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Scientific assessments: Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (agenda item 4 (b) of SBSTA 2)


29. The SBSTA noted with appreciation the decisions taken by the IPCC at its eleventh session in Rome (December 1995), on its future work programme, and particularly that it intends to prepare a Third Assessment Report by about 2000 and continue to work on methodologies for greenhouse gas inventory.

30. The SBSTA considered the conclusions of the meetings of the Joint Working Group of officers of the UNFCCC and the IPCC. Taking into account also the statements made during the session, it requested the IPCC to undertake the proposed activities in support of the SBSTA contained in the annex to this document, and advise the SBSTA accordingly.

31. The SBSTA requested the secretariat to take these proposed activities as the basis for proposing a financial contribution to the IPCC in 1996, as provided in the Convention budget and to report thereon to the third session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the second session of the COP.


The SBSTA appreciated that, in addition to the proposed activities in the annex to this document, the IPCC was providing enhanced scientific and technical information to the evolving needs of the AGBM.

33. The SBSTA noted that, for several issues identified in the annex to this document FCCC/SBSTA/1995/3, some information is available in the IPCC Special Report 1994, the Second Assessment Report, and would be expected to be included in the Third Assessment Report. These issues are:


Developing and / or assessing: a) methodologies for projecting national, regional and global emissions, b) methodologies for evaluating the effects of measures, and c) the application of global warming potentials;

Information on sources and sinks;

Reducing uncertainties related to particulate matter and tropospheric ozone.

The SBSTA noted further that, in addition to its sponsoring bodies WMO and UNEP, the IPCC was cooperating with other relevant competent international organizations in responding to the need for objective scientific and technical advice, and emphasized the

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Finally, the SBSTA requested its Chairman to continue the series of meetings of the Joint Working Group of Officers of the UNFCCC and the IPCC, as and when appropriate, and to report on these meetings to future sessions of the SBSTA.



All available research results in the open literature relevant to all SBSTA items have been addressed in either the Second Assessment Report or the IPCC Special Report on Radiative Forcing (IPCC 1994). All SBSTA items will be covered in the Third Assessment Report. It is recognized that particular emphasis would be placed on the technical papers and on regional scenarios of climate change, regional impacts of climate change and response measures, methodological and technological aspects of technology transfer, and adaptation measures.

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Initiation of all Special Reports is subject to approval by the IPCC at its XIIth session. Special Reports will follow the full IPCC review and approval procedures and require approximately 18 months for preparation and approval.

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Technical papers will require approximately 6-9 months for preparation, review, and release by the Bureau of the IPCC. ***Already included in the IPCC programme of work for 1996-1997

Using previous IPCC peer

review process.


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