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" He currently holds Professorial Research appointments in the Regulatory Institutions Network, Research School of Social Sciences, and in the School of Resources, Environment and Society, at the Australian National University. "
Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia - Page x
edited by - 2006 - 264 pages
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Shades of Green: Business, Regulation, and Environment

Neil Gunningham, Robert A. Kagan, Dorothy Thornton - 2003 - 228 pages
...environmental regulation. He is currently professor in the Regulatory Institutions Network (REGNET) of the Research School of Social Sciences and in the School of Resources, Environment and Society (SRES), both at the Australian National University. His publications include Smart Regulation: Designing...
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Designing Government: From Instruments to Governance

F. Pearl Eliadis, Margaret M. Hill, Michael Howlett - 2005 - 476 pages, health and environmental regulation. He currently holds Professorial Research appointments in the Regulatory Institutions Network, Research School of...School of Resources, Environment and Society, at the ANU. His books include Leaders and Laggards: Next Generation Environment Regulation (with Sinclair,...
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Democratic Decentralization Through a Natural Resource Lense

Jesse Craig Ribot, Anne M. Larson - 2005 - 282 pages
...Daerah', Kompas, 21 Dec., 1998; 'Pembagian Keuangan Pusat Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo is a PhD scholar in the School of Resources, Environment, and Society at The Australian National University. This essay was first prepared for the World Resources Institute 'Workshop on Decentralisation and the...
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Understanding the Environment: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides

R. Quentin Grafton - 2005 - 252 pages
...Biographies of Contributors Richard Baker (Geography) Richard Baker is Reader and Geography Convenor at the School of Resources, Environment and Society at the Australian National University and has taught Geography at ANU since 1994. He was awarded the ANU's prize for teaching excellence...
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Decentralization of Forest Administration in Indonesia: Implications for ...

Christopher M. Barr, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Ahmad Dermawan, John McCarthy, Moira Moeliono, Bambang Setiono - 2006 - 195 pages
...Forestry Research (CIFOR), located in Bogor, Indonesia. Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo is a PhD Scholar in the School of Resources, Environment, and Society, at the Australian National University. Ahmad Dermawan is a Research Assistant in the Forests and Governance Program, CIFOR. John McCarthy...
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The Regulatory Challenge of Biotechnology: Human Genetics, Food and Patents

Han Somsen - 2007 - 291 pages
...environmental policy and regulatory design. He currently holds Professorial Research appointments in the Regulatory Institutions Network, Research School of...and Society, at the Australian National University. His books include: with Kagan and Thornton (2003), Shades of Green: Business, Regulation and Environment,...
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Industrial Innovation and Environmental Regulation: Developing Workable ...

International Development Research Centre (Canada) - 2007 - 325 pages, health and environmental regulation. He currently holds Professorial Research appointments in the Regulatory Institutions Network, Research School of...and Society, at the Australian National University. Brent Herbert-Copley holds a PhD in Political Science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and...
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