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Amounts available for obligation


Unobligated balance brought forward..

Comparative transfer from "Mental Health Research and Services".

Obligations by activity

Grants for construction of community mental health centers.
Grants for staffing of community mental health centers.
Construction and operationjof narcotic addict rehabilitation

Total obligations...

1967 estimate

$93,092, 000

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41 Grants, subsidies, and contributions (total obligations)... $125, 173, 000 $100, 168,000-$25,005, 000

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Grants for construction of community mental health centers.-New obligational authority is the same in 1967 and 1968; i.e., $50,000,000. Amounts available for obligation in 1967, however, include $43,092,000 appropriated in 1966 which remain available for obligation through June 30, 1967. These construction funds are available for a two-year period.

Grants for staffing of community mental health centers.—An increase of $14,087.000 will support 64 additional staffing grants.

Construction and operation of narcotic addict rehabilitation facilities.—An increase of $4,000,000 will provide for the construction and operations of narcotic addict rehabilitation facilities as authorized by the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-793).


I. The following Sections of the Community Mental Health Centers Act, as amended, authorize grants under the subactivities "Grants for the construction of community mental health centers," and "Grants for staffing of community mental health centers."

Sec. 201. There are authorized to be appropriated, for grants for construction of public and other nonprofit community mental health centers. $35,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, $50,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and $65,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967.

(New legislation for construction of community mental health centers is proposed for 1968).

Sec. 224. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated $19.500.000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, $24,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and $30,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, to enable the Secretary to make initial grants to community mental health centers under the provisions of this part. For the fiscal year ending June 30. 1967, and each of the five succeeding years, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to make grants to such centers which have previously received a grant under this part and are eligible for such a grant for the year for which sums are being appropriated under this sentence.

II. The following Section of the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1966 authorizes grants under the subactivity "Construction and operations of narcotic addict rehabilitation facilities."

Sec. 402. (a) (2) to enter into jointly financed cooperative arrangements with State and local governments and public and private organizations and institutions with a view toward the developing, constructing, operating. staffing, and maintaining of treatment centers and facilities (including post-hospitalization treatment centers and facilities) for narcotic addicts within the States.



The Community Mental Health Centers Program is the major national mental health program resource for stimulating, planning, and initiating State, local and individual action in the development of comprehensive mental health services in the communities of the nation. The grant programs provide support for the construction of new facilities or the expansion of existing ones, and for support, for an initial period, of professional and technical staff delivering new services.

Each Center program must assume responsibility for the mental health needs of the residents of a defined area; it must make its services readily accessible and available to all persons within that area; and it must assure continuity of care. The program is based upon scientific and professional knowledge that assures the effectiveness and feasibility of preventive treatment and rehabiiltation programs in the community that promptly serve the individual and family in need that prevent or decrease the need for costly long term hospitalization and custodial care: and that accent the dignity and human value of the individnal, and family and community life.

Participation in the program requires careful planning at State, regional and local levels. This is necessary in order to provide a division of the State into mental health service areas; to assure planning for adequate services and allocation of resources to all areas, including both metropolitan and rural areas; and to assign priorities of need based on evaluation of problems and resources. As of June 30, 1966, forty-six States and Territories had accomplished approved State plans. By the end of 1967 it is expected that at least fifty-one States and Territories will have approved plans for participation in the program.

Through 1966 the obligation of $54,991,000 for both construction and staffing grants enabled initiation of 126 new community mental health centers in fortyfour States and Territories. Both metropolitan and rural programs have been initiated. With each new community mental health center serving an average catchment area of 165,000 people, these centers will provide community services to areas with a total population of some 19 million persons. This year it is estimated that the $93,092,000 available for construction and the $32,081,000 available for staffing will enable initiating 147 new community mental health centers, for a total of 273 through 1967.

New inpatient services will be available in 40 percent of the centers funded, and in an additional 32 percent, they will be enlarged-either through new physical facilities, increased staff, or both.

Grants for construction of community mental health centers

Total grants for construction of community mental health centers:

1967 estimate.......
1968 estimate..

