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Ableman v. Booth, 60-64
Accounting methods, national, 414-
416, 422-426; state, 824, 825-
827, 829, 830, 834-835

Adams, John, member of committee
to draft declaration of independ-
ence, 24; Vice President, as mem-
ber of Cabinet, 190, 191, 193,
233; President, midnight ap-
pointments of, 387

Adams, John T., chairman of Re-
publican National Committee, 128
Adkins v. Children's Hospital, 393-
394, 860

Administration, national, relations
of President to, 241-244; con-
gressional investigation of, 244-
250; administrative commissions
in, 250-259; reorganization of,
259-270; state, reorganization of,

Administration measures, in Con-
gress, 183-187; in state legisla-
tures, 736-738,739
Admission, of states, 517-521
Advisory opinions, of World Court,
Senate reservation with respect
to, 463

Agricultural colleges, federal sub-
sidies to, 534-535, 536

Albany Plan, 4, 8-11
Alexander, Margaret C., on execu-
tive leadership, 738-740
Amendment, of U. S. Constitution,
50-55, 290-291; of state consti-
tutions, 561-594, 768-771, 818-
824, 890, 893-897

American Tobacco Company case,

Annapolis Convention, 37-40
Anti-Masonic party, national con-
vention of, 124
Anti-trust acts, 432-433
Appeals, Circuit Courts of, act

creating, 368-371
Appointment, President's power of,
147-162, 195-212
Apportionment, of Congress. 312-
313; of state legislatures, 679
Appropriations, method of making,
in Congress, 416-422; in states,

Arbitration courts, 805-807
Arizona, recall in, 649-650
Armed Merchant Ship Bill, filibus-

ter against, 352, 354
Articles of Confederation, 29-36
Association, Continental, 17, 20-24
Attorney General, nomination of C.
B. Warren as, 159-162, 196-212;
opinion of, on right of members
of Congress to hold other publie
office, 303-307

Australian ballot, 600-605

Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Com-
pany, 408-411

Ballot, presidential, 114-123; types
of, 600, 605

Bank, Second United States, consti-
tutionality of, 65-70; removal of
deposits from, 241

Bar Association, of Cleveland, pro-
posal with respect to selection of
judges, 780-783

Barbier v. Connolly, 838-839
Barron v. Baltimore, 79-82
Bartlett, John H., Assistant Post-
master General, on civil service,

Bayard, Thomas F., Senator, on
nomination of C. B. Warren as
Attorney General, 203-205
Berdahl, Clarence A., on proposal
conventions in South Dakota, 620-

Berger, Victor, refused seat in
House of Representatives, 296
Bicameral system, in state legisla-
tures, 651-678

Bill of rights, federal, proposed by
states, 46-503; application to
states, 79-82; application to in-
sular possessions, 491-496, 502
Billboards, constitutionality of leg-
islation with respect to, 864
Boots, Ralph S., on initiative and
referendum, 633-641

Borah, William E., Senator, on nom-
ination of C. B. Warren as At-
torney General, 207-210; on re-
moval of Secretary Denby, 213-
217; and seniority rule, 342; pro-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Circuit Courts of Appeals, act creat-
ing, 368-371

Circular Letter, of New York, with
respect to ratification of U. S.
Constitution, 49-50
City-county consolidation, 887-889
City manager plan, 902-905
Civil Administrative Code, of Illi-

nois, 754, 824-837
Civil Rights Act, 319

Civil service, act creating system,
271-275; classification act, 275-
279; extension of, 279-281;
working of, 281-289

Clark, Champ, Representative, on
powers of Speaker, 332-334
Clarke-McNary Act, 536
Classification Act, 271, 275-279
Clayton Act, 377-379, 842
Cleveland, city of, proposal of bar
association with respect to selec-
tion of judges, 780-783; recom-
mendations of Survey of Criminal
Justice with respect to same, 783-
785; city manager charter of,

Cleveland, Grover, President, and
merit system, 279
Cloture, in Senate, 354, 355-356
Coker, F. W., on administrative re-
organization, 771-774
Collector v. Day, 399
Colorado River Compact, 542-546
Colvin, D. L., on bicameral system
in New York, 663-670

[blocks in formation]

Confirmation, power of, 195-210
Congress, seats for Cabinet in, 237-
240; investigations by, 244-250;
and administrative reorganiza-
tion, 259; extension of merit
system by, 279-280; lame duck
sessions of, 290-296; power to
seat members, 296-303; right of
members to hold other public of-
fice, 303-311; reapportionment
of, 311-318; power to regulate
federal elections, 318-322; right
to instruct members of, 323-326;
party caucus in, 327-331, 337-
338; revolution of 1910-11 in,
331-336; seniority rule in, 342-
343; conference committee in,
"344-351; filibuster in, 351-354;
debate rules in, 354-359; legis-
lative reference service for, 359-
363; amount of legislation by,
363-367; power over courts, 368-
372; budgetary procedure in,
416-422; power over commerce,
427-442; resolution declaring end
of war, 447; resolution authoriz-
ing embargo on arms, 467; power
over territorial possessions, 486-
496; power over District of Co-
lumbia, 505-506; power with re-
spect to admission, 517

Congressional Caucus, 124
Connecticut, suffrage qualifications
in, 595-596

Conservation, 853-856, 864
Consolidation, of city and county,


Constitution, national, plans for,
40-46; amendment of, 50-55,
290-291; state, amendment and
revision of, 561-594

