The following table gives the chief weights and measures in commercial use in Mexico and the Republics of Central and South America, and their equivalents in the United States: U. S. equiva- 0.02471 acre 3.888 bushels 1.599 bushels 2.5096 quarts 2.5 quarts 15.432 grains 2.471 acres 2.838 bushels 26.417 gallons 2.2046 pounds SPECIFIC GRAVITY-DENSITY-SIZES OF PRINTING PAPERS. Denomination. Kilometre League (land). Manzana 71 U. S. equivalents. 0.621376 mile 4.633 acres 1.0127 pounds 1.043 pounds 1.014 pounds 1.0161 pounds 1.01465 pounds 1.0143 pounds 1.0143 pounds 1.0161 pounds 1.0567 quarts 1.0791 pounds 1.5-6 acres 0.507 pound 39.37 inches 0.9478 foot Quintal Argentine Republic 101.42 pounds Quintal Brazil 130.06 pounds Quintal Chili, Mexico and Peru. 101.61 pounds Quintal Paraguay 100 pounds Quintal (metric). Metric 220.46 pounds 84.1208 inches Vara Central America 33.874 inches Vara Vara Vara Vara Vara Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a given bulk of any substance to that of a given substance, which, as a rule, is distilled water for solids and liquids, air and hydrogen for gases. As the density of water varies with the temperature, the comparison with water is made with water at its temperature of maximum density, or at about 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Following are the specific gravities of various substances, as compared with water: For gases the expression specific gravity is now almost never used, density JAPANESE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Long Measure.--Kai-Ri equals 1.507 miles, 1 mile (1,460 yards) equals 14 cho and 49 ken, 1 yard equals 3 shaku, 1 foot equals 1 shaku and 1 inch equals 8 bu and 4 rin. Capacity.-Gallon (liquid) equals 2 sho, 5 go and 2 shaku; bushel equals 1 to 9 sho and 5 go. Weight. One mo equals 0.000008 pound (avoirdupois), 1 rin (10 mo) equals 0.000083 pound (avoirdupois), 1 fun (10 rin) equals 5.7972 grains (avoirdupois), 1 momme (10 fun), equals 2.12 drams (avoirdupois), 1 kin (160 momme) equals 1.3251 pounds (avoirdupois), 1 kwan equals 8.2817 pounds (avoirdupois), 1 ton (or 2,240 pounds), about 270 kwan, 946 momme; short ton (2,000 pounds), about 240 kwan, 916 momme; 1 hundredweight (112 pounds), about 13 kwan, 547 momme; pound (16 ounces), about 121 momme. NAUTICAL MILES CONVERTED INTO STATUTE MILES. Nautic' Statute. || Nautic'l] Statute. Nautic'l Statute. || Nautic'l Statute. 76 95 76 Summer. 19 24 203 194 185 68 85 59 176 64 80 55 Temper 167 60 75 ⚫ate. 158 56 70 50 149 52 65 41 140 131 148 60 39 To convert Centigrade into Fahrenheit multiply by 9, divide by 5 and add 32. To convert Réaum into Fahrenheit multiply by 9, divide by 4 and add 32. To convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade deduct 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. To convert Fahrenheit into Réaum deduct 32, multiply by 4 and divide by 9. To convert Centigrade into Réaum multiply by 4 and divide by 5. To convert Réaum into Centigrade multiply by 5 and divide by 4. MONEYS AND COINS. 44 55137 FOREIGN Great Britain. 4 farthings-1 penny. 5 shillings=1 crown. The pound sterling is the monetary unit and is equal to $4 866. France. 10 centimes-1 decime. The monetary unit is the franc, which is equal to 19 3-10 cents. Germany. 100 pfennige=1 mark. The mark is the monetary unit and is worth 23 8-10 cents. Russia. 100 kopecks-1 ruble. The ruble is the monetary unit and is equal to 51% cents. Italy. 100 centesimi=1 lira. The lira is the monetary unit and is equal to 19 3-10 cents. Austria-Hungary. 100 heller-1 krone. The krona is the monetary unit and is equal to 20 3-10 cents. In Hungary 100 filler are equal to 1 krona. A few silver florin pieces are still in circulation and are equal to 2 kronen. Holland. 100 cents=1 gulden. The gulden or florin is the monetary unit and is equal to 40 2-10 cents. Spain. 100 centesimas-1 peseta. The peseta is the monetary unit and is valued at 19 3-10 cents. Portugal, 1000 reis 1 milreis. The milreis is the monetary unit and is equal to $1 08. