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1904. Jan. 19

Protection of Panaman interests by American
consular officers. Incloses instruction to Ameri-
can consular officers to represent the interests
of Panama.
Feb. 20 Neutrality of China in the war between Russia
and Japan. Quotes telegrams to and from the
Department relating to the proposal of the
United States Government for the maintenance

June 10

Aug. 3

Aug. 5



Sept. 23

[blocks in formation]

Contraband of war. States at length the stand
taken by the United States toward the Russian
declaration of.

Designation of the diplomatic and consular serv-
ice as "American" instead of "United States."
Directs the use of the adjective "American"
instead of "United States."'
Establishment of ports of entry in the Canal Zone
of the Isthmus of Panama announced.
Contraband of war. Incloses copy of instruction i
to the American ambassador at St. Petersburg
protesting against the interpretation by the
Russian Government of its déclaration of.
Proclamations and decrees of neutrality, asks for
copies of.

Pacific settlement of international disputes. In-
vitation to the Governments signatories to The
Hague convention to enter into arbitration

Second Peace Conference at The Hague. Quotes
resolution passed by the Interparliamentary
Union and instructs to ascertain the views of
the several Governments relating to.
Designation of the diplomatic and consular
service as "American" instead of "United
States." In the exercise of notarial functions
the term
of the United States of America
must be used and not American
Second Peace Conference at The Hague. Sug-
gestion that the further interchange of views
be made through the International Bureau of
the Permanent Administrative Council of The












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Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay...

July 15



Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré... Aug. 30


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Passport application of William A. Tappan and
his son, Charles L. Tappan, submitted for De-
partment's consideration.

Same subject. Cites Department's circular of
Mar. 27, 1899, for the legation's guidance, and
states that Charles A. Tappan is entitled to a

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay.... Sept. 13 Treaty of friendship and commerce between the
Argentine Republic and Persia. Incloses text

Same to same.


Boundary conventions between the Argentine
Republic and Chile. Incloses text of.




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Emigration law of Hungary. Incloses transla-
tion of the proposed law, with the "exposé de

Medical examination of emigrants at ports of de-
parture. Instructs to inquire whether officers
of the United States Public Health and Marine-
Hospital Service can be stationed at such ports
to make medical inspections of emigrants.
Neutrality of China in the war between Russia
and Japan. Proposal of the United States for
an international arrangement to secure the.
Same subject. The Austrian Government is dis-
posed to accept the proposal in a general way.
Same subject. The Austrian Government asks
whether Manchuria is included in the term
"neutrality of China."

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer (telegram).

Mr. Storer to Mr. Hay (telegram).

Feb. 12


Same to same.......

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Mr. Hale to Mr. Hay

May 20
July 19

Same subject. Permission for the visit is granted.
Emigration law of Hungary. Incloses ordinances
promulgating the law.




Medical examination of emigrants at ports of de-
parture. Permission for the, can not be
granted by the Austro-Hungarian Government.
Complaints of discrimination have been made
concerning the; instructs to investigate the

Mr. Loomis to Mr. Hale Oct. 13 Transportation of emigrants from Hungary.

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Oct. 18
Oct. 19

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Same subject. Gives result of his investigation..
Same subject. Instructs to use good offices in
behalf of the Red Star Line, discriminated
Oct. 29 Same subject. Complaint of Mrs. Maria Hornick,
who was compelled to forfeit her prepaid pas-
sage ticket and buy another via the Cunard

Same subject. The attitude of the Austro-Hun-
garian Government is stated in No. 178 of Oct.
18, 1904 (ante).

Same subject. Reports further on the attitude
of the Austro-Hungarian Government on this

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Nov. 17


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Nov. 29


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Dec. 14

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Same subject. Instructs to bring the case of
Mrs. Maria Hornick to the attention of the
Hungarian Government.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Neutrality of China in the war between Russia
and Japan. Proposal of the United States for
an international arrangement to secure the.
Same subject. Department's telegram of the
10th instant has been communicated to the
minister for foreign affairs.
Same subject. The representatives of England,
Germany, and France at St. Petersburg and
Tokyo have already been instructed in the
sense of the United States proposal.
Same subject. The United States can not
specify metes and bounds in its proposal.
Same subject. With the understanding that
"administrative entity" does not include Man-
churia, the Belgian Government accepts the
United States proposal.

