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everything I required. McKinstry has also had sent to Rolla, at my request, one of Van Vliet's experienced clerks, Thomas O'Brien, to whom I have given the entire control of quartermaster's affairs from Rolla onward. A large number of army wagons, with mules, have been bought and sent down, and I trust that there will be no more trouble there. 250,000 rations were ordered on the 6th; 4,000 shoes and clothing to match were ordered on receipt of your letter of the 13th, and I presume are all on the way. I know that part have been shipped.

The line of communication from Rolla to Springfield is kept open by Wyman and Bayles. Wyman's is a splendid regiment, and I am trying to get other troops to supply his place and send him forward; but I am embarrassed by conduct which I scarcely think meets your approval, although I am informed that you gave your consent to it. Lieutenant Colonel Hassendeubel, who arrived here yesterday, but has not reported himself, brought up with him one of Bayles's companies, (company L, rifles, 4th regiment formerly, but since organized with others as a battalion,) and has ordered company M up, also, for the purpose of forming a three years regiment, of which he is to take the command.

I have been strengthening Bayles all I could. There are three companies here now, mustered and ready to go down as soon as armed, (by Tuesday at furthest,) and the other two companies will be ready during the week, in all probability. The ten companies were to be commanded by Saxton. He is said to be on his way here at this time, and Saxton would be invaluable, either in command on the line or with you. When Lieutenant Colonel Hassendeubel reports I shall send that company back, unless I am satisfied that he had good authority for his action.

As to re-enforcements I shall reorganize the 2d and 4th under their captains, and put the first ten companies formed into one regiment, without regard to the preferences of individuals. This can be done during the week, as Boernstein, Schaeffer, and Hammer are all to come here to-morrow.

The surplus can be organized under a temporary battalion organization, sent to the field, and afterwards filled up.

Smith's 8th can go down during the week, and a splendid regiment it is. Last night the adjutant general gave me authority to accept any regiment that offered. Two are formed in the country. Both will be ready in two weeks. Others will come. I have caused the notice of the authority to be published. Bland can't be spared; nor can Curtis's men. St. Jo and the surrounding country are reported to be ready to rise. In fact, the whole State is.

McNeil can doubtless raise a regiment without difficulty. He is ordered home as soon as Pope relieves him.

The 9th and 10th are filling up fast, and can be ready in two weeks, probably. These statements are made upon the supposition that arms and equipments will be here as ordered.

Mulligan's regiment of Illinois volunteers, I forgot to say, arrived here yesterday for arms. I sent some companies to Jefferson to-day, and the remainder will go up Tuesday.

But, better than all, General Frémont telegraphed me last night that he would start for St. Louis immediately, and when I can have the opportunity of going over the map with him I trust that he will use his power to fill this State with troops. A few weeks' delay would make the whole State a battlefield.

And now, general, I can say that to be relieved of the responsibility which I have had upon me since you left, without the authority, after the change in the department command, to do what I saw was necessary, with my representations to the department generally unnoticed, and without even a

competent clerk to aid me in the ordinary routine of business, is truly a relief; and no one can be so glad that Frémont is coming as I am. I have never before had the time to write you fully, and I presume that now the office is full of people, who are waiting upon the same errands with which you were formerly so much annoyed.

I shall always feel proud of the confidence which you have placed in me, and I hope you will think that I have endeavored to justify it.

Very respectfully and truly,

Brigadier General Lyox, Commanding.


[By telegraph from Coshocton, Ohio, July 23, 1861 ]

JULY 23, 1861.

Telegram received, and will be attended to. Will be in St. Louis Thursday morning.

J. C. FREMONT, Major General.


Assistant Adjutant General.

[By telegraph from Cairo, July 23, 1861.]

ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, July 23, 1861.

Have but eight (8) regiments here. Six (6) of them are three (3) months men. Their time expires this week; are reorganizing now. I have neither tents nor wagons, and must hold Cairo and Bird's Point. The latter is threatened. I have but two guns equipped for moving. Thus you see I cannot comply with request. Again, news of this morning changes policy of rebels in Kentucky. They are organizing opposite. Watkins is encamped with 2,000, seven miles from Bloomfield. He has no cannon, and poorly armed. This may be the force you have heard from.