Increase or decrease_-_

$93,092, 000 50, 000, 000

- 43, 092, 000

All centers funded under the program must provide five essential services: inpatient service, emergency services, partial hospitalization, outpatient care, and consultation and education services; and support may be provided for additional services providing for a comprehensive program. Construction grants make provision for adequate physical facilities for these services, either facilities to house the entire program when none exist, or to expand existing facilities for new services that enable development of a center program.

The Community Mental Health Centers Act authorized appropriations for three years. $35,000,000 was appropriated in 1965, and $50,000,000 each in 1966 and 1967. Funds are allotted to the States on the basis of population and per capita income. In 1966, $39,561,000 of the funds available for 1965 and 1966 were obligated for construction assistance to 93 new community mental health centers. In 1967 the $93,092,000 available from 1966 and 1967 funds will enable construction assistance to 124 new centers, for a total of 217 new centers provided construction assistance since the beginning of the program.

The $50,000,000 requested for 1968 under a new authorization will enable construction assistance to 67 new centers, as well as for addition of some new services beyond the five essential services, to center programs previously initiated. Over half of the centers currently under way will provide partial hospitalization facilities in areas where no such capacity existed before.

New outpatient services will be offered by 45 percent of the current centers, and an additional 40 percent plan to improve and expand existing therapeutic approaches used on an outpatient basis-including individual and group psychotherapy, family therapy, and drug treatment.

Half of the centers will offer new emergency services, and a third more will increase them beyond their present levels; many plan to publicize emergency facilities widely within the community in order to assure their increased use. Forty percent of today's centers will offer new consultative services, and another 40 percent will broaden existing ones-reaching out to schools, churches, court and juvenile authorities, and welfare agencies.

The authorization for construction grants expires with 1967. In 1968 renewal of this program is being requested, at $50,000,000 for 1968. With the $46,168,000 requested for staffing grants, these funds will provide for continuation of 121 staffing grants and for initiation of an estimated 87 new community mental health centers, bringing the total to an estimated 372 centers since the beginning of the program.

In 1968 a new program of Federal assistance in the construction, operation, staffing and maintenance of facilities for the care and treatment of narcotic addicts is being initiated. Authorized by the "Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act

of 1966" this program will permit those States and localities with serious incidence of narcotic drug addiction to provide treatment facilities for addicts as part of their total mental health programming.

Allocations of grant-in-aid funds for construction of community mental health centers

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Grants for staffing of community mental health centers

Total grants for staffing of community mental health centers:

1967 estimate_

1968 estimate..

$32, 081, 000 46, 168, 000

Increase or decrease....

+14, 087, 000

The staffing grants provide for initial support of professional and technical staff, enabling communities to establish basic community mental health services making use of local resources, and providing assistance while permanent sources of financial support are developed. Each grant is made for a period of 4 years and 3 months. For the first 15 months Federal funds may support 75

percent of eligible costs of staff for new services. During each of the three succeeding 12 month periods the matching rate declines to 60 percent, 45 percent, and 30 percent of eligible costs.

In 1966 awards were made for 54 new community mental health centers for a total obligation of $15,430,000. In 1967 it is expected that the $32,081,000 available will provide $19,170,000 for assistance to 67 new centers, and $12,911,000 for continuation grants for the 54 centers initiated in 1966. Thus, by the end of 1967 a total of 121 new centers will have received staffing grant assistance. In 1968 it is anticipated that the $46,168,000 requested will provide $20,000,000 for new grants for 64 new centers, and for addition of some new services for centers initiated in 1966 and 1967. In addition, $26,168,000 will be required for continuation of the grants to the estimated 121 centers initiated in 1966 and


Distribution of grants for staffing of community mental health centers

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Construction and operation of narcotic addict rehabilitation facilities Construction and operation of narcotic addict rehabilitation facili

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This program was authorized by the "Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1966" (P.L. 89-793).

This amount provides for jointly financed cooperative arrangements with state and local governments and public and private institutions for the development, construction, operation, staffing and maintenace of treatment centers and facilities for narcotic addicts. Planning for these facilities will be consistent with the state plans for construction and staffing of community mental health centers.

78-317-67-pt. 5—61

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