Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Akaranga amendment Anglo Leasing Angwenyi answer Applause asked the Minister Assistant Minister aware beg to reply Bill Bomas of Kenya Budget Committee Butere/Mumias District Chair Constitutional Affairs debate dissolved docket draft Constitution Ethuro External Loans Gatundu North genetically modified foods Government Spokesman health centre hili issues Justice and Constitutional Kamanda Katuku Kembi-Gitura Kenya Keter Khamisi Kibwana Kilifi District kilometres Kituyi Kshs3 billion Loud consultations Makueni District Members of Parliament Michuki Minister for Education Minister for Finance Minister for Justice Ministerial Statement Ministry Mtepeni Muiruri Murungi Mutiso Muturi Mwai Kibaki Mwenje Nairobi City Council Nakitare National Assembly Ndolo Ngethu Oloo-Aringo Omingo Oniang'o Oparanya oppose this Motion Parliamentary Service Commission particular Motion Poghisio point of order police officers President Private Notice problem Prof public debt Question by Private Question deferred road Select Committee Standing Order support this Motion taifa Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Wanjala Wario