B. M. PRENTISS, Brigadier General.



Springfield, Missouri, July 26, 1861.

Your order relative to the State Journal meets with the general's approbation. The general would like you to join him as soon as you can be spared by General Frémont. No doubt General F. will need you for a while, till he becomes familiar with the details of affairs in the State; but he will have a full staff of regular officers, and must be able to spare you soon. You are much needed here, and will be more so soon. It will soon be very necessary for me to be with my regiment, and officers fit for staff duties are very scarce here. We have heard of the defeat of our troops in Virginia, though hardly enough to judge of its extent. I fear this will prevent our getting re-enforcements. If so, the next news will be of our defeat also.

Re-enforcements should be sent on at once. Our men are very much in need of clothing, particularly shoes. Many of the men are entirely barefooted, and hence unable to march. I hope something can be done for us


Yours, very truly,



Adjutant General Missouri Volunteers, St. Louis Arsenal.

WASHINGTON, July 26, 1861.

DEAR GENERAL: I have two telegrams from you, but find it impossible now to get any attention to Missouri or western matters from the authorities here. You will have to do the best you can, and take all needful responsibility to defend and protect the people over whom you are specially set. Yours, truly, and in haste,

* * *


CAIRO, July 26, 1861.

Five steamers were to leave Memphis last night to take troops from Randolph to New Madrid. Union city troops are under orders to cross Mississippi. If they fail to assail us, Ironton and Cape Girardeau will need reenforcements. Colonel Marsh has no battery. I have none to spare and no transportation to intercept rebels. I am of opinion that Bird's Point is their destination. B. M. PRENTISS, Brigadier General.

Colonel HARDING, Jr.,

Assistant Adjutant General.

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri, July 27, 1861. DEAR SIR: I have your notes about matters in St. Louis, &c., and your proceeding seems to me perfectly correct. Now that matters north seem more quiet, cannot you manage to get a few regiments this way? I am in the deepest concern on this subject, and you must urge this matter upon Frémont, as of vital importance. These three months volunteers would reenlist if they could be paid, but they are now dissatisfied, and if troops do not replace them, all that is gained may be lost. I have not been able to move for want of supplies, and this delay will exhaust the term of the three months men. Cannot something be done to have our men and officers paid as well as our purchases paid for? If the government cannot give due attention to the west, her interests must have a corresponding disparagement.

Yours, truly,

N. LYON, Brigadier General Commanding.

Colonel C. HARDING, St. Louis Arsenal, Mo.

Memorandum by Colonel Phelps, from General Lyon, to General Frémont, July 27.

See General Frémont about troops and stores for the place. Our men have not been paid, and are rather dispirited; they are badly off for clothing, and the want of shoes unfits them for marching. Some staff officers are badly needed, and the interests of the government suffer for the want of them. The time of the three months volunteers is nearly out, and on returning home, as most of them are disposed to, my command will be reduced too low for effective operations. Troops must at once be forwarded to supply their place. The safety of the State is hazarded; orders from General Scott strip the entire west of regular forces, and increase the chances of sacrificing it. The public press is full of reports that troops from other States are moving toward the northern border of Arkansas for the purpose of invading Missouri.

JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, July 27, 1861.

Surgeon Boemer, of 3d regiment reserve corps, left at Fulton by Colonel McNeil, reports this morning that, by the evacuation of that place by Colonel McNeil, the rebels are again gathering, and threatening Union men with

vengeance. Either a battalion of General Pope's brigade, or some other force, should immediately occupy the town. I am also advised of a gathering of a large force at Warsaw, estimated at 10,000 and increasing. Also, an encampment, eight miles from Glasgow, of 2,000. With an additional regiment, so as to leave a garrison force of 500 men at Boonville, I will be able to disperse both forces. If they are promptly met they can be easily. dispersed with the force indicated.

JOHN B. STEVENSON, Col. Com. Missouri River.


WASHINGTON, July 27, 1861

What disposition was made by you of the arms which you purchased in Europe? We are without information on that point, which is very desirable. Please answer at once by telegraph and by letter. Send an invoice of the articles.



Sr. Louis, July 28, 1861..

I ordered the arms shipped to New York to my order, expecting to forward, on the arrival, to my department. I trust you will confirm this disposition of them. The rebels are advancing in force from the south upon these lines. We have plenty of men but absolutely no arms, and the condition of the State critical.

