utaries above Huey P. Long Bridge, and that part of the Atchafalaya River above its junction with the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate waterway, shall carry the range lights and the colored side lights required by law to be carried on steam vessels navigating those waters, except that double-end ferryboats shall carry a central range of clear, bright, white lights, showing all around the horizon, placed at equal altitudes forward and aft, also on the starboard side a green light, and on the port side a red light, of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 2 miles, and so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 10 points of the compass, and so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to 2 points abaft the beam on their respective sides. (b) The green and red lights shall be fitted with inboard screens projecting at least 3 feet forward from the lights, so as to prevent them from being seen across the bow. (c) Officers in charge, marine inspection, in districts having ferryboats shall, whenever the safety of navigation may require, designate for each line of such boats a certain light, white or colored, which will show all around the horizon, to designate and distinguish such lines from each other, which light shall be carried on a flagstaff amidships, 15 feet above the white range lights. [Pilot rules for certain inland waters, Mar. 16, 1938, as amended at 8 F.R. 2600, Mar. 2, 1948; 8 F.R. 10764, Aug. 3, 1943; by CGFR 54-54, 19 FR. 8039, Dec. 7, 1954. Redesignated at 13 F.R. 7303, Nov. 30, 1948] § 80.16 Lights for barges, canal boats, scows and other nondescript vessels on certain inland waters on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. (a) On the harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United States except the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal, the Red River of the North, the Mississippi River and its tributaries above the Huey P. Long Bridge, and that part of the Atchafalaya River above its junction with the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate waterway, and the waters described in §§ 80.16a and 80.17, barges, canal boats, scows, and other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, when being towed by steam vessels, shall carry lights as set forth in this section. (b) Barges and canal boats towing astern of steam vessels, when towing singly, or what is known as tandem towing, shall each carry a green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side, and a white light on the stern, except that the last vessel of such tow shall carry two lights on her stern, athwartship, horizontal to each other, not less than 5 feet apart, and not less than 4 feet above the deck house, and so placed as to show all around the horizon. A tow of one such vessel shall be lighted as the last vessel of a tow. (c) When two or more boats are abreast, the colored lights shall be carried at the outer sides of the bows of the outside boats. Each of the outside boats in last tier of a hawser tow shall carry a white light on her stern. (d) The white light required to be carried on stern of a barge or canal boat carrying red and green side lights except the last vessel in a tow shall be carried in a lantern so constructed that it shall show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 12 points of the compass, namely, for 6 points from right aft on each side of the vessel, and shall be of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 2 miles. (e) Barges, canal boats or scows towing alongside a steam vessel shall, if the deck, deck houses, or cargo of the barge, canal boat or scow be so high above water as to obscure the side lights of the towing steamer when being towed on the starboard side of the steamer, carry a green light upon the starboard side; and when towed on the port side of the steamer, a red light on the port side of the barge, canal boat, or scow; and if there is more than one barge, canal boat or scow abreast, the colored lights shall be displayed from the outer side of the outside barges, canal boats or scows. (f) Barges, canal boats or scows shall, when being propelled by pushing ahead of a steam vessel, display a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow of the head barge, canal boat or scow, carried at a height sufficiently above the superstructure of the barge, canal boat or scow as to permit said side lights to be visible; and if there is more than one barge, canal boat or scow abreast, the colored lights shall be displayed from the outer side of the outside barges, canal boats or scows. (g) The colored side lights referred to in this section shall be fitted with inboard screens so as to prevent them from being seen across the bow, and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least 2 miles, and so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 10 points of the compass, and so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to 2 points abaft the beam on either side. The minimum size of glass globes shall not be less than 6 inches in diameter and 5 inches high in the clear. (h) Scows not otherwise provided for in this section on waters described in paragraph (a) of this section shall carry a white light at each end of each scow, except that when such scows are massed in tiers, two