An application is reviewed by the appropriate EPA Regional Office and, if approved, is signed by the Regional Administrator or designated Division Director. Deadlines: Contact the headquarters or regional office, as appropriate, for application deadlines. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Generally, 90 days after the grant application is received by EPA. Appeals: Disputes will be resolved under 40 CFR 30.63 or 40 CFR 31.70, as applicable. Renewals: Not Applicable. Formula and Matching Requirements: This program has no statutory formula. Matching Requirements: This program has no statutory formula. Generally 25 percent in kind service/goods or matching funds is required; however, this provision may be waived in certain cases. This program does not have MOE requirements. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Grants may be awarded for a project period not to exceed 3 years. The term of the grant shall be determined at the time of grant award. See the following for information on how assistance is awarded/released: Other. The method of fund disbursement will be determined at the time of award. Reports: EPA includes reporting requirements for grants and cooperative agreements in the terms and conditions of the agreements. Specific reporting requirements are also identified in the Grant Regulations at 40 CFR Part 30 and 40 CFR Part 31, as applicable. Headquarters receives semi-annual status reports, and an annual data submission of the program's progress for the current fiscal year, from all Regional Offices. Program reports are required under this program. Cash reports are required under this program. Progress reports are required under this program. Expenditure reports are required under this program. Performance monitoring is required under this program. Audits: In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. Grants and cooperative agreements are subject to inspections and audits by the Comptroller General of the United States, the EPA Office of Inspector General, other EPA staff, or any authorized representative of the Federal government. Reviews by the EPA Project Officer and the Grants Specialist may occur each year. Records: Financial records and other records which substantiate the reasonable and allocable charges must be available to personnel authorized to examine EPA grant accounts. All records must be maintained for three years from the date of submission of the annual financial status reports. If questions arise, related records must be retained until the matter is completely resolved. Account Identification: 68-0103-0-1-304. Obligations: (Project Grants) FY 08 $0; FY 09 est $0; FY 10 est $0 Range and Average of Financial Assistance: For every $1,000,000 appropriated by the U.S. Congress, a State receives approximately $30,000/fiscal year to provide funds to onsite technical assistance providers. The range and average of financial assistance provided is: $12,000 to $40,000/fiscal year; $25,000/fiscal year. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Fiscal Year 2008: Approximately 46 states and state environmental training centers receive grants to provide on-site technical assistance to needy small POTWs (capacity less that 5 MGD) to assist them in achieving or maintaining compliance, or improving plant performance. There are over 15,000 POTWs in the nation of which about 14,000 have capacity less than 5 MGD. Based on the 2007 annual report, with funding of just over a $1,000,000, small wastewater treatment facilities received technical assistance which resulted in the prevention of more than 4 million pounds of pollutants from entering into the nation's surface waters. No funding was provided in FY 08 and FY 09. Fiscal Year 2009: No Current Data Available Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Applicants for technical assistance should review 40 CFR Part 30, the General Grant Regulations and Procedures, and the annual guidance produced by the Headquarters wastewater program office. Regional or Local Office: See Regional Agency Offices. See EPA Regional Offices listed in Appendix IV of the Catalog or online for additional information. Headquarters Office: Gajindar Singh Office of Wastewater Management (4204M) Office of Water Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20460 Email: Phone: (202) 564-0634 Website Address: RELATED PROGRAMS: Not Applicable. EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS: Fiscal Year 2008: Examples of funded projects include: diagnostic and energy/water use evaluations at small POTWs; POTW-State technical assistance plans, agreements, and schedules for achieving improvements; technical assistance to communities on plant operations, maintenance, laboratory management, solids handling & disposal, facility management, financial management, pollution prevention, energy saving, and water use; follow-up visits to monitor improvements; and on-site performance summaries. Fiscal Year 2009: No Current Data Available Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PROPOSALS: On-site wastewater O&M technical applications managed by the Regions are evaluated based on the Headquarters wastewater program office's annual guidance, as well as EPA's grants management-related guidance. Other pilot program proposals, with similar objectives, will be considered by the Regional and Headquarters wastewater program offices based on the merits of the proposal, and prior designation by the applicable State agency(s) to receive these funds. Project objectives and requirements for applicants for other pilot project funding will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. 66.468 CAPITALIZATION GRANTS FOR DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUNDS (Drinking Water State Revolving Fund) FEDERAL AGENCY: Office of Water, Environmental Protection Agency American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5; Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996, Section 130, Public Law 104-182. OBJECTIVES: Grants are made to States and Puerto Rico to capitalize their Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRFs) which will provide a long-term source of financing for the costs of drinking water infrastructure. Grants are also made to the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories (Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands American Samoa, and Guam), and Indian Tribes. