The alphabet(s) in parenthesis following the program title, shows the type(s) of assistance available through that program.
Thealphabet codes with accompanying types of assistance are as follows:A_Formula Grants; B_Project Grants; C_Direct
Payments for SpecifiedUse; D_Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use; E_Direct Loans;F_Guaranteed/Insured Loans;
G_Insurance; H_Sale, Exchange, or Donationof Property and Goods; I_Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; J_Provision of
Specialized Services; K_Advisory Services andCounseling; L_Dissemination of Technical Information; M_Training;N_Investigation
of Complaints;O_Federal Employment.
Included in the Agency Program Index is a chart to help users distinguish programs that provide financial assistance from those
providing services and technical assistance.