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Bradford, James, late capt. Battery Bradford named in honor of
Brickey, Wiley J., late 1st sergt. Certificate of merit...
Brittain, Gray B., pvt. Certificate of merit

Brooke, John R., maj. gen. Retired

Brooke, Mark, 2d lieut. Assigned to Corps of Engineers.

Brown, Harvey, late bvt. maj. gen. Battery Harvey Brown named
in honor of

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Burnham, Howard M., late 1st lieut. Battery Burnham named in

honor of

G. O. 16, 1902, relating to, amended..

Burns, John, late pvt. Certificate of merit

Butterfield, Daniel, late maj. gen. Battery Butterfield named in

honor of

Byrne, Bernard A., maj. Medal of honor..

Calvo, Arturo, R. Admitted to Military Academy.

Carbaugh, Harvey C., maj. Proceedings general court-martial of

G. O. Page.


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which, was judge advocate.

Carpenter, Wade H., 2d lieut. Assigned to 4th Batty. Field Art
Carr, Fred, late corpl. Certificate of merit..

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Carter, Robert G., 1st lieut. Medal of honor

Carter, William H., brig. gen. Detailed to act as Adjutant General

during his absence until Nov. 1, 1902

Member of War College Board.

Casad, Adam F., 2d lieut. Assigned to 11th Cav

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Chaffee, Adna R., maj. gen. Relieved; to command Dept. of the


Chappelle, James L., late artificer. Certificate of merit.



Church, Albert E., late 1st lieut. Battery Church named in honor of
Clagett, Levi, late lieut. Battery Clagett named in honor of...
Clark, Lig J., late pvt.



Certificate of merit.



Clinton, James, late brig. gen. Battery Clinton named in honor of....
Cloud, M. M., asst. surg. Decision relating to..
Condon, Clarence M., 21 lieut.
Connell, James W., late capt.
Cook, Norman E., 1st lieut.
Cooper, Hiram M., 2d lieut.
Corning, John A., late pvt.
Cowles, William II., 21 lieut.

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Cranston, Arthur, late 1st lieut. Battery Cranston named in honor of
Crawford, Emmet, late capt. Battery Crawford named in honor of...

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Crissy, Myron S., 2d lieut. Assigned to 111th Co. Coast Art.
Crosby, Franklin B., late 1st lieut. Battery Crosby named in honor of
Crowell, Leon, late pvt. Certificate of merit__
Davidson, Richard N., sergt.

team, 1902_
Davis, George W., maj. gen.
Sept. 30, 1902

Davis, William M., 2d lieut.
DeRussy, Rene E., late col.
Deubery, Archi. Transferred

Assigned to 6th Batty. Field Art.
Battery DeRussy named in honor of
to distinguished marksman class.
infantry team.
Certificate of merit.
Assigned to 5th Cav.

Prize winner of the Army
Dillon, William E., late pvt.
Dockery, Albert B., 2d lieut.
Donaldson, Lorenzo D., late pvt.
Drew, Alfred W., late 1st lieut.
Duncan, James, late col. Battery Duncan named in honor of..

Dutton, Arthur H., late col.
Duvall, William P., maj.
Eby, Charles McH., 2d lieut.

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Battery Dutton named in honor of
Assigned to duty at Fort Williams, Me.
Assigned to 2d Cav----

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G. O. Page.

Howell, James F., 2d lient. Sentence remitted.
Howells & Co., J. A. Appropriation to reimburse, for advertising.
Huntsman, John A., late sergt. Medal of honor.
Hussey, Patrick, late pvt. Certificate of merit.

[blocks in formation]

Hyatt, Thaddeus R., corpl. Prize winner of the Army infantry
team, 1902


Jennings, Charles H., 2d lieut. Assigned to 13th Cav.
Johnson, Fred, late sergt. Certificate of merit



Johnson, John H., late corpl.

Certificate of merit




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Battery Kirby named in honor of

Krumm, Herbert Z., 2d lieut. Assigned to 1st Cav

Lancaster, James M., late lieut. col. Battery Lancaster named in

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Battery Ledyard named in honor

Battery Lee named in honor of..

Liesmann, Frederick J., late sergt. Certificate of merit

Lincoln, Abraham, late President of the United States. Appropria-
tion for monument or memorial to memory of

Lipscomb, Spencer K., late corpl. Certificate of merit..

Logan, John A., late maj. Medal of honor

Long, James W., capt. Act for relief of

Longley, Francis F., 2d lieut. Assigned to Corps of Engineers.
Lowell, Charles Russell, late brig. gen.

honor of

Battery Lowell named in

Maclay, William P., late pvt. Medal of honor__

Macomb, Alexander, late maj, gen. Donation of condemned cannon

for statue of

Markley, Alfred C., col. Proceedings general court-martial of which,
was president........

Mathews, George W., asst. surg. Medal of honor

McCain, William A., 2d lieut. Assigned to 8th Cay

McClernand, J. W., maj. Assigned to duty on staff of General Bates

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McGrath, Hugh J., late capt. Battery McGrath named in honor of

McIlhenny, E. A. Appropriation to reimburse, for rescuing and

caring for shipwrecked sailors.

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McIntyre, James W., late pvt. Certificate of merit
McKinley, William, late President. Appropriation for portrait of.
Fort McKinley named in honor of

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16, 112 4,

Mendell, George H., late col. Battery Mendell named in honor of..
Mercer, Hugh, late brig. gen. Appropriation for monument in
memory of


Miller, Benjamin F., 2d lieut. Assigned to 27th Inf
Miller, Troup, 2d lieut. Assigned to 9th Cav....

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Miller, William F., late corpl. Certificate of merit.




Medal of honor.

Mills, Albert L., col. Exofficio member of War College Board

Assigned to 3d Cav

Mills, S. C., lieut. col. Assigned to duty on staff of General Bates
during maneuvers.
Mitchell, Henry E., 2d lieut.
Mitchell, William A., 2d lieut.
Moran, Edward J., 2d lieut.
Morrison, William F., 2d lieut.

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