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2009: Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2009: The funding priority established by the SDWA are for capitalization grants to each State for infrastructure improvement projects that are needed to achieve or maintain compliance with SDWA requirements, protect public health, and assist systems with economic need. A State may use a portion of the capitalization grant funds for programs that emphasize preventing contamination problems through source water protection and enhancing water system management. States and EPA Regions determine priorities for funding in accordance with SDWA. Capitalization grants to each State are also available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009. A portion of the Recovery Act funding will be targeted toward projects for green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, or other environmentally innovative activities. The program supports the Agency's strategic goal of ensuring clean and safe water. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: FORMULA GRANTS USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Capitalization grants are made available to each State and Puerto Rico for the purpose of establishing a DWSRF for providing assistance to drinking water systems for infrastructure improvements. The capitalization grant is deposited in the State's DWSRF, and is used to provide loans and other types of financial assistance to eligible public water systems. A State may elect to use up to 31% of the capitalization grant for other eligible activities, including 4% for administration of the program. States may also elect to transfer up to one-third of the DWSRF capitalization grant to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) or an equivalent amount from the CWSRF to the DWSRF program. Grants are also made available to Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments, U.S Territories, and the District of Columbia. Assistance agreement awards under this program may involve or relate to geospatial information. Further information regarding geospatial information may be obtained by viewing the following website: Applicant Eligibility: States, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories or Possessions (the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands American Samoa, and Guam), and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments are eligible for grants from the program. For certain competitive funding opportunities under this CFDA description, the Agency may limit eligibility to compete to a number or subset of eligible applicants consistent with the Agency's Assistance Agreement Competition Policy. Beneficiary Eligibility: States, U.S. Territories or Possessions (the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, To receive a grant, an applicant enters into an agreement with the EPA Regional Administrator which shall include, but are not limited to, the requirements set forth in Section 130 of the SDWA. OMB Circular No. A-87 applies to this program. Preapplication Coordination: States are required to prepare and provide for public comment on a plan identifying the intended uses (Intended Use Plan, or IUP) of the funds in the DWSRF and how those uses support the goals of the DWSRF. The IUP is to be submitted no later than the application. An environmental impact statement is not required prior to grant award; however, a State environmental review process must be applied to all subsequent State assistance for drinking water systems. Regarding pre-application/pre-proposal assistance with respect to competitive funding opportunities under this program description, EPA will generally specify the nature of the pre-application/pre-proposal assistance, if any, that will be available to applicants in the competitive announcement. For additional information, contact the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts" or see Appendix IV of the Catalog. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Application Procedures: OMB Circular No. A-102 applies to this program. This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-110. EPA requires final applications to be made on Standard Form 424. Requests for application kits must be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency, Grants and Interagency Agreements Management Division, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Mailcode 3903R, Washington, DC 20460 or through the appropriate Regional Office listed in Appendix IV of the Catalog. Additional information on the EPA grant package can be found at: Grants for Tribes, U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia are selected based on funding priorities established by EPA Regional Offices. States must certify that they have the legal authority to receive a capitalization grant and that they have the legal authority to operate the program. States must provide assurance in their applications that they have the legal, managerial, technical and operational capabilities to administer the DWSRF program competently and that they will comply with all applicable Federal cross-cutting authorities and Federal statutes. Applicants may be able to use to electronically apply for certain grant opportunities under this CFDA. Award Procedure: A grant application is reviewed by the appropriate Regional Office, and if approved, the grant is awarded by the Regional Administrator under a delegation of authority from the Administrator of EPA. EPA Headquarters retains the authority to review certain applications or parts thereof. For competitive awards, EPA will review and evaluate applications, proposals, and/or