Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
ambao Angwenyi areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister attract investors beg to reply biashara Bifwoli Bill BOMET DISTRICTS Butere/Mumias District committee Constituency Education elephants ensure EPZs farmers foreign investors going Hata infrastructure insecurity issue Kajiado District Kajwang kama katika Kenya Wildlife Service Kenyans Kisii kutoka kuwa kuweka vitega uchumi kwa sababu kwamba land lazima licences look Loud consultations maskini matatus Members Minister aware Minister for Regional Ministerial Statement Mugo Mungatana Mwenje Mwiria Nairobi Nairobi City Council national flag National Investments Council nchi Nyandarua District Nyando District Odoyo Ol Kalou Owidi Poghisio point of order police officers private sector problem Question rangers recruited Regional Development Authorities road bumps Roads 2000 Programme Serikali Standing Orders talking teacher training colleges Temporary Deputy Speaker Toro Tourism and Wildlife translocation Tuju Wario watu wengi woo investors