J. C. FREMONT, Major General Commanding.

Hon. W. H. SEWARD, Washington.

CAIRO, July 28, 1861.

Rebels from Tennessee are concentrating at New Madrid, Missouri, with the avowed intention of assaulting Bird's Point. They may intend going to Cape Girardeau. Colonel Marsh bas no battery. I have none to spare. My command is merging from three months to three years service on half recess. Mustering in yesterday and to-day. I have but two 6-pounders prepared to move. I can hold Cairo and Bird's Point, but cannot move to intercept a large force going to Cape Girardeau. I suggest that Colonel Marsh, if not re-enforced, be sent to Bird's Point. Entire force at Cairo and Bird's Point, 6,350.

Major General FREMONT.

B. M. PRENTISS, Brigadier General.

CAIRO, July 28, 1861. (Received Sr. Louis, July 29, 1861.) On yesterday 3,000 rebels, west of Bird's Point 40 miles; 300 at Madrid and three regiments from Union City ordered there; also troops from Randolph and Corinth. The number of organized rebels within 50 miles of me will exceed 12,000-that is including Randolph troops ordered and not including several companies opposite, in Kentucky.

Major General FREMONT.

B. M. PRENTISS, Brigadier Gener"]

ST. Louis, July 29, 1861.

The agent of Adams's Express Company here has offered to bring me by passenger train any arms directed to me. Send everything you have for me by passenger trains, for which the Express Company will provide. Your

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letter of 24th received.

There were no arms at the arsenal here to meet

the order given for the 5,000. We must have arms-any arms, no matter what.

J. C. FRÉMONT, Maj. Gen. Com'g W. D.

Major HAGNER, Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York.


St. Louis, July 30, 1861.

MY DEAR SIR: You were kind enough to say that as occasions of sufficient gravity arose, I might send you a private note.

I have found this command in disorder, nearly every county in an insurrectionary condition, and the enemy advancing in force by different points of the southern frontier. Within a circle of fifty miles around General Prentiss, there are about 12,000 of the confederate forces, and 5,000 Tennesseans and Arkansas men, under Hardee, well armed with rifles, are advancing upon Ironton. Of these, 2,000 are cavalry, which yesterday morning were within 24 hours march of Ironton. Colonel Bland, who had been seduced from this post, is falling back upon it. I have already re-enforced it with one regiment; sent on another this morning, and fortified it. I am holding the railroad to Ironton and that to Rolla, so securing our connexions with the south. Other measures, which I am taking, I will not trust to a letter, and I write this only to inform you as to our true condition, and to say that if I can obtain the material aid I am expecting you may feel secure that the enemy will be driven out and the State reduced to order. I have ordered General Pope back to North Missouri, of which he is now in command. I am sorely pressed for want of arms. I have arranged with Adams's Express Company to bring me everything with speed, and will buy arms to-day in New York. Our troops have not been paid, and some regiments are in a state of mutiny, and the men whose term of service is expired generally refuse to enlist. I lost a fine regiment last night from inability to pay them a portion of the money due. This regiment had been intended to move on a critical post last night. The Treasurer of the United States has here $300,000 entirely unappropriated. I applied to him yesterday for $100,000 for my paymaster general, Andrews, but was refused. We have not an hour for delay. There are three courses open to me. One, to let the enemy possess himself of some of the strongest points in the State, and threaten St. Louis, which is insurrectionary. Second, to force a loan from secession banks here. Third, to use the money belonging to the government, which is in the treasury here. Of course I will neither lose the State or permit the enemy a foot of advantage. I have infused energy and activity into the department, and there is a thorough good spirit in officers and men. This morning I will order the treasurer to deliver the money in his possession to General Andrews, and will send a force to the treasury to take the money, and will direct such payments as the exigency requires. I will hazard everything for the defence of the department you have confided to me, and I trust to you for support.

With respect and regard, I am yours truly,

JOHN C. FREMONT, Major General Commanding.

The PRESIDENT of the United States.

St. Louis, July 31, 1861.

At Camp Monroe, near Cincinnati, there is company C, 4th artillery, (reg ulars,) under 1st Lieutenant R. V. W. Howard; aggregate 76 men.


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