submissions in accordance with the terms, conditions, and criteria stated in the competitive announcement. Competitions will be conducted in accordance with EPA policies/regulations for competing assistance agreements. Deadlines: Contact the headquarters or regional office, as appropriate, for application Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Appeals: Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2005). Copies of these procedures may also be requested by contacting the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts." Disputes relating to matters other than the competitive selection of recipients will be resolved under 40 CFR 30.63 or 40 CFR 31.70, as applicable. Renewals: For those portions of the applicant's program that do not change from year to year, a subsequent grant application may incorporate by reference relevant portions of the previous year's application which have not changed. Formula and Matching Requirements: Statutory Formula: Title Safe Drinking Water Act. Matching Requirements: The funds available for allotment to State DWSRF programs are those funds appropriated by Congress under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA 1452; 40 CFR 35.3540 35.3585). EPA allots funds to each State based on the State's proportional share of total eligible needs reported for the most recent Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey (which is conducted every four years). The minimum proportional share that each State can receive is 1% of total funds available to States. EPA reserves up to 0.33% of the funds available for allotment to the States to provide grants to the U.S. Territories (Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands American Samoa, and Guam). The SDWA also requires the Administrator to reserve 1% of the funds available for allotment to the States to provide grants to the District of Columbia. The SDWA also allows EPA to reserve funds for national set-asides that include: up to 1.5% of the national appropriation for grants to Indian Tribes, and funding for health effects studies, small system technical assistance, and monitoring of unregulated contaminants. The required State match is 20% of the amount of the capitalization made to the State. States must also provide a match or demonstrate a credit for state funded eligible activities to receive Federal funds for certain program support activities. For Recovery Act funds, the required State match of 20% of the amount of the capitalization grant is waived. For additional information go to This program does not have MOE requirements. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Funds are available for EPA's obligation to the State during the fiscal year in which they are allotted and during the following year. Recovery Act funds are available for EPA's obligation to the State until September 30, 2010. The term of the grant shall be determined at the time of award. States must agree to enter into binding commitments with loan recipients to provide financial assistance from the DWSRF in an amount equal to the sum of Federal assistance, less amounts used by the State for eligible set-aside purposes, and the State match. States are also required to agree to commit and expend all funds in the DWSRF as efficiently as possible, and in a timely manner. See the following for information on how assistance is awarded/released: Other. The method of fund disbursement will be determined at the time of award. Reports: States shall provide biennial reports to the Regional Administrator in accordance with the schedule established in the grant agreement (generally not later than 90 days after the end of the second fiscal year during which the payments were received). The biennial report shall describe how the State has met the goals and objectives for the preceding two fiscal years as identified in its intended use plans for those periods, including identification of loan recipients, loan amounts, and loan terms and similar details on other forms of financial assistance provided from the DWSRF. For grants to Tribes and U.S. Territories, procedures for accounting, auditing, evaluating, and reviewing any program for activities in whole or in part shall be governed by regulations at 40 CFR Parts 31 and 35, "Environmental Program Grants for Tribes," with reports as required by the specific terms of the agreement. For Recovery Act funds, funding reports must be submitted in a prescribed format within 10 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter, beginning October 10, 2009. These reports will include data elements as prescribed by Public Law 111-5, Section 1512 and OMB Guidance. Program reports are required under this program. Cash reports are required under this program. Progress reports are required under this program. Expenditure reports are required under this program. Performance monitoring is required under this program. Audits: In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. Grants and cooperative agreements are subject to inspections and audits by the Comptroller General of the United States, the EPA Office of Inspector General, other EPA staff, or any authorized representative of the Federal government. Reviews by the EPA Project Officer and the Grants Specialist may occur each year. The audit of the fund to be prepared by the State or an independent auditor must be in accordance with the standards of the Government Accountability Office (known as the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards). To the extent that the set-asides are used for project purposes that must be repaid, or are directly related to the DWSRF (e.g., administration) or are revolving funds themselves, they must be part of an audited opinion(s). The audits must provide an auditor's opinion on the DWSRF financial statements, a report on internal controls and a report on compliance with laws and regulations. Those set-aside funds that are not loaned out may be audited in conjunction with audits conducted under the Single Audit Act, as