of up to 10 pounds per square inch gauge (0.7 kg/ cm2) (i.e., normal firm finger pressure).

(2) Semirigid container. A container, the shape or contour of which, when filled and sealed, is not significantly affected by the enclosed product under normal atmospheric temperature and pressure, but can be deformed by external mechanical pressure of less than 10 pounds per square inch gauge (0.7 kg/ cm2) (i.e., normal firm finger pressure).

(3) Flexible container. A container, the shape or contour of which, when filled and sealed, is significantly affected by the enclosed product.

(k) Incubation tests. Tests in which the thermally processed product is kept at a specific temperature for a specified period of time in order to de

termine if outgrowth of microorganisms occurs.

(1) Initial temperature. The temperature, determined at the initiation of a thermal process cycle, of the contents of the coldest container to be processed.

(m) Low acid product. A canned product in which any component has a pH value above 4.6.

(n) Process schedule. The thermal process and any specified critical factors for a given canned product required to achieve shelf stability.

(0) Process temperature. The minimum temperature(s) of the heating medium to be maintained as specified in the process schedule.

(p) Process time. The intended time(s) a container is to be exposed to the heating medium while the heating medium is at or above the process temperature(s).

(q) Processing authority. The person(s) or organization(s) having expert knowledge of thermal processing requirements for foods in hermetically sealed containers, having access to facilities for making such determinations, and designated by the establishment to perform certain functions as indicated in this subpart.

(r) Program employee. Any inspector or other individual employed by the Department or any cooperating agency who is authorized by the Secretary to do any work or perform any duty in connection with the Program (see § 301.2(f)).

(s) Retort. A pressure vessel designed for thermal processing of product packed in hermetically sealed containers.

(t) Seals. Those parts of a semirigid container and lid or of a flexible container that are fused together in order to hermetically close the container.

(u) Shelf stability. The condition achieved by application of heat, sufficient, alone or in combination with other ingredients and/or treatments, to render the product free of microorganisms capable of growing in the product at nonrefrigerated conditions (over 50 °F or 10 °C) at which the product is intended to be held during distribution and storage. Shelf stability and shelf

stable are synonymous with commercial sterility and commercially sterile, respectively.

(v) Thermal process. The heat treatment necessary to achieve shelf stability as determined by the establishment's processing authority. It is quantified in terms of:

(1) Time(s) and temperature(s); or (2) Minimum product temperature. (w) Venting. The removal of air from a retort before the start of process timing.

(x) Water activity. The ratio of the water vapor pressure of the product to the vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature.

§318.301 Containers and closures.

(a) Examination and cleaning of empty containers. (1) Empty containers, closures, and flexible pouch roll stock shall be evaluated by the establishment to ensure that they are clean and free of structural defects and damage that may affect product or container integrity. Such an examination should be based upon a statistical sampling plan.

(2) All empty containers, closures, and flexible pouch roll stock shall be stored, handled, and conveyed in such a manner that will prevent soiling and damage that could affect the hermetic condition of the sealed container.

(3) Just before filling, rigid containers shall be cleaned to prevent incorporation of foreign matter into the finished product. Closures, semirigid containers, preformed flexible pouches, and flexible pouch roll stock contained in original wrappings do not need to be cleaned before use.

(b) Closure examinations for rigid containers (cans)-(1) Visual examinations. A closure technician shall visually examine the double seams formed by each closing machine head. When seam defects (e.g., cutovers, sharpness, knocked down flanges, false seams, droops) are observed, necessary corrective actions, such as adjusting or repairing the closing machine, shall be taken. In addition to the double seams, the entire container shall be examined for product leakage or obvious defects. A visual examination shall be performed on at least one container from each closing machine head, and the ob

servations, along with any corrective actions, shall be recorded. Visual examinations shall be conducted with sufficient frequency to ensure proper closure and should be conducted at least every 30 minutes of continuous closing machine operation. Additional visual examinations shall be made by the closure technician at the beginning of production, immediately following every jam in the closing machine and after closing machine adjustment (including adjustment for changes in container size).

(2) Teardown examinations. Teardown examinations of double seams formed by each closing machine head shall be performed by a closure technician at a frequency sufficient to ensure proper closure. These examinations should be made at intervals of not more than 4 hours of continuous closing machine operation. At least one container from each closing head shall be examined on the packer's end during each regular examination period. Examination results along with any necessary corrective actions, such as adjusting or repairing the closing machine, shall be promptly recorded by the closure technician. The establishment shall have container specification guidelines for double seam integrity on file and available for review by Program employees. A teardown examination of the can maker's end shall be performed on at least one container selected from each closing machine during each examination period except when teardown examinations are made on incoming empty containers or when, in the case of self-manufactured containers, the containers are made in the vicinity of the establishment and the container plant records are made available to Program employees. Additional teardown examinations on the packer's end should be made at the beginning of production, immediately following every jam in a closing machine and after closing machine adjustment (including adjustment for a change in container size). The following procedures shall be used in teardown examinations of double seams:

(i) One of the following two methods shall be employed for dimensional measurements of the double seam.

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(b) Seamscope or seam projector. Re- lap. Seam thickness shall be obtained quired measurements of the seam in

clude thickness, body hook, and over

by micrometer. For cylindrical containers, at least two locations, excluding the side seam juncture, shall be used to obtain the required measurements.

(ii) Seam tightness. Regardless of the dimensional measurement method used to measure seam dimensions, at a minimum, the seam(s) examined shall be stripped to assess the degree of wrinkling.

