COLT AUTOMATIC GUN, CAL. .30- G. O. Page. Alteration in certain feed belts for; two lengths to be issued; COLUMBUS, OHIO- Authorizes sale of reservation at, and purchase of land for mili- COMMANDING GENERAL'S OFFICE- Appropriation for contingent expenses. 68 1 COMMANDING OFFICERS But one, at a post responsible for the instruction, etc., of the Cir. 7. Computation of continuous service of enlisted men Cirs, 55, 57. 39 119 Estimates of clothing and equipage_ 82 Responsibility for accuracy in preparation of ration returns.. Requisitions for small-arms parts.. (See Department Commanders; Post Commanders.) COMMISSARIES OF SUBSISTENCE Instructions to, in the Philippines.. Rendition of accounts COMMISSARY GENERAL Communications from officers to, concerning accounts, etc., of 42 1 Reports concerning the relief from duty of officers doing subsist- 9 COMMISSARY SERGEANTS- (See Post Commissary Sergeants.) COMMISSION- Appropriation for permanent international, of the congresses of To secure plans and designs for a monument or memorial to one department or bureau for supplies or services furnished ---Cir. 14. (See Decisions, Opinions, etc.) COSTA RICA- Admission of Artura R. Calvo of, to Military Academy- Appropriation. Cases tried by general: Aldrich, James H., lieutenant. Brown, Preston, lieutenant. Cook, Norman E., lieutenant. Pendleton, jr., Alex. G., cadet_ 90 Pay and mileage of witnesses before, in the Philippines Cir. 45. Cir. 27. COURTS OF INQUIRY- Appropriation for reporters and witnesses. Military reservations of Fort Custer, Mont., embraced within 41 CUBA- Appropriation for statement of receipts and expenditures in...---- CURB BITS- Issue and nickel-plating of CUSHINGS ISLAND, PORTLAND HARBOR, ME.- Appropriation for purchase. DECEASED SOLDIER- Claim of post exchange against estate of, for indebtedness__Cir. 25. Comptroller of the Treasury: Allowances to Indian scouts.. Cir. 17 6 Civil employees- Status in the Philippines paid from insular funds. Cir, 45. Transfer or assignment of pay accounts of contract surgeons. Cir. 41. Witnesses before courts-martial in the Philippines____Cir. 45. Mailable articles designed as gifts or souvenirs between the Cir. 57. 2 Cir. 21. Cir. 17. 1 Cirs. 5, 32, 33, 39. |