SCHOOL DISTRICT 64 OVERVIEW School District 64 has a student population of over 3800 students and this figure varies during the course of the year. Students that attend the schools in the district are from a variety of ethnic and minority groups and these youngsters reside in the North Chicago community and the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Approximately 2 of the student body are military dependents living on the naval base. North Chicago, which is located 40 miles north of Chicago, has long been proud of its school system and the citizens have continually supported the schools and participated in numerous student-parent-school activities. School District 64 services students from Kindergarten through grade eight with nine buildings, one educational center and a maintenance garage. The central administrative staff and building principals have an average in-district tenure of 13 years, and the average faculty members' in-district time is approximately six years. Over the years the policy has been to seek and employ teachers from various universities who have been exposed to a multi-racial and multi-cultural setting in their college and teaching experiences. The curriculum and instructional program is current and is continuously being revised and up-dated to insure the youngsters are exposed to the highest quality of educational programs. SCHOOL DISTRICT 64 BOARD OF EDUCATION AND ADMINISTRATION The Board of Education consists of seven elected members and two appointed Navy representatives. The elected members serve three year terms. The Navy representatives serve in an advisory capacity. The Board's primary role is to establish policy and to provide funds for the operation of the school system. Another very important responsi bility of the Board is that of appointing a Superintendent of Schools to run the school system. The Board meets regularly twice each month on Monday evenings, usually the second and fourth Monday. The meetings are open and public attendance is encouraged. 94-584 77-40 ELEMENTARY PROGRAM GRADES K-6 The curriculum and instructional programs in our schools are state approved, and reviewed yearly. In addition to the regular programs, enrichment services as well as remedial services are provided. These programs are housed in eight modern buildings. The kindergarten readiness program organizes experiences to help the child's adjustment to school work and to further develop positive social concepts through group experiences at that level. The elementary curriculum provides for extensive experiences in reading and language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, physical education, art, and music. Instrumental music is offered on an individual basis starting at grade five. Emphasis is given to developing positive social attitudes as well as in developing the knowledge and skills in academic subjects. Good citizenship is also stressed in our schools. Supportive services to the instructional programs that are available in each building includes a full time principal, secretary, teacher clerk, nurse, reading teacher, physical education teacher, vocal music teacher, and speech therapist. Other supportive services are provided via psychologists, audio-visual coordinator, art coordinator. Library Media Centers are being developed in all K-6 buildings as part of our continuing instructional services improvement program. With the exception of kindergarten and junior high school, the length of the school day is the same for all schools with starting and dismissal hours varying slightly to accommodate busing schedules. Specific information regarding bus schedules, class day, lunch program, entrance requirements, registration date, and other information about school activities may be obtained by calling your child's school or by calling the Educational Services Center. NEAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - GRADES SEVEN and EIGHT Neal Junior High School is a complete, effective, and attractive educational facility named in honor of the Neal Family of North Chicago. Three generations of this family have served on the Board of Education for a total of over fifty years. Neal offers a comprehensive educational program to the seventh and eighth grade students. The students and the staff at Neal are truely a mirror of the North ChicagoGreat Lakes school community, in that it is multi-racial and multi-ethnic. This thoroughly integrated junior high school has an outstanding total school staff committed to helping youngsters. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SECOND TO NONE At Neal the three R's are still basic. Language arts (English, reading and spelling) and social studies (history in grade seven and civics in grade eight) are taught in a block-time arrangement sixteen periods per week. Life science is taught to seventh graders and the popular Time, Space and Matter course is provided for eighth graders five periods weekly. Math is taught in both grades. The majority of the students are given the regular math program taught by a competent corps of teachers. Special instructional programs include remedial reading, speech correction and special education (SEDOL). Supplementing the basic educational program are Home Arts (foods, clothing, domestic activities) and Industrial Arts (drafting, printing, leatherwork, metals, plastics, power mechanics, woodworking). In addition, a semester of Art and a semester of Music are offered four periods per week. The students are exposed to an extensive variety of creative media in both Music and Art. Physical Education, including a unit in Health, meets four periods weekly rounding out the course offerings at Neal. The Neal Library Media Center has expanded to meet the individual needs of today's challenging student. Audio-Visual materials can now be used along with an excellent selection of books and magazines. Individualized units and group listening stations are now a familiar sight in this modern and productive Media Center. Filmstrips, tapes, transparencies and records have also a place in this popular and frequently used facility. There are many other interesting and educational activities conducted during and after school at Neal and they include: Art Club, Audio-Visual Club, Band, Basketball, Boys Survival Club, Chorus, Field Trips, Girls Leathercraft, Girls Shop, Intramural Sports, Modern Dance, Play Production, Reading Club, Science Fair, String Art and Student Council. Neal's educational program is designed with the students in mind. The staff is there, the facilities are excellent and the students are eager this combination is a winner. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - SEDOL District 64 is a member district of the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL), wherein 42 member school districts in Lake County have joined together to provide educational services for the handicapped children residing in each district. All children between the ages of three and twenty-one deemed eligible for special education are entitled to a specially designed educational program to meet the individual needs of each student. In addition to membership in SEDOL, all of the member districts are members of a regional program for students with hearing impairments. This regional program includes SEDOL, the Waukegan School District, and all of McHenry County. A diagnostic evaluation, or review, is made on all children who are referred to SEDOL by District 64. The majority of evaluations may be conducted by any one or a combination of the following professionals: psychologist, education diagnostician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, audiologist, speech therapist, and psychiatrist. The largest component of the SEDOL staff is made up of the teachers employed to provide direct instructional services to the students determined eligible for special educational programs. The teachers are assigned in accordance with their training and certification to the following categories: visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, physically handicapped, multiple handicapped, trainable mentally handicapped, educable mentally handicapped, learning disabilities, behavorial disorders, learning opportunities program, and early childhood program. In addition to the instructional services provided, many of the students have addi tional needs that may require additional supportive services. The following services may be provided: social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and pre-vocational counselors. As a cooperative, SEDOL receives its authority from the local district. It is at the local school district level that all decisions are made relative to providing services for children residing in a given district. Based upon this premise, a referral procedure has been established whereby the local school district maintains the sole responsibility for all referral to SEDOL. Any parent who feels he has a child in need of special education services should contact the building principal for further information. a b c d e f g h i BILINGUAL-BICULTURAL EDUCATION Bilingual and bicultural classes are another essential segment of the curriculum for Spanish-American students. A program of instruction is provided and taught in the native language for these students of limited English speaking ability. Instruction is carried out using both English. and Spanish in all subjects except in cultural studies, which is taught in the dominant language. A parent advisory group helps plan the yearly program and regular meetings are held. This advisory committee is composed of a majority of parents of students in the program. HEALTH SERVICE The health department is a complete, functional unit utilizing a part-time doctor and five full-time registered nurses assigned to the nine school buildings. Health care services include a dental check program, make-up immunization program, vision and audio testing, and health care taught in conjunction with physical education. Health services are conducted only with parental permission, except on occasions when emergency first aid treatment may be required. Another important aspect of the health service is nurse referral of students who may require specialized aid in any area. For further information, contact a nurse in one of the nine buildings. |