described in OMB Circular No. A-133 and OMB's Compliance Supplement for Single Audits of State and Local Governments. Records: Financial records, including all documents to support entries on accounting records and to substantiate changes to each grant, must be kept available to personnel authorized to examine EPA grant accounts. All records must be maintained for three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. If questions still remain, such as those raised as a result of audit, related records should be retained until the matter is completely resolved. As part of the annual review conducted by the Agency to assess a State's performance against activities identified in the intended use plan and biennial report, and to determine compliance with the terms of the capitalization grant agreement, the State or assistance recipient shall make available to EPA such records as the Regional Administrator reasonably requires to review and determine State compliance with the requirements of the SDWA. Account Identification: 68-0102-0-1-304; 68-0103-0-1-304. Obligations: (Formula Grants) FY 08 $829,029,000; FY 09 est $2,809,029,000; FY 10 est $150,000,000 - FY 08 $829,029,000; FY 09 est. $829,029,000; and FY 10 est. $1,500,000,000. Recovery Act funds - FY 08 $0; FY 09 est. $1,980,000,000; and FY 10 est. $0. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: States: $8,146,000 to $66,424,000/fiscal year; $16,105,000/fiscal year. Tribes: $4,000 to $1,600,000/fiscal year; $320,000/fiscal year. Territories: $249,200 to $8,229,300/fiscal year; $2,189,000/fiscal year. Recovery Act funds States: $19,500,000 to $160,000,000/fiscal year. Territories: $500,000 to $2,100,000/fiscal year. Tribes: $15,600 to $3,200,000/fiscal year. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Fiscal Year 2008: All 50 States and Puerto Rico have established and are implementing DWSRF programs through receipt of a capitalization grant. In FY 08, States made 610 loans to systems for a total of $2 billion to conduct infrastructure improvement projects. Of the total number of loans, 69% went to small water systems that serve 10,000 persons or fewer. States also used funds to prevent drinking water contamination through source water protection and enhanced system management. In FY 08 and in FY 09, four awards were made to Territories and 38 awards were made to Tribes to conduct infrastructure improvement projects that are needed to achieve or maintain compliance with SDWA requirements. Fiscal Year 2009: In FY 09, States, Tribes, and Territories will continue to receive funding to support infrastructure improvement projects. In FY 09, it is anticipated that 700 awards will be made with Recovery Act funds for a total of $1.98 billion. Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: EPA Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments (40 CFR Part 31) and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (40 CFR Part 35, Subpart L). Additional program information, including contact information for state program managers, is available online at Regional or Local Office: See Regional Agency Offices. See EPA Regional Offices listed in Appendix IV Peter Shanaghan U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Protection Division Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20460 RELATED PROGRAMS: 66.458 Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS: Fiscal Year 2008: Drinking water projects addressing treatment, storage, source, transmission, distribution and consolidation. Some examples of projects include: construction of a ultra-violet treatment facility; construction of pumping stations; upgrades of water treatment plant; line replacement; and new wells to replace wells that have been contaminated. Fiscal Year 2009: No Current Data Available Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PROPOSALS: The evaluation and selection criteria for competitive awards under this CFDA description will be described in the competitive announcement. 66.469 GREAT LAKES PROGRAM FEDERAL AGENCY: Office of Water, Environmental Protection Agency AUTHORIZATION: Clean Water Act, Section 104&118, 33 U.S.C 1254; National Environmental Policy Act, Section 102(2)(F). OBJECTIVES: To restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO), in concert with USEPA Regions 2, 3, and 5, leads a consortium of programs, agencies, and public and private institutions in attaining specific objectives and actions that will reduce contaminants, restore habitat, and protect the living resources of the basin. EPA and its partners will use the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration's strategy as a guide in activities supporting the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement goal of restoring the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. See Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2009: (1) Remediation of contaminated sediments, including (a) sediment assessments; (b) evaluations of remedial alternatives; and (c) source identification/source control. (2) Pollution prevention, reduction, or elimination with an emphasis on substances which are persistent and toxic, especially those which bioaccumulate, in the Great Lakes basin. (3) Habitat (Ecological) Protection and Restoration, including demonstration of practices and tools for protecting and restoring aquatic, terrestrial, and wetland ecosystems. (4) Invasive (non-indigenous) aquatic and terrestrial species in the Great Lakes Basin, with an emphasis on prevention. (5) Strategic or emerging issues of basin-wide importance, including projects which: address assessment, causes, and/or effects of chemical or biological pollutants not in the regulatory mainstream; cut across or overlap two or more of the foregoing areas; support conferences regarding the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; address issues pursuant to the Great Lakes Executive Order or the Regional Collaboration; or address some other unanticipated area. (6) Lakewide Management Plan and Remedial Action