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The Data Encryption Standard algorithm can be used in either of these
modes. Messages should be synchronized separately when the CFB mode
is used. An initializing vector must be transmitted as a preamble
of each message in this mode. ECB mode requires no initialization.

The classical bit-stream additive approach to encipherment has disadvantages making it unattractive for network usage. These problems stem from its inherent need for synchronization of the two random number generators, a problem that has been recognized and overcome for point-to-point operation, but which magnifies considerably in network environment which may require re-ordering of messages due to priority needs, sophisticated line disciplines such as Go-Back-N, etc.


Since synchronization problems are the basis of these difficulties, it is desirable to look for schemes which are inherently self-synchronizing. such technique is to utilize the transmitted cipher text for synchronization since it is available at both the sending and receiving ends. Such schemes are well known and have been described in a number of papers in the open literature.** Each author describes a variation of the same basic theme as shown in Figure 4-3. Connection of a pair of such devices is shown in Figure 4-4, which indicates the operation of the cipher text feedback into the shift registers. When each register has the same content (the "random" sequence, XRPQ, in this example), and has the same function, they will both generate the same sequence of pseudo-random bits for enciphering/deciphering. Since the register content is available to any eaves dropper (e.g., it is the cipher text itself), the secrecy must reside in the function, which is our key in this case.


The exclusive-OR operation is self-inverting since bb = 0 for b = 0, 1.

Savage, J. E., "Some Simple Self-Synchronizing Data Scramblers," Bell System Tech. Jo., Feb. 1967, pp 449-487.

Torrieri, D. J., "Word Error Rates in Cryptographic Ensembles," NRL Report 7616, Oct. 1973.

Golumb, S. W., "Shift Register Sequences," Holden-Day, Inc., 1967

[blocks in formation]

Figure 4-3.


Variations of Self-Synchronizing Schemes Using Cipher Text Feedback

[graphic][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Figure 4-4. A Pair of Encipherment/Decipherment Devices

The self-synchronizing scheme has some disadvantages as well, the most commonly
discussed being its error propagation problem. Any one-bit error introduced in
the cipher text stream will continue to affect the decipherment process until
it is completely shifted out of the register, i.e., if the register is N-bits
in length, then any error will result in N-bits being garbled. This is a
problem for applications which utilize English text which might be understand-
able with occasional 1-bit errors, but not with bursts of N-bits in error. For
computer-oriented transmissions, all errors are typically treated in the same
manner, so this error propagation is not of concern unless it extends beyond
a message boundary and thereby causes a second message to also be lost.

Another potential disadvantage of the self-synchronizing scheme is the need to transmit an N-bit prelude to establish synchronization, i.e., to ensure that the two N-bit shift registers contain the same values. This is necessary whenever a key change is made, and is a definite consideration for multiplexed

crypto devices in which the key may be changed for each message handled.


possible solution to eliminate this overhead is to insert some "deterministic" bit pattern into the shift-register at each key change.)

These disadvantages are quite minor compared to the advantages of the selfsynchronizing scheme for network usage. These advantages (over the pseudo

random sequence generators) include:

Minimal concern for loss of synchronization (much easier to


Don't have to store previous initializing vectors (IV's)
in case of error (N IV's for Go-Back-N protocols).

Can decipher messages in a different order than they were
enciphered; e.g., to be able to handle priority messages that
got ahead of regular message in going through the net, or to
allow reassembly of message packets inside a HOST.

The advantages of self-synchronizing schemes are so great that we will only consider them in subsequent analysis.

[blocks in formation]

Multiplexed cryptographic equipment is desirable from an economic point of view, and their development has been recommended by Anderson (AND-72), and other members of the ESD Security Panel. Their reasons include:

Minimized costs, operator controls, space and other environmental requirements.

Provide more than one secure communications path via the same transmission link, primarily on a time multiplexed basis.

They projected that a prototype model could be available in FY 76, and that the device could also be designed to provide authentication (similar to the way that the ICD would authenticate the device to which it is attached).

Multiplexing of cryptographic devices is a natural extension of the ICD concepts which is consistent with our earlier developments in terms of control, buffering, etc. A message leader would be received and would thereby indicate the key to be utilized via its source and destination. Based on this information, the ICD would retrieve the appropriate key and decipher the message.

Multiplexing could also be on the basis of packets (pieces of messages), characters, or even bits, although the overhead of switching keys would be increasingly large as one moved toward the finer level of multiplexing. Therefore, message level multiplexing is felt to be the optimal choice, particularly if a synchronizing prelude is required for each block of data (i.e., self-synchron

[blocks in formation]

Certain control information must be passed between the HOST-level and communications-level interfaces without being "randomized" by the crypto function as indicated in Figure 4-5. This information includes:

Timing information, e.g., to indicate the beginning and end

of a message.

Message "type" information.

Source, destination (or at least an identifier for a particular
source-destination pair).

HOST-Network status information.

The design of this control path must emphasize simplicity and understandability to ensure that it can not be utilized in any way to circumvent the cryptographic function, either accidentally or maliciously.

One additional concern for separating control and data information occurs when encipherment is desired at both a mini-HOST system and at a terminal that is connected to it. This situation would occur when end-to-end encryption requires encryption capability at the terminal only while other applications, such as remote batch job entry, require encryption at the mini-HOST itself.

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