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 100 ore 1 krona. The krona is the monetary unit and is equal to 26 8-10 cents. The coins of silver standard countries are valued by their pure silver contents, at the average market price of silver for the three months preceding July 1, 1910. Under former system-Gold, 4 florins ($1.929), 8 florins ($3.858), ducat ($2.287), 4 ducats ($9.139). Silver: 1 and 2 florins. The sovereign is the standard coin of India, but the rupee ($0.3244%) is the money of account, current at 15 to the sovereign. Amoy, .641; Canton, 640; Chefoo, 613; Chin Klang, .627; Fuchau, 593; Haikwan (customs), 653; Hankow, 600; Klaocrow, 632; Nanking. 635; Niuchwang, 601; Ningpo, 617; Peking, .625; Shanghai, .586; Swatow, .592; Takau, .645; Tien-Tsin, 622 Dollar Hongkong, 422; British, 422; Mexican, .425. Seventy-five centigrams fine gold. fitValue in Mexico, $0.498. INTERNATIONAL VALUE OF COINS. Showing equivalents of one nation's coins with the coins of other nations. Austria. Crown=100 Hellers 40 Egyptian sequins 1.06 French francs-85 German pfennigs-10 English pence=1.06 Italian liras 187 Portuguese reis-26 1-3 Russian kopeks-1.06 Spanish pesetas 4.28 Turkish piasters 20.3 United States cents. Egypt. Sequin 100 plasters 25 Austrian hellers 26 French centimes 21 German pfennigs=24 pence=26 Italian lira 46 Portuguese reis-6 Russian kopeks 26 Spanish centimos 1.06 Turkish piasters-5 United States cents. France. Franc 100 centimes=94 Austrian hellers=38 Egyptian plasters-80 German pfennigs 91⁄2 English pence-1 Italian lira 176 Portuguese reis-25 Russian kopeks 1 Spanish peseta 4.18 Turkish piasters-19.3 United States cents, Germany. Mark-100 pfennigs-1.18 Austrian crowns 47 Egyptian piasters1.25 French francs 1 English shilling 1.25 Italian lira 220 Portuguese reis-31 Russian kopeks 1.25 Spanish pesetas 5.22 Turkish piasters 23.8 United States cents. Great Britain, -Pound sterling=20 shillings-12 pence 24 Austrian crowns 9.70 French francs 3.24 German marks 3 shillings 2 pence English-4 Itallan lira4.493 Portuguese milreis-6.30 Russian rubles-251⁄2 Spanish pesetas-1131⁄2 Turkish piasters 4.86% United States dollars. Italy. Lire-100 centesimi, is of the same value as the French franc. Portugal -Milrais 1,000 reis-5.34 Austrian crowns-2.16 Egyptian sequins= 5.67% French francs 4.54 German marks 4 shillings 51⁄2 pence English-5.761⁄2 Italian lira 1.40 Russian rubles-5.67% Spanish pesetas 25.9 Turkish plasters $108 United States. Russia. Ruble-100 kopeks-3.81 Austrian crowns-1.54 Egyptian sequins-4 French francs 3.24 German marks 3 shillings 2 pence English 4 Italian liras713 Portuguese reis-4 Spanish pesetas 18 Turkish plasters-511⁄2 United States cents. Spain. Peseta 100 centimos-94 Austrian hellers-38 Egyptian piasters-1 French franc-80 German pfennigs 91⁄2 English pence 1 Italian lira 176 Portuguese reis-25 Russian kopeks-4.18 Turkish piasters 19.3 United States cents. Turkey.-Piaster 40 para-5 Austrian crowns 9 Egyptian plasters 22/1⁄2 French centimes 18 German pfennigs=21% English pence-221⁄2 Italian centesimi 39 13-20 Portuguese reis 512 Russian kepeks 124 Spanish centimos 4.4 United States cents. Note: Foreign money is subject to fluctuations of the exchange, JAPANESE CURRENCY. The coins now chiefly used in Japan are copper, nickel, silver and gold, but in the country districts it is still possible to find brass coins of less than mill value. The copper pleces are 1⁄2 sen, 1 sen and 2 sen. The 5-sen piece is the only nickel coin. The silver pleces are 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen and 1 yen, and the gold coins are 5 yen, 10 yen and 20 yen. There are also paper bills of 1 yen and upward. One yen is $0.4935 and 1 sen equals cent. An American dollar equals 2.006 yen and an American cent equals 0.02 yen. In 1897 the Japanese adopted the gold standard, so that change fluctuations with the Occident are slight, and the Japanese currency has fixed value at the rate of about 50 cents for the yen. |