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The bicentennial edition of Historical Statistics of the United States is the third in the series of volumes inaugurated in 1949. In both form and content, the bicentennial edition has drawn heavily from, and built upon, the two prior editions. Both the first volume, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789 to 1945, issued in 1949, and the second volume, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957, issued in 1960, were prepared by the Bureau of the Census with the cooperation of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC). Although the SSRC did not participate in the preparation of the bicentennial edition, its cooperation in the first two volumes was invaluable in establishing those volumes as the basis for continuing work in the field of historical statistics. Similarly, the many individuals and agencies who made important and distinctive contributions to the first two volumes were instrumental in the preparation of the present one. Immediately following the table of contents, therefore, are reprinted the "official roster and credits" pages from the first two volumes. Also, incorporated within the "Acknowledgments for Chapter Contributions," under the title of each edition, are the credits to contributors as they appeared in the first two volumes.

Analytical review and editing of text tables was primarily the responsibility of Helen E. Teir, Assistant Chief, Statistical Compendia Staff, Data User Services Division. During the period January 1972 to June 1973, Elma D. Beynon was primarily responsible for obtaining the cooperation and assistance of the many subject consultants and for immediate supervision of compilation operations. Suzanne L. Worth assisted Mrs. Beynon and, from July 1973 to November 1974, was responsible for working with consultants and for supervision of the technical and clerical staff. Alma L. Butler, assisted by Kay Swenson, was responsible for final editing and preparation

of manuscript for the printer. The Census Library, Dorothy W. Kaufman, Chief, also lent valuable assistance.

The cooperation of the many contributors to this volume and to the prior editions is gratefully acknowledged. Following the practice established by the prior editions, every data series shown in this volume is, to the extent possible, specifically identified by source as to issuing agency and/or individual author, publication title, publisher, and date of issue. Frequently all five items are shown; frequently additional information is given.

Except for material specified in source citations as "copyright," the tables and text in this volume may be reproduced at will. Appropriate reference to this volume (see citation below) for material reproduced would be appreciated since it may be helpful to users of such material. Permission to reproduce copyrighted material should be obtained directly from the copyright owner.

September 1975

For Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, see p. A-32. Suggested Citation

U.S. Bureau of the Census

Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, Bicentennial Edition, Part 2

Washington, D.C., 1975

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Price $26 per 2 part set (Sold only in sets)
Stock Number 003-024-00120-9

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