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Benzell, Mimi, Manhasset, N. Y., letter to Chairman Thompson

Biemiller, Andrew J., director, Department of Legislation, AFL-

Buttelman, Dr. Clifford, Music Educators National Conference,
prepared statement_

Chelf, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of


"A Plan To Bring Together Memorials to Theodore Roosevelt,

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Other Past

Presidents Has Growing Support," extension of remarks of

Hon. Frank Thompson, Jr., in the appendix of the Congres-

sional Record of January 16, 1961_.

"Cities and People-More or Fewer Works of Art," article by
Robert J. Lewis, in the Sunday Star of May 14, 1961- - - - - -
"Congressman Frank Chelf's Plan for a Living Memorial to
Past Presidents Has Growing Support," extension of remarks
of Hon. Harris B. McDowell in the appendix of the Congres-
sional Record of March 24, 1961__

Text of H.R. 5617, A bill to amend the National Cultural Center

Act so as to make it permanent and to provide for a living

memorial to past Presidents of the United States including

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Theodore


Winstead, Mrs. T. D., chairman, Federation of Womens Clubs,

letter from_.

Cheskin, Irving W., executive director, the League of New York

Theaters, Inc., letter to Chairman Thompson_

Clark, Hon. Joseph S., Jr., a Senator from the State of Pennsylvania,

article appearing in the Congressional Record of February 2, 1961,

entitled, “Program of Grants to States for Development of the


Coe, Richard L., dramatic critic, the Washington Post and Times
Herald, prepared testimony of..

Conaway, Donald F., national executive secretary, American Federa-

tion of Television and Radio Artists, telegram to Chairman Thomp-






Fall, Dr. Frederick, former director, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Symphony Orchestra; director and conductor of opera activities
of the District of Columbia Recreation Department; former music
director for U.S. army of occupation in Austria, statement of _ - -
Hanson, Howard, director, Eastman School of Music, and president,
national council, telegram to Chairman Thompson..
Hayes, Patrick, broadcast on WGMS, May 14, 1961..
Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., a Senator from the State of Minnesota:
"Cultural Activities in the District of Columbia," article appear-
ing in the Congressional Record of January 13, 1960----
"The International Cultural Exchange Program," article appear-
ing in the appendix of the Congressional Record of January 13,

Joel, Lydia, editor, Dance magazine, telegram to Chairman Thomp-

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"Capital on Culture Kick," article by Betty Beale, in the New
York World-Telegram of May 6, 1961-
"Capital To Have Its Shakespeare," article by Louis Calta, in
The New York Times, May 13, 1961.



"Culture Talk Evokes Blast," article by Betty Beale, in the
Washington Star.


"Designation as National Historic Sites of Lafayette Square and
Certain Buildings in the Vicinity Thereof," by Senator Murray
in the Congressional Record of August 7, 1957.
Eisenhower, Dwight D., former President of the United States:
Letter from, dated May 8, 1961.
Telegram from, dated May 14, 1961-




Equity magazine, November 1960 issue, questions asked by
Dick Moore, editor, and answers by Senator John F. Kennedy
and Vice President Richard M. Nixon___.
Hayes, Patrick, broadcast on WGMS, August 28, 1960..
"Home Slated as Shrine to Sousa Is Condemned," article by
Stephen S. Rosenfeld, in the Washington Post.

"Hudson Mansion Lives Again," article by Merrill Folsom, in

the New York Times___




Lang, Paul Henry, New York Herald Tribune, letter to Congress-
man Kearns


McCarthy, Hon. Eugene J., a Senator from the State of Minne-

"Future of Lafayette Square," article in the appendix of the
Congressional Record of July 1, 1960-

"Reconstruction at Lafayette Square," in the Congressional
Record of July 1, 1960--



Letters, telegrams, etc.-Continued

Kearns, Hon. Carroll D., a Representative, etc.-Continued
McDowell, Hon. Harris B., Jr., a Representative in Congress
from the State of Delaware:

"Efforts To Obtain the Support of President Eisenhower and
Vice President Nixon for the Preservation of the Historic
Buildings Near the White House Were Without Success,
Citizens Committee Declares; Senator Kennedy's Bill
Would Save Buildings for Cultural Purposes," article in
the Congressional Record of September 2, 1960--
"It Would Be an Act of Folly To Destroy the Dolly Madison
House and the Other Historic Buildings Near the White
House," article in the appendix of the Congressional Rec-
ord of April 12, 1960-

"Memorial to March King'-House Bill To Preserve Sousa
Home Would Block Capitol Hill Expansion," article in Wash-
ington Post_ _ _

"More About Saving the Metropolitan," article in the New York

Herald Tribune..

