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resolutions relating to electors of President and Vice

Maison Rouge land claims

Maine, boundary of, report of joint committee of Maine

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report of survey of

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resolutions relating to British colonial trade



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5 246

Marine hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, resolutions relating to
Marine corps, relative to

and navy, appointments in, since April, 1841
Maria, Spanish vessel, remit duties on
Maryland, resolutions relative to slavery in District of Co-
lumbia -

resolutions as to naval force and defence of Chesa-

resolutions relating to John T. Howard

Massachusetts military claim

Measures, liquid, progress of standard

McCredy, Bernard, on tariff, currency, exchanges, &c.

Mechanics, &c. at navy yards

Mediterranean, commander of squadron in, letter from minis-

Memorials, of John H. Smith, on revolutionary claims

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of inhabitants of Portland, on colonial trade
for completion of penitentiary in lowa
expenses of Iowa and Missouri boundary
of Michigan, light-house at Belvidere

of Thomas S. Easton, on explosion of steam boilers
relative to increase of duty on imported iron
relative to surrender of stock of Chesapeake and
Ohio canal

relative to claimants upon the Government
of Aaron Leggett

of Hugh A. Garland, late Clerk

for admission of Florida

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Members of Congress, applicants for office

Members of Congress, applicants for office

Message of the President of the United States at opening of


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Mexicans, citizens of United States captured by, Kentucky

Mexico, relations between United States and

report of commissioners of United States under con-

defenceless condition of Gulf, and Southern coast
Michigan, resolution for refunding General Jackson's fine
resolution relative to including banks in bankrupt law
resolution relative to pay of militia

resolution relative to Saginaw and Macinac road

Militia, abstract of returns from all the States

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Mines, leasing of, in Wiskonsan, Illinois, and Iowa
Mineral lands, papers relating to

assay of foreign coins

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4 214

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Mint, report of its operations for 1841

Ministers, foreign agents, &c., payment of

Minister at St. James, letter to Com. Hull in Mediterranean

Mississippi and Missouri, steam ships, cost of

Mississippi, resolutions of, relating to extra session of Congress
improvement of river

resolutions relative to right of search-brig Creole

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Missouri boundary line, letter of Secretary of State of Missouri
all information relating to

Moneys, public, safe keeping of

Murders by Indians on neutral ground in Iowa


Naturalization laws, Missouri memorial

National Institution, petition for act of incorporation

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Navy Department, contingent expenses of, and of Navy Com-
missioners for 1841

expenditures from contingent fund, under
act of 3d March, 1809 -

clerks in, and compensation to each
annual statement of appropriation for 1841
bureau of medicine

Navy Commissioners, contracts by, for supplies for 1841

Navy pensions, applicants for

documents accompanying appropriation bill
No. 402 -

Navy, Maryland resolution relative to increase of, &c.
pay and emoluments of officers of

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Navy Yards, mechanics and laborers at, increase and dismis-

sal of -

Navy pensioners, names of, and amount received
Newcastle, piers at, and repairs of

New Hampshire, resolutions relative to French spoliations
New Jersey, resolutions relative to tariff

New York, colonial history of

Virginia and South Carolina controversy

resolutions relative to repeal of distribution law -
resolutions relative to postage

New York custom-house, report of Poindexter and others on
Northeastern boundary, state of negotiation

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report from Maine Legislature on
report of survey of -

Notes, Treasury, necessity for an immediate issue of -

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Office, members of Congress applicants for
members of Congress applicants for

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appointments to, in navy, marine corps, and Navy De-

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appointments to, by Executive or Secretary of State

in War Department -

Ohio, resolution that General Jackson's fine be refunded
resolution in favor of marine hospital at Cleveland
Oneida and Telegraph, steamers, pay for the use of
Ordnance department, agents of, sent to Europe


Passengers arriving in the United States in 1841
Patents, annual report of Commissioner of, for 1841
Pay, of officers of the navy -

and rank of engineers of steam ships of war
&c., of officers of the army

Payments to General Clinch and Joseph M. Hernandez

Pea Patch, title to

Pensions, applicants for, in 1841

navy, annual report of applicants for

relative to appropriation for -

revolutionary, Indiana resolution

Pensioners, navy, names of, and amount received

Penitentiary, annual report of inspectors of, in Washington

charges against officers of

relative to completion of, in Iowa

Pennsylvania, resolutions relating to apportionment
Piers at Newcastle, resolutions relative to repair of
Portland, memorial on colonial trade -

Ports of entry and custom-houses whose expenses exceed


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Mississippi resolutions relative to

postages, number of letters by mail
permanency of temporary clerks
fines and deductions

annual report of finances of -


Postmasters appointed between April, 1841, and March, 1842
Pound sterling, value of











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Powell, Lieut. L. M., survey of coast

President's message at opening of session

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upon our relations with Texas

upon the American citizens captured at
Santa Fe

transmitting survey of Maine boundary.

report of the director of the

mint for 1841
census by counties -

relative to investigation at New York

transmitting Andrew Stevenson's letter
to commander of squadron in Medi-


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colonial history of New York

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2 109

relative to colored mariners in ports of

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President's message, relative to appointments in Treasury De-

relative to a system of defence for Florida
relative to expenses of New York custom-
house commission

relative to quintuple treaty, slave trade
relative to steamers between Havre and

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5 251

5 255

5 266

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5 271

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5 291

communicating report of commissioners
under late convention with Mexico
communicating report of Poindexter,
Bradley, Steuart, and Kelley, of invest-
igation of New York custom-house

Pre-emption laws, proposed amendment of
President and Vice President, Rhode Island resolutions on

election of

electors of, resolution of Maine

Printing, &c., of Executive Departments

job, and stationary for War Department
sixth census, Thomas Allen, relative to

Public Buildings, Commissioner, relative to report by the board
to examine as to erection of public buildings

Public Buildings, Commissioner's annual report

Publie money, keeping and disbursement of -

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Registered seamen from Oct. 1, 1840, to September 30, 1841

Railroad iron, drawback on

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Reports, Executive, to be made at 2d session 27th Congress
Report on Springfield armory

Representatives, apportionment of, Massachusetts resolution

apportionment of, Pennsylvania resolution
apportionment of

Repudiation of State debts, resolutions of Kentucky

Reservation, resurvey of Sac and Fox

number of officers for collection of -

Revenue of each post office in 1841 -

collection and disbursement of

Revised tariff, plan of a bill -

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Revolutionary soldiers, Kentucky resolutions

Rhode Island, resolutions of, for, suspension of bankrupt law -

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