or more abreast, each of the outside scows shall carry a white light on its outer bow, and the outside scows in the last tier shall each carry, in addition, a white light on the outer part of the stern. The white light shall be carried not less than 8 feet above the surface of the water, and shall be so placed as to show an unbroken light all around the horizon, and shall be of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 5 miles. (1) Other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for in this section shall exhibit the same lights that are required to be exhibited by scows by this section. NOTE: The regulations in §§ 80.16 to 80.17, inclusive. are not applicable to rafts. The requirements regarding lights for rafts are in § 80.32. (R.S. 4233A, as amended, sec. 1, 30 Stat. 98, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 353, 178) [CGFR 48–74, 13 F.R. 9334, Dec. 31, 1948, as amended by CGFR 50-28, 15 F.R. 7266, Oct. 28, 1950; CGFR 5455, 20 F.R. 563, Jan. 26, 1955; CGFR 54–54, 19 F.R. 8039, Dec. 7, 1954] shall carry lights as set forth in this section. (b) When one or more barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, are being towed by pushing ahead of a steam vessel, or by a combination of pushing ahead and towing alongside of a steam vessel, such tow shall be lighted by an amber light at the extreme forward end of the tow, so placed as to be as nearly as practicable on the centerline of the tow, a green light on the starboard side of the tow, so placed as to mark the maximum projection of the tow to starboard, and a red light on the port side of the tow, so placed as to mark the maximum projection of the tow to port. (c) When one or more barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, are being towed alongside a steam vessel, there shall be displayed a white light at each outboard corner of the tow. If the deck, deck house, or cargo of such barge, etc., obscures the sidelight of the towing vessel, such barge, etc., shall also carry a green light upon the starboard side when being towed on the starboard side of a steam vessel or shall carry a red light on the port side of the barge, etc., when being towed on the port side of the steam vessel. If there is more than one such barge, etc., being towed abreast, the appropriate colored sidelight shall be displayed from the outer side of the outside barge. (d) When one barge, canal boat, scow or other vessel of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, is being towed singly behind a steam vessel, such vessel shall carry four white lights, one on each corner or outermost projection of the bow and one on each corner or outermost projection of the stern. (e) When two or more barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, are being towed behind a steam vessel in tandem, with a hawser length, between vessels, of 75 feet or more, such vessels shall carry white lights as follows: (1) The first vessel in the tow shall carry three white lights, one on each corner or outermost projection of the bow and a white light at the stern amidships. (2) Each intermediate vessel shall carry two white lights, one at each end amidships. (3) The last vessel in the tow shall carry three white lights, one on each corner or outermost projection of the stern and a white light at the bow amidships. (f) When two or more barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, are being towed behind a steam vessel in tandem, with a hawser length, between vessels, of less than 75 feet, such vessels shall carry white lights as follows: (1) The first vessel in the tow shall carry three white lights, one on each corner or outermost projection of the bow and a white light at the stern amidships. (2) Each intermediate vessel shall carry a white light at the stern amidships. (3) The last vessel in the tow shall carry two white lights, one on each corner or outermost projection of the stern. (g) When two or more barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, are being towed behind a steam vessel two or more abreast, in one or more tiers, each of the outside vessels in each tier shall carry a white light on the outboard corner of the bow, and each of the outside vessels in the last tier shall carry, in addition, a white light on the outboard corner of the stern. (h) Lights for moored barges shall be as described in this paragraph. (1) The following barges, when moored in or near a fairway, shall display between the hours of sunset and sunrise the barge lights described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph: (1) Every barge projecting into a buoyed or restricted channel. (ii) Every barge so moored that it reduces the available navigable width of any channel to less than 250 feet. (iii) Barges moored in fleets more than two barges wide or to a maximum width of over 80 feet, parallel to the bank. (iv) Every barge moored to the bank in any manner other than parallel thereto. (2) Barges required to be lighted under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph shall carry two white lights of such character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 1 mile, so located as to give unobstructed view and arranged as follows: (i) On a single moored barge, a light on each outboard or channelward corner. (ii) On barges moored in group formation, a light on