"Music and Public Education," by Finis E. Engleman, executive

secretary, American Association of School Administrators__

"Musical Congressman Attacks Corner on Arts," article by Ruth
Montgomery in the Baltimore American of May 7, 1961.

"Nationwide Support Is Growing for Legislation To Preserve the

Historic Buildings on Lafayette Square in the Nation's Capital,

Introduced by President Kennedy Last Year and by Senators

John Sherman Cooper, Wayne Morse, and Carroll D. Kearns

This Year," article appearing in the appendix of the Congres-

sional Record of March 29, 1961..

Notes on a speech to be delivered in the House of Representatives,


"Our Belasco Theater Deserves a Break," article by Day Thorpe,
in the Washington Star of May 8, 1960._.







"Subsidy Makes Sense," by Hope Stoddard, associate editor,
International Musician..


"Texas Puts Its Brand on Washington," article by Karl E. Meyer,
in the Harper's magazine, November 1960_-


Text of House Joint Resolution 386, designating the first week of
May each year as "National Music Week".


Text of H.R. 4348, to establish a Commission on the Cultural
Resources in the Nation's Capital, by Hon. Adam C. Powell..

Text of Senate bills:


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"The First 100 Days in the Arts," in Congressional Record of

May 3, 1961..

"The John Philip Sousa Home in Nation's Capital Now
Threatened With Destruction by Officials Inspired by Proposed
Razing of Historic Buildings on Lafayette Square," article ap-
pearing in appendix of Congressional Record of May 9, 1961---

"The Texans vs. Lafayette Square," by Drew Pearson, in the

Washington Post, July 1, 1960.

Two letters to Hon. Stewart L. Udall, Secretary of the Interior___

"Washington's Lafayette Square Under Siege,' "article in the

New York Times of May 22, 1960.-


Letters, telegrams, etc.—Continued

Kearns, Hon. Carroll D., a Representative, etc.-Continued
"Will Democratic Apathy Defect Move To Make the Lafayette
Square Opera House a Living Memorial Symbolic of the
Spirit Which Has Always United America and Germany in
Spite of All Storms and Years of War?" article appearing in
appendix of Congressional Record of May 9, 1961_-

Lawler, Vanett, Music Educators National Conference, report en-

titled, "The Arts in the Educational Program in the Soviet Union".

Lockhart, Bill, president, Texas Art Educators Association, telegram

to Chairman Thompson__-

McDowell, Hon. Harris B., Jr., a Representative in Congress from

the State of Delaware:

Excerpt from memorandum submitted on July 22, 1960, by

Bernard W. Scholz, Chief, Public Assistance Division, to the

Director of the District of Columbia Department of Public

Welfare in connection with the "Second Precinct Rehabilita-

tion Project"-

"Is Washington, D.C., Really a Hick Town?" extension of re-

marks in appendix of Congressional Record of May 23, 1960__.

Letter and information from the Library of Congress appearing

in the appendix of the Congressional Record of September 14,


Remarks to 36th annual meeting of the National Association of

Schools of Music, Chicago, Ill., November 26, 1960

"The Department of Defense Is Using College and University

Talent To Entertain Our Troops Abroad and Should Schedule

Them To Appear Before Students of Other Countries-Man-

kind Will Profit When Young Men and Women of All Nations

and in Great Numbers Study and Learn Together, President

Eisenhower Says," extension of remarks in appendix of Con-

gressional Record of April 12, 1960_.

"The Municipal Government of Washington, D.C., Starves the

Fine Arts at the Very Time the Soviet Union Is Spending

Vast Sums To Prove Americans Are Cultureless Barbarians,'

extension of remarks in appendix of Congressional Record of

February 15, 1960..

Rockefeller, John D., 3d, letter to Chairman Thompson_

Rogers, Charles B., Huntington Hartford Foundation, Pacific

Palisades, Calif., letter to Chairman Thompson_.





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Letter to Pierre Salinger, press secretary to the President__

Press release by National Council on the Arts and Government,
dated June 6, 1957...


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