(iii) Side seam juncture rating. Regardless of the dimensional measurement method used to measure seam dimensions, the cover hook shall be stripped to examine the cover hook droop at the juncture for containers having side


(iv) Examination of noncylindrical containers. Examination of noncylindrical containers (e.g., square, rectangular, "D"-shaped, and irregularly-shaped)

shall be conducted as described in paragraphs (b)(2) (i), (ii), and (iii) of this section except that the required dimensional measurements shall be made on the double seam at the points listed in the establishment's container specification guidelines.

(c) Closure examinations for glass containers—(1) Visual examinations. A closure technician shall visually assess the adequacy of the closures formed by each closing machine. When closure defects, such as loose or cocked caps, fractured or cracked containers and low vacuum jars, are observed, necessary corrective actions, such as adjusting or repairing the closing machine shall be taken and recorded. In addition to the closures, the entire container shall be examined for defects. Visual examinations shall be made with sufficient frequency to ensure proper closure and should be conducted at least every 30 minutes of continuous closing machine operation. Additional visual examinations shall be made by the closure technician and the observations recorded at the beginning of production, immediately following every jam in the closing machine, and after closing machine adjustment (including adjustment for a change in container size).

(2) Closure examinations and tests. Depending upon the container and closure, tests shall be performed by a closure technician at a frequency suffi

cient to ensure proper closure. These examinations should be made either before or after thermal processing and at intervals of not more than 4 hours of continuous closing machine operation. At least one container from each closing machine shall be examined during each regular examination period. Examination results along with any necessary corrective actions, such as adjusting or repairing the closing machine, shall be promptly recorded by the closure technician. The establishment shall have specification guidelines for closure integrity on file and available for review by Program employees. Additional closure examinations should be made at the beginning of production, immediately following every jam in the closing machine, and after closing machine adjustment (including adjustment for a change in container size).

(d) Closure examinations for semirigid and flexible containers—(1) Heat seals(i) Visual examinations. A closure technician shall visually examine the seals formed by each sealing machine. When sealing defects are observed, necessary corrective actions, such as adjusting or repairing the sealing machine, shall be taken and recorded. In addition to examining the heat seals, the entire container shall be examined for product leakage or obvious defects. Visual examinations shall be performed before and after the thermal processing operation and with sufficient frequency to ensure proper closure. These examinations should be conducted at least in accordance with a statistical sampling plan. All defects noted and corrective actions taken shall be promptly recorded.

(ii) Physical tests. Tests determined by the establishment as necessary to assess container integrity shall be conducted by the closure technician at a frequency sufficient to ensure proper closure. These tests shall be performed after the thermal processing operation and should be made at least every 2 hours of continuous production. The establishment's acceptance guidelines for each test procedure shall be on file and available for review by Program employees. Test results along with any necessary corrective actions, such as

adjusting or repairing the sealing machine, shall be recorded.

(2) Double seams on semirigid or flexible containers shall be examined and the results recorded as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. Any additional measurements specified by the container manufacturer shall also be made and recorded.

(e) Container coding. Each container shall be marked with a permanent, legible, identifying code mark. The mark shall, at a minimum, identify in code the product (unless the product name lithographed or printed elsewhere on the container) and the day and year the product was packed.

(f) Handling of containers after closure. (1) Containers and closures shall be protected from damage which may cause defects that are likely to affect the hermetic condition of the containers. The accumulation of stationary containers on moving conveyors should be minimized to avoid damage to the containers.

(2) The maximum time lapse between closing and initiation of thermal processing shall be 2 hours. However, the Administrator may specify a shorter period of time when considered necessary to ensure product safety and stability. A longer period of time between closing and the initiation of thermal processing may be permitted by the Administrator.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0583-0015) $318.302 Thermal processing.

(a) Process schedules. Prior to the processing of canned product for distribution in commerce, an establishment shall have a process schedule (as defined in §318.300(n) of this subpart) for each canned meat product to be packed by the establishment.

(b) Source of process schedules. (1) Process schedules used by an establishment shall be developed or determined by a processing authority.

(2) Any change in product formulation, ingredients, or treatments that are not already incorporated in a process schedule and that may adversely affect either the product heat penetration profile or sterilization value requirements shall be evaluated by the establishment's processing authority.

If it is determined that any such change adversely affects the adequacy of the process schedule, the processing authority shall amend the process schedule accordingly.

(3) Complete records concerning all aspects of the development or determination of a process schedule, including any associated incubation tests, shall be made available by the establishment to the Program employee upon request.

(c) Submittal of process information. (1) Prior to the processing of canned product for distribution in commerce, the establishment shall provide the inspector at the establishment with a list of the process schedules (including alternate schedules) along with any additional applicable information, such as the retort come-up operating procedures and critical factors.

(2) Letters or other written communications from a processing authority recommending all process schedules shall be maintained on file by the establishment. Upon request by Program employees, the establishment shall make available such letters or written communications (or copies thereof). If critical factors are identified in the process schedule, the establishment shall provide the inspector with a copy of the procedures for measuring, controlling, and recording these factors, along with the frequency of such measurements, to ensure that the critical factors remain within the limits used to establish the process schedule. Once submitted, the process schedules and associated critical factors and the procedures for measuring (including the frequency), controlling, and recording of critical factors shall not be changed without the prior written submittal of the revised procedures (including supporting documentation) to the inspector at the establishment.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0583-0015) §318.303 Critical factors and the application of the process schedule.

Critical factors specified in the process schedule shall be measured, controlled and recorded by the establishment to ensure that these factors remain within the limits used to establish the process schedule. Examples of

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