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No. 59


Washington, June 21, 1902.

The following act of Congress is published for the information and government of all concerned:

An Act Granting the right of way to the Alafia, Manatee and Gulf Coast Railway Company through the United States light-house and military reservations on Gasparilla Island, in the State of Florida.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Alafia, Manatee and Gulf Coast Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, is hereby granted the right of way, one hundred feet in width, through the reservations lying on Gasparilla Island, in the State of Florida, known as the light house and military reservations.

SEC. 2. That the line and location of the right of way to the said the Alafia, Manatee and Gulf Coast Railway Company through the light house and military reservations lying on Gasparilla Island, in the State of Florida, shall be subject to the approval and under the control of the Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of War: Provided, That the said railway company, on notification by the Secretaries of the Treasury and War, shall, within a reasonable time thereafter, construct, maintain, and operate, at its own expense, a spur, track, or tracks, to enter into and be located at such place or places within the present limits of the light house inclosure on said reservation, and also on the military reservation, as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of War, respectively: And provided further, That the Secretaries of the Treasury and War be, and are hereby, authorized to allow the use by the said company, in the accommodation of its general traffic and maintenance of a coaling station and for terminal facilities, of so much of the land and water front of said reservation lying at a point on the eastern shore of Gasparilla Island, Charlotte Harbor, distant about one thousand feet in a northeasterly direction from Gasparilla Island light and about four hundred feet in a northerly direction from the State quarantine dock, as in their judgment will not be required for light-house or army purposes, and as will not be a hindrance to the public defense nor prejudicial to the health of those residing on the Government reservation, the


Table specifying the Money Allowance for Clothing to Enlisted Men of the U. S. Army from July 1, 1902.

Sergeant majors, regimental

ordnance sergeants, post
commissary and post quar-
termaster sergeants, first-
class signal sergeants, regi-
inental quartermaster and
commissary sergeants,
squadron and battalion
sergeant majors, chief
trumpeters, principal musi-
cians, battalion quarter-
master sergeants engi-
neers, first sergeants, ser-
geants (except band), troop
quartermaster sergeants,
company quartermaster
sergeants infantry, stable
"ergeants field artillery,
corporals (except band),
and lance corporals.

Band sergeants and corporals.

$58, 40 $10.95 $32.85 $32.85 $135. 05 $0.32 $0, 06 $0.09 $0.09 $65.70 $10.95 $36.50 $29. 20 $142. 35 $0.36 $0.06 $0.10 $0.08 62.05 12.77 32. 85 32.85 140.52 .34 .07 .09 .09 67.52 12. 77 40. 15 32.85 153. 29 .37 .07 .11 .09

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[blocks in formation]

Drum majors..

artillery. artillery, and battery quartermaster sergeants fleld Company quartermaster sergeants, engineers and coast

Cooks (except Signal Corps).

Cooks, Signal Corps

Acting hospital stewards..

[blocks in formation]

Same as regimental sergeant majors, infantry. (See G. 0.15, A. G. O., Feb. 13, 1901.)
Same as ordnance sergeants. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1899.)
Same as ordnance sergeants. (See act of Congress approved March 1, 1887.)
Same as regimental quartermaster-sergeants. (See section 1279, Revised Statutes.)
Same as sergeant majors, senior grade. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1899,
and G. O., No. 15, A. G. O., Feb, 13, 1901.)

-Same as battalion sergeant majors, infantry. (See G. O., No. 15, A. G. O., Feb. 13, 1901.)
Same as squadron and battalion sergeant majors. (See act of Congress approved Feb. 2,

Same as first sergeants. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1899.)

Same as sergeants. (See acts of Congress approved March 2, 1899, and Feb. 2, 1901.)

Same as sergeants, infantry. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1899.)

Same as corporals, Signal Corps. (See decision of Judge-Advocate General, United States
Army, approved by Assistant Secretary of War, Dec. 27, 1899.)

Same as a corporal of the arm of service with which on duty. (See act of Congress ap-
proved March 1, 1887, and Cir. No. 14, H. Q. A., 1898.)

Same as sergeants. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1899.)

..Same as cavalry bandsmen. (See act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, amending
section 1111, Revised Statutes, and decision of Judge-Advocate General, United States
Army, approved by Assistant Secretary of War, May 1, 1901.)

While in service Indians employed as scouts will receive the pay and allowances of cav-
alry soldiers. (See paragraph 558 of the Regulations.)


Prices at which articles of Tableware and Kitchen Utensils will be charged in case of loss, damage, etc.

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