Plan implementation and development, including de-listing of Areas of Concern and Beneficial Use Impairments. (7) Environmental protection related to Lake St. Clair. (8) Strategic Human Health issues. (9) Various aspects of Great Lakes monitoring including fish contaminants, atmospheric deposition, biology, and open water toxics. (10) Projects addressing contaminated sediments in Areas of Concern pursuant to the Great Lakes Legacy Act. Under the Legacy Act, EPA typically funds large projects in Areas of Concern using Project Agreements (not grants) and requiring a minimum 35 percent non-federal match. Funding Priority - Fical Year 2010: A proposed $475 million Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, guided by the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy, is a well-orchestrated, well-coordinated effort among EPA and the Great Lakes Federal Interagency Task Force to fund the highest priority activities in order to protect and restore the Great Lakes. Federal projects and over $250 million in grants and project agreements will be initiated through requests for proposals in the summer of 2009 to jump-start achievement of the following long-term goals: safely eating fish and swimming at our beaches, assuring safe drinking water, and providing a healthy ecosystem for fish and wildlife. Subject to appropriations from Congress, the multi-agency Initiative will fund activities addressing: toxic substances and areas of concern; invasive species; nearshore health and nonpoint source pollution; habitat and wildlife protection and restoration; and accountability, monitoring, evaluation, communication, and partnerships. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: DISSEMINATION OF TECHNICAL INFORMATION; PROJECT GRANTS; Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1254(b)(3), authorizes the awarding of assistance for programs established under the Clean Water Act. The Great Lakes National Program Manager is delegated authority to award assistance (for research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of pollution) affecting the Great Lakes Basin and/or in support of the U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Such activities include surveillance and monitoring of Great Lakes water quality and land use activities. Subject to appropriations from Congress, additional authorization may be available for implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in FY 2010. Grants and cooperative agreements are available to support recipients' allowable direct costs incident to approved activities plus allowable indirect costs, in accordance with established EPA policies and regulations. Quality System Documentation is required for projects involving measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, or conditions; ecological or health effects and consequences; or the performance of environmental technology. Section 118 (c)(12) authorizes contaminated sediment remediation in Areas of Concern pursuant to eligible projects under the Great Lakes Legacy Act; however, these will be done through project cooperation agreements, rather than assistance. Eligibility and other requirements for Legacy Act projects is being developed. Assistance agreement awards under this program may involve or relate to geospatial information. Further information regarding geospatial information may be obtained by viewing the following website: Applicant Eligibility: State water pollution control agencies, interstate agencies, other public or nonprofit private agencies, institutions, and organizations for the purposes stated in Section 104 (a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1254(a)(1). "For profit" organizations are not eligible. Colleges and universities which are subject to 40 CFR 30 or 31 are eligible. Since other federal agencies are public agencies or institutions, they are generally eligible to compete and would receive an interagency agreement if selected for an award. Additional eligibility may be authorized by Congress for implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in FY 2010. For certain competitive funding opportunities under this CFDA description, the Agency may limit eligibility to compete to a number or subset of eligible applicants consistent with the Agency's Assistance Agreement Competition Policy. Beneficiary Eligibility: State and local governments, interstate agencies, public and private nonprofit organizations, institutions, and Indian tribes are eligible; "for profit" organizations are not. Colleges and universities which are subject to 40 CFR 30 or 31 are eligible. Additional beneficiary eligibility may be authorized by Congress for implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in FY 2010. Credentials/Documentation: The provisions of OMB Circular No. A-21 "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions," and of OMB Circular No. A-122 "Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations" apply. OMB Circular No. A-87 applies to this program. Preapplication Coordination: Regarding pre-application/pre-proposal assistance with respect to competitive funding opportunities under this program description, EPA will generally specify the nature of the pre-application/pre-proposal assistance, if any, that will be available to applicants in the competitive announcement. For additional information, contact the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts" or see Appendix IV of the Catalog. Preapplication assistance is available. Requests for Initial Proposals and Proposals will be accessible on the Internet from GLNPO's home page ( and an announcement will be mailed to organizations which have registered with GLNPO. