No. 120. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. Washington, November 22, 1902. I..The following order has been received from the War Department and is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned: WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 18, 1902. By direction of the President, so much of War Department orders of October 4, 1902, promulgated in General Orders, No. 105, current series, Headquarters of the Army, as relates to the naming of Battery Arnold, on the Fort Mott, New Jersey, Military Reservation, is amended to read as follows: Battery Arnold, in honor of Lieutenant Colonel Lewis G. Arnold, 2d U. S. Artillery. brigadier general, U. S. Volunteers, who served with distinction in the Florida war, the Mexican war. and the war of the rebellion, and who died on September 22, 1871, at South Boston, Massachusetts. ELIHU ROOT, II--The following order has been received from the War Department and is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned: WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 18, 1902. By direction of the President, and under the provisions of paragraph 216 of the Army Regulations, names of seacoast batteries are announced as follows: ON THE FORT SMALLWOOD, MARYLAND, MILITARY RESERVATION. Battery Hartshorne, in honor of Captain Benjamin M. Hartshorne, jr., 7th U. S. Infantry, who was killed January 2, 1902, in action with insurgents near Lanang, Samar. Philippine Islands. ON THE FORT BAKER, CALIFORNIA, MILITARY RESERVATION. Battery Alexander, in honor of Colonel Barton S. Alexander, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, and brevet brigadier genera,1 U. S. Army, who served with distinction in the Mexican war and the war of the rebellion, and who died at San Francisco, California, December 15, 1878. Battery Mendell, in honor of Colonel George H. Mendell, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, who served with distinction in the war of the rebellion, and who died at San Francisco, California, October 19, 1902. ELIHU ROOT, The specific batteries to which the foregoing names have been given will be communicated to the department commanders by letter. BY COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL MILES: H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant General, Major General, U. S. Army. No. 121. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, I--By direction of the Secretary of War, the following instructions for the preparation of ration returns of civilian employees are published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned: Officers submitting ration returns of civilian employees will certify thereon that the rate of pay does not exceed sixty dollars per month; that the circumstances of the service make the issue of a ration in kind necessary; and that the terms of engagement provide for such issue, as required by paragraph 1378 of the Army Regulations. In the case of ration returns for officers and crews of seagoing tugs the certificate will state, in addition to the foregoing, that the men are entitled to rations under paragraph 146, Regulations for the Army Transport Service. II. By direction of the Secretary of War, the following instructions relative to experimental ordnance stores issued to troops for trial are published for the information of all concerned: Whenever experimental ordnance stores issued to troops for trial have been thoroughly tested and reports rendered, the officers charged with responsibility for such stores should report the facts to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, through military channels, in order that proper instructions for turning in the stores in case no further trials are necessary can be given. III--The following has been received from the War Department and is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 22, 1902. The President of the United States, by order dated November 6, 1902, reserved for military purposes all of Malagi [Malahi] Island, situated at the south end of Talim Island in Laguna de Bay, Luzon, Philippine Islands. ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of War. BY COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL MILES: H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant General, Major General, U. S. Army. |