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1. H.R. 3139 (Mrs. Kennelly): Exempt Certain Emer-
gency Medical Helicopter Transportation from
Air Transportation Excise Taxes
2. H.R. 3301 (Messrs. Matsui and Archer): Tax-
Exempt Status for Corporations or Trusts that
Acquire and Manage Real Property for Certain
Exempt Organizations.
3. H.R. 4056 (Messrs. Archer, Daub, Downey, Heftel,
Gregg, Schulze, Vander Jagt, and others): Disal-
lowance of Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
for Individuals who are in Foreign Countries in
Violation of an Executive Order
4. H.R. 4077 (Mr. Torricelli): Denial of Tax Exemp-
tion for Interest on Certain Electric Utility
5. H.R. 4379 (Mr. Jenkins): Nonrecognition of Gain
on Sale of Principal Residence Where One
Spouse Dies Before Occupying New Residence
6. H.R. 4595 (Mr. Rangel): Tax Rules Relating to
Limited Profit Housing Cooperatives..