THE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN; COMPRISING JEFFERSON'S MANUAL, RULES, FORMS AND LAWS, FOR THE REGULATION OF BUSINESS; ALSO, LISTS AND TABLES FOR REFERENCE. Compiled by the Chief Clerks of the Senate and Assembly, IN THE YEAR 1866. FIFTH ANNUAL EDITION. MADISON, WIS.: WM. J. PARK, STATE PRINTER, WISCONSIN CAPITOL OFFICE. 1866. JOINT RESOLUTION No. 1, S., Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Chief Clerks of the Senate and Assembly be authorized to prepare a Legislative Manual, resembling in character and contents the one published by authority of joint resolution of the Legislature of 1865, with such digressions as they may deem necessary to give addition al value to the work; that they be empowered to procure diagrams and views of the capitol, and I. A. Lapham's small map of the State, adapted for that purpose, at reasonable rates; that one thousand copies of the same be immediately published by the State Printer, delivered to and receipted for by said Clerks, and by them, as heretofore, distributed. Adopted in Senate January 26th, 1866. FRANK M. STEWART, Concurred in by the Assembly January 27th, 1866. Chief Clerk of Senate. E. W. YOUNG, Chief Clerk of Assembly. |