Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Administration and Internal African Union AMISOM approve areas ask the Minister Assistant Minister beg to support Burundi congratulate Dadaab Defence Maj-Gen Deputy Speaker Djibouti doctors engagement ensure Ethiopia Farah flower farms forces in Somalia Foreign Affairs Gabbow given go into Somalia Government Haji House IDPs IGAD Imanyara international community issue Kambi Kenya Defence Forces Khalwale Kilonzo Kismayu Kisumu Konchella liberated M.M. Mahamud matter Member for Lagdera Member for Mutito Members of Parliament metric tonnes militia groups Minister for Foreign Minister for Lands Minister for Medical Minister’s Ministry mission Mogadishu move into Somalia Mungatana Mututho Nairobi Naivasha neighbours Nkaisserry Nyakach Onyonka Orengo Oyugi petition petroleum products point of order police price of petroleum Provincial Administration Question region request responsibility Shabaab soldiers Speaker’s Committee stabilize Standing Order strategy support this Motion talking Thank Transitional Federal Government Uganda Walter Nyambati workers Yakub