the upstream outboard or channelward corner of the outer upstream barge and a light on the downstream outboard or channelward corner of the outer downstream barge. In addition, any barge projecting toward or into the channel in such a group formation shall have two white lights similarly placed on the outboard or channelward corners of the barge. (3) Barges moored in any slip or slough which is used primarily for mooring purposes are exempt from the lighting requirements of this paragraph. (i) The colored side lights shall be so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 10 points of the compass, so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 2 points abaft the beam on their respective sides, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least 2 miles, and shall be fitted with inboard screens so as to prevent either light from being seen more than half a point across the centerline of the tow. (j) The amber light shall be so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 20 points of the compass, so fixed as to show the light 10 points on each side of the tow, namely, from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least 2 miles. (k) The white lights shall be so constructed and so fixed as to show a clear, uniform, and unbroken light all around the horizon, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least 2 miles. (1) All the lights shall be carried at approximately the same height above the surface of the water and, except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section, shall be so placed with respect thereto as to be clear of and above all obstructions which might tend to interfere with the prescribed arc or distance of visibility. (R. S. 4233A, sec. 1, 30 Stat. 98; 33 U. S. C. 353, 178) [CGFR 58-19, 23 F. R. 6108, Aug. 9, 1958; CGFR 64-21, 29 F.R. 5731, Apr. 30, 1964; CGFR 64-81, 29 FR. 18011, Dec. 18. 1964; CGFR 64-14, 30 F.R. 6434, May 8, 1965; CGFR 66-47, 31 F.R. 11723, Sept. 7. 1966] § 80.16b Lights for barges, canal boats, scows, and other nondescript vessels temporarily operating on waters requiring different lights. Nothing in §§ 80.16, 80.16a, or 80.17 shall be construed as compelling barges, canal boats, scows, or other vessels of nondescript type not otherwise provided for, being towed by steam vessels, when passing through any waters coming within the scope of any regulations where lights for such boats are different from those of the waters whereon such boats are usually employed, to change their lights from those required on the waters on which their trip begins or terminates; but should such boats engage in local employment on waters requiring different lights from those where they are customarily employed, they shall comply with the local rules where employed. (Sec. 1, 30 Stat. 98, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 178) [CGFR 48-74, 13 F.R. 9335, Dec. 31, 1948] § 80.17 Lights for barges and canal boats in tow of steam vessels on the Hudson River and adjacent waters and Lake Champlain. (a) All nondescript vessels known as scows, car floats, lighters, and vessels of similar type, navigating the waters referred to in this section, shall carry the lights required to be carried by barges and canal boats in tow of steam vessels, as prescribed in this section. (b) Barges and canal boats, when being towed by steam vessels on the waters of the Hudson River and its tributaries from Troy to the boundary lines of New York Harbor off Sandy Hook, as defined pursuant to section 2 of the act of Congress of February 19, 1895 (28 Stat. 672; 33 U. S. C. 151), the East River and Long Island Sound (and the waters entering thereon, and to the Atlantic Ocean), to and including Narragansett Bay, R. I., and tributaries, and Lake Champlain, shall carry lights as follows: (1) Barges and canal boats being towed astern of steam vessels when towing singly shall carry a white light on the bow and a white light on the stern. (2) When towing in tandem, "with a hauser length, between vessels, of less than 75 feet," each boat shall TANDEM (WITH A HAWSER LENGTH, BETWEEN VESSELS, OF LESS THAN 75 FEET) carry a white light on its stern and the first or hawser boat shall, in addition, carry a white light on its bow. going barges shall not be required to make any change in their seagoing lights (red and green) on waters coming within the scope of this section, except that the last vessel of the tow shall carry two white lights on her stern, athwartship, horizontal to each other, not less than 5 feet apart, and not less than 4 feet above the deck house, and so placed as to show all around the horizon. (3) When towing in tandem with a hawser length of 75 feet or more between the various boats in the tow, each boat shall carry a white light on the bow and a white light on the stern, except that the last vessel in the tow shall carry two white lights on her stern, athwartship, horizontal to each other, not less than 5 feet apart and not less than 4 feet above the deck house, and so placed as to show all around the horizon: Provided, That seaTANDEM (WITH A HAWSER LENGTH, BETWEEN VESSELS, OF 75 FEET OR MORE) (4) Barges and canal boats when towed at a hawser, two or more abreast, when in one tier, shall each carry a 66-081-72- -16 white light on the stern and a white light on the bow of each of the outside boats. |