. Same subject. Confirms above telegram in de-

Same subject. Acknowledges Department's tele-
gram of the 16th instant.

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1903. Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay..... Nov. 21

1904. Same to same (telegram)... Jan. 25


Same to same.
Mr. Loomis to Mr. Conger
(telegram). Feb. 9


Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Incloses a
plan submitted by the Belgian minister for
the payment of the indemnity on a silver basis.
Denunciation of the immigration treaty. Re-
ports that he has forwarded a formal notice of,
by the Chinese Government.
Same subject. Incloses formal notice of.
Protection of Japanese interests in China. In-
struction to the American consul at Niuch-
wang to take charge of Japanese interests

Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Feb. 10 Neutrality of China in the war between Russia

and Japan. Instructs him to inform the Chi-
nese Government that the United States earn-
estly desires that the neutrality and entity of
China be respected by both belligerents.

Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Same subject. Reports that the representatives

Same to same..

of France, Germany, and Great Britain have
asked their Governments to suggest to the bel-
ligerents that no troops be sent into Chihli.
.do... Same subject. Incloses identical telegram sent
by the several ministers to their Governments,
as reported in above telegram.
Same subject. Department's telegram of the
10th instant has been complied with.
Same subject. China issued its declaration of
neutrality yesterday.

Same to same (telegram)... Feb. 11
Same to same (telegram)... Feb. 13

Sir Chentung Liang-Cheng Feb. 13
to Mr. Hay.

Same subject. Incloses the neutrality procla-
mation of China.











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Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay..... Feb. 13

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Same to same (telegram).. Feb. 14
Feb. 15

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Feb. 17

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Feb. 19

[blocks in formation]

Feb. 23

Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay(tel-

Feb. 24

[blocks in formation]

Mar. 1

Feb. 27 Neutrality of China. Incloses the reply of the
foreign office to his note communicating the
reply of the Russian Government.
Same subject. Incloses a proclamation issued
by Viceroy Alexeieff.

Same subject. Incloses notes from Prince Ch'ing
embodying China's neutrality edict, emphasiz-
ing China's desire to observe strict neutrality,
and notice to foreign troops in China under
the peace protocol to observe the original in-
tent of the general agreement.

.co... Protection of Japanese interests in China. China
having consented, the American consul at
Niuchwang has been instructed to take charge
of Japanese interests.

Same subject. Reports arrest of all Japanese ar-
riving at Niuchwang from the interior.
Neutrality of China. Incloses notes from the
foreign office expressing the purpose of the
imperial court to remain at Peking. Same subject. Incloses an edict to the officials
of the Empire to maintain security and peace.
Same subject. Incloses regulations for the en-
forcement of the neutrality edict. Same subject. Incloses a note from the foreign
office acknowledging receipt of the kind ex-
pressions of the Government of the United
States concerning the neutrality of China.
Same subject. Transmits the reply of the Rus-
sian Government to the proposal of the United
Same subject. Department's telegram of the
19th instant has been communicated to the
Chinese Government.

Protection of Japanese interests. Transmits re-
port of Consul Miller that the Russian authori-
ties refuse to give him any information con-
cerning Japanese subjects.













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Same subject. Reports that only a few Japanese
officers are employed in the Chinese army.
Same subject. Confirms in detail his telegram
of the 29th instant.

Protection of Japanese interests. Reports that
the Japanese servants of the American corre-
spondents have not been released.
Same subject. Suggests that the case of the Jap-
anese servants of the American correspondents
be referred to St. Petersburg.
Visit of Prince Pu Lun. The prince will be re-
ceived by the President on the 25th instant.
Same subject. Incloses copy of a letter from the
Emperor of China to the President.
Same subject. The prince was received by the
President, and all possible attention was shown

Protection of Japanese interests. Reports that
the Japanese servants of Messrs. Washburn and
Little have been released.
Neutrality of China. Instructs him to renew
representations of this Government's desire
that strict neutrality be observed by China.







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