Tab 1 Subject: Mobilization and training outline for Detachment 3, Detachment 4, Detachment 6, Detachment 7, and Detachment 8 of the 800th Military Police Brigade 1. Information provided by MG Burns, 11 May 04: 2. 800th MP Brigade's METL [tasks] at the time of their mobilization. Detachment 6 (the largest detachment of 43 personnel) provided the mobilization station at Ft Dix a copy of the Brigade's METL and supporting collective task pre-AT assessment from 26 June 2002. Enclosure 2 AFKA-OP INFORMATION PAPER Subject: Mobilization and Training Outline for the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 320th Military Police Battalion, Enemy Prisoner of War, Counterintelligence, Detachment 2 1. The 320th Military Police Battalion, HHC, (EPW/CI), is home stationed at Ashley, Pennsylvania as part of the 800th Military Police Brigade and is subordinated to the 99th Regional Readiness Command (U.S. Army Reserve) in peacetime. Detachment 2 was directed to mobilize in serial 187B to support Operation Enduring Freedom as an Internment and Resettlement (IR) unit. Initial deployment duty location was identified as Tallil, Iraq. The unit reported to their mobilization station at Fort Dix, New Jersey on 19 February 2003, validated on 11 March 2003 and deployed on 13 March 2003. The unit returned to Fort Dix on 18 March 2004, demobilized and returned to their home station on 24 March 2004. 2. Mobilization Timeline: a. Alert Date: 1 January 2003 b. Mobilization Date: 10 February 2003 c. Mobilization Station Arrival Date: 19 February 2003 d. Validation Date: 11 March 2003. Validated by Fort Dix mobilization station commander at T-1. e. Deployment Date: 13 March 2003 f. Duty Date: 14 March 2003 g. Redeployment Date: 18 March 2004 3. The unit was authorized 148 personnel. It was assigned 148 personnel. One soldier was placed on medical hold, three soldiers were placed on dental hold, and two additional soldiers were identified as non-deployable. The detachment deployed 142 soldiers. 4. Mobilization station activities at Fort Dix: a. While mobilized at Fort Dix, the unit completed Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP), which included Medical, Dental, Personnel, Finance, Legal, and Security. All of the units' equipment received a technical inspection and was brought to fully mission capable condition (FMC). All soldiers were issued the required organizational clothing and individual equipment (OCIE) and Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST). b. As required by Forces Command, post mobilization training consisted of: (1) FY03 Common Task Training Tasks (CTT) for Skill Level 1-4 (2) Individual Readiness Training (Cultural and Religious Awareness, Rules of Engagement (ROE), SAEDA, Media Awareness, and AT Level 1). The Rules of Engagement training included general information on the handling and treatment of prisoners. (4) First Aid Tasks (5) Theater Specific Individual Requirements Training (TSIRT) Briefings (Nine Line Medical Evacuation (Medevac), Depleted Uranium, Force Protection, etc.) (6) Weapons Qualification (Individual and Crew Served) c. Collective Training. Records indicate that the unit trained on the following collective tasks: (1) Tactical Operations Center (TOC) Operations (2) Battle Staff Training d. Additionally records indicate that the unit was rated as a "P" in the following collective mission essential task list (METL) tasks upon arrival at the mobilization station. (1) Establish and sustain an internment and resettlement facility (2) Process and account for internees (3) Anti terrorist and force protection operations e. Due to theater requirements, the collective training of this unit was unusually compressed, with a total of 20 days available from arrival at the mobilization station to required validation date, including all soldier readiness processing (SRP) and individual and collective training. 5. POC: LTC Jimmie Ring, 464-6303, Enclosure 3 INFORMATION PAPER AFKA-OP 6 May 2004 Subject: Mobilization and training outline for the 372d Military Police Company 1. The 372d Military Police Company is home stationed at Cumberland, Maryland as part of the 99th Regional Readiness Command (U.S. Army Reserve). They were directed to mobilize in serial 1878 to support Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Combat Support Military Police Company, with expected deployment to Silopi, Turkey. The unit reported to their mobilization station at Fort Lee, Virginia on 27 February 2003. On 29 March 2003, FRAGO 5 to DEPORD 187B was issued redirecting the unit to Kuwait as a Combat Support Military Police Company. 2. Mobilization Timeline: a. Alert Date: 06 January 2003 b. Mobilization Date: 24 February 2003 c. Mobilization Station Arrival Date: 27 February 2003 d. Validation Date: 14 April 2003. Validated by the Fort Lee mobilization station commander at T-1. e. Deployment Date: 13 May 2003 f. Duty Date: 14 May 2003 3. The unit was required and authorized 180 soldiers. a. Unit arrived at Fort Lee with 180 soldiers. b. Seventy-two of their soldiers had been assigned to the unit since their last annual training (AT). c. Fifty-six of the remaining 108 soldiers had recently returned from a rotation on SFOR 10. d. Ten soldiers were found not medically fit and did not deploy with the unit; 2 later deployed and joined the unit, 6 have already been released from active duty and 2 remain at Fort Lee as Medical Holds (one soldier is being medically separated and will leave in 1-2 weeks; the second Soldier's Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) packet will go to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) this week, will potentially be at Fort Lee for another 3-4 months). e. Fifteen soldiers returned to Fort Lee during the deployment for administrative or medical reasons. Four have redeployed, one was given a Hardship Discharge (Chapter 6), nine were released from active duty and one remains at Fort Lee. f. Thirty-four soldiers have returned from theater under the 730-day rule and have been released from active duty. 4. Mobilization station activities at Fort Lee and Fort Picket. a. While mobilized at Fort Lee, the unit completed Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP), which included Medical, Dental, Personnel, Finance, Legal, and Security. All of the units' equipment received a |