Constitutional convention, national,
36-37, 40; state, 561-594
Consular service, 468-469
Contempt of court, 187-189, 274,

Continental Association, 17, 20-24
Continental Congress, First, 17-20;
Second, 17, 24, 29
Convention, national, call for, 124-
129; selection of, 129-134; con-
duct of, 134-146

Convict labor, constitutionality of
legislation with respect to, 859
Cook County, local governments in,


Coolidge, Calvin, Vice President, as
member of Cabinet, 233; Presi-
dent, executive order with respect
to prohibition enforcement, 73-
74; on the party system, 90; on
third term, 104; nomination of
C. B. Warren as Attorney Gen-
eral, 159-162, 196-212; executive
order with respect to the foreign
service, 174-176; pardon lon of
Philip Grossman, 187; on removal
of Secretary Denby, 222-223; on
congressional investigations, 246-
248; and Shipping Board, 252-
253, 256-259; and Tariff Com-
mission, 254-256; recommends
adhesion to World Court, 462;
proclamation with respect to em-
bargo on arms to Mexico, 467-
468; message on relations with
Nicaragua, 475-479; on Philip-
pine independence, 496; on fed-
eral subsidies, 528
Correspondence, committee of, 13-

[blocks in formation]

Crawford, F. G., on literacy test in
New York, 597-600

Criminal procedure, reform of, 794-


Crum, W. D., recess appointment
of, 158-159

Cuba, Platt amendment concerning,


Culbertson, William S., on control
of Tariff Commission, 254-256
Cummins, Albert B., Senator, on
nomination of C. B. Warren as
Attorney General, 200-205
Cumulative voting, in Illinois, 680
Curtis, Charles, Senator, on recess
appointment, 160-161

Daugherty, H. M., Attorney Gen-
eral, opinion on appointment of
Senator Smoot and Representative
Burton to World War Foreign
Debt Commission, 303-307; re-
quests injunction against railway
strikers, 379

Dawes, Charles G., Director of the
Budget, 411; Vice President, on
Vice President as member of Cab-
inet, 235-237

Day, William R., Justice, on refer-
endum on constitutional amend-
ments, 50-52; on federal regula-
tion of child labor, 437-439; on
doctrine of formal and funda-
mental constitutional provisions,


Debate, rules of, in Congress, 354-
359; in state constitutional con-
ventions, 580-581

Debs, In re, 375-376

Debt limits, and special districts,

Declaration of Independence, 24-28
Democratic party, national commit-
tee of, 101-102; national conven-
tion of, 128-129, 134-135, 139-
144; on instruction of members
of Congress, 325-326; House
caucus of, 327-330

Demonstrations, in national conven-
tion, 139-144

Denby, Edwin, Secretary of the
Navy, and oil leases, 171; re-
moval of, 212-224

Departmental order, of Secretary
Hughes with respect to foreign
service, 176-177

Dickinson, John, opposes Declara-

[blocks in formation]

Farewell Address, of President
Washington, 87-90, 104-105
Faust, M. L., on custody of state
funds, 811-814
Federal subsidies, 525-526, 528-542
Federal supremacy, 60-64
Federalist, The, 56-57, 177-180
Fenn, E. H., Representative, reap-
portionment bill, 313-315

Fergus v. Marks, 679
Ferguson, Miriam A., Governor, let-
ter with respect to extradition,


Field, Stephen J., Justice, on priv-
ileges and immunities, 78; on
constitutionality of income tax,
392; on police power, 838-839
Fifteenth Amendment, and white
primary, 83, 84; and negro suf-
frage, 317-318: act for enforce-
ment of, 319-322

Filibuster, in Congress, 351-354
Finance, methods of, in states, 759-
760, 811-837
Floor leader, 330
Force Acts, 319
Foreign affairs, 443-479
Foreign service, executive order of
President Coolidge with respect
to, 174-176; departmental order
of Secretary Hughes with respect
to, 176-177; reorganization of,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gibbons v. Ogden, 427-429
Gillett, F. H., Senator, on nomina-
tion of C. B. Warren as Attorney
General, 205-207

Giovanni di Santo v. Pennsylvania,

Glass, Carter, Senator, on negro
suffrage, 317-318
Governor, power with respect to con-
stitutional convention, 567, 568-
569; veto power of, 632, 710,
713, 722-730; initiative in legis-
lation, 712-713, 736-740; call for
special session, 719-722; burdens
of, 730-736; power of pardon,
740-753; administrative power,
754, 755, 758-759; power with
respect to budget, 818-824
Governors' conferences, 546-555,

Grandfather clauses, 83
Grand jury, 807-810
Grant, U. S., President, and third
term, 104

Gregg, A. W., on power to tax state
instrumentalities, 398-405
Grossman, Ex parte, 187-189

Hadley, Herbert S., on reform of
criminal procedure, 788, 794-797
Hall, John E., on bicameral system
in New Mexico, 670-674
Hamilton, Alexander, proposes plan
of union, 41; on constitutional
construction, 64-65; on
power, 177-180
Hammer v. Dagenhart, 437-441
Haney, Bert E., Commissioner, on
control of Shipping Board, 256-



Hanford, A. C., on legislative pro-
cedure in Massachusetts, 684-691

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