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JANUARY 25, 1924

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, 1875,


In the Clerk's Office of the United States District Court for the Southern District of
New York.

Copyright, 1881, by A. S. Barnes & Co.


THE revision of "Peck's Ganot" was begun by Mr. BURBANK in the spring of 1880, and completed by him as far as the subject of "Ballooning," on page 164, when the progress of the work was interrupted by his death. The revision of the remaining portions is my own work.

The essential characteristics and general plan of the book have, so far as possible, been retained, but at the same time many parts have been entirely rewritten, much new matter added, a large number of new cuts introduced, and the whole treatise thoroughly revised and brought into harmony with the present advanced stage of scientific discovery.

Among the new features designed to aid in teaching the subject-matter, are the summaries of topics, which, it is thought, will be found very convenient in short reviews.

As many teachers prefer to prepare their own questions on the text, and many do not have time to spend in the solution of problems, it has been deemed expe

dient to insert both the review questions and problems at the end of the volume, to be used or not at the discretion of the instructor.

I desire to acknowledge my obligations to all who have in any way given me aid and advice in the preparation of this revision, and especially to Professor PECKHAM, of Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., who has kindly looked over many of the proof-sheets, and furnished me with valuable suggestions.

WOBURN, July, 1881.



THE rapid spread of scientific knowledge, and the continually widening field of its application to the useful arts, have created an increased demand for new and improved text-books on the various branches of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.

Of the elementary works that have appeared within a few years, those of M. GANOT stand pre-eminent, not only as popular treatises, but as thoroughly scientific expositions of the principles of PHYSICS. His “Traité de Physique" has not only met with unprecedented success in France, but has been extensively used in the preparation of the best works on Physics that have been issued from the American press.

In addition to the "Traité de Physique," which is intended for the use of Colleges and higher institutions. of learning, M. GANOT has recently published a more elementary work, adapted to the use of schools and academies, in which he has faithfully preserved the prominent features and all the scientific accuracy of the larger work. It is characterized by a well-balanced

distribution of subjects, a logical development of scientific principles, and a remarkable clearness of definition and explanation. In addition, it is profusely illustrated with beautifully executed engravings, admirably calculated to convey to the mind of the student a clear conception of the principles unfolded. Their completeness and accuracy are such as to enable the teacher to dispense with much of the apparatus usually employed in teaching the elements of Physical Science.

In preparing an American edition of this work on POPULAR PHYSICS, it has not been the aim of the editor to produce a strict translation. No effort, however, has been spared to preserve throughout, the spirit and method of the original work. No changes have been made, except such as have seemed calculated to harmonize it with the system of instruction pursued in the schools of our country.

By a special arrangement with M. GANOT, the American publishers are enabled to present fac-simile copies of all the original engravings.

NEW YORK, June 1, 1860.

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