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Application Procedures: OMB Circular No. A-102 applies to this program. This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-110. As specified in applicable requests for proposals. Application kits may be requested from USEPA GLNPO (G-17J), 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590. Application Packages should be submitted to the same address. Standard application forms, as furnished by the Federal agency and required by OMB Circular No. A-102, must be used. Applicants may be able to use to electronically apply for certain grant opportunities under this CFDA. Award Procedure: Proposals are evaluated by EPA reviewers to determine the adequacy of the application under Great Lakes objectives, including technical merit, relevance of the project, environmental outcomes, and cost. Administrative review is done by the Regional Assistance Branch. Funds are awarded by the Great Lakes National Program Office or Region 2, 3, or 5, as applicable. GLNPO assistance is approved by the GLNPO Director and awarded by the Great Lakes National Program Manager. For competitive awards, EPA will review and evaluate applications, proposals, and/or submissions in accordance with the terms, conditions, and criteria stated in the competitive announcement. Competitions will be conducted in accordance with EPA policies/regulations for competing assistance agreements. Deadlines: Contact the headquarters or regional office, as appropriate, for application deadlines. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Approximately 60 days after deadline for application submission. Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2005). Copies of these procedures may also be requested by contacting the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts." Disputes relating to matters other than the competitive selection of recipients will be resolved under 40 CFR 30.63 or 40 CFR 31.70, as applicable. Renewals: Contact the Great Lakes National Program Office for information. Formula and Matching Requirements: This program has no statutory formula. Matching Requirements: This program has no statutory formula. Leveraging, including an applicant's match percentage, will be considered as part of the project selection process for grants and cooperative agreements; however, the program does not expect to require any minimum match requirement. Any such requirement will be specified in the individual Request for Proposals. A minimum 35 percent matching requirement will apply to Legacy Act projects (Section 103 of the Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002). This program does not have MOE requirements. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Generally 1-2 years; however, some incremental awards are made up to 5 years. The term of the grant shall be determined at the time of grant award. See the following for information on how assistance is awarded/released: Other. The method of fund disbursement will be determined at the time of award. Reports: EPA includes reporting requirements for grants and cooperative agreements in the terms and conditions of the agreements. Specific reporting requirements are also identified in the Grant Regulations at 40 CFR Part 30 and 40 CFR Part 31, as applicable. Program reports are required under this program. Cash reports are required under this program. Progress reports are required under this program. Expenditure reports are required under this program. Performance monitoring is required under this program. Audits: In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. Grants and cooperative agreements are subject to inspections and audits by the Comptroller General of the United States, the EPA Office of Inspector General, other EPA staff, or any authorized representative of the Federal government. Reviews by the EPA Project Officer and the Grants Specialist may occur each year. Records: Financial records, including all documents to support entries on accounting records and to substantiate changes to each grant, must be kept available to personnel authorized to examine EPA grant accounts. All records must be maintained for three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. If questions still remain, such as those raised as a result of audit, related records should be retained until the matter is completely resolved. Account Identification: 68-0108-0-1-304. Obligations: (Project Grants) FY 08 $40,733,994; FY 09 est $43,300,000; FY 10 est $95,000,000 - Grants and Cooperative Agreements - FY 08 $6,377,994; FY 09 est. $6,300,000; and FY 10 est. $30,000,000. Legacy Act (Project Agreements) FY 08 $34,356,000; FY 09 est. $37,000,000; and FY 10 est. $65,000,000. FY 10 estimates include the proposed Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Grants and Cooperative Agreements: $9,680 to $777,496/fiscal year; $80,902/fiscal year. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Fiscal Year 2008: The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) holds competitions throughout the year based on available funds and Agency priorities. The number of applications and the number of awards made is dependent on the competitive announcement issued. The announcement typically includes the number of anticipated awards. EPA's Great Lakes Program has been leading Federal, State, Tribal, local, and industry Great Lakes protection and restoration efforts. Accomplishments include: atmospheric deposition monitoring and open lake monitoring in each Great Lake for toxicant and nutrient loadings and concentrations (using EPA's research vessels); trend and baseline data to support and target remedial efforts and measure environmental progress; publishing results from monitoring the Lake Michigan air, water, sediments, and biota through the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study; study of Lake Erie "dead zone;" facilitating access to Great Lakes information; contaminated sediment assessments and remediation demonstrations to assist clean-up in Great Lakes Areas of Concern; protection and restoration of important Great Lakes habitats; promoting toxics reduction through the Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy; advancing prevention and control of invasive species; and development and implementation of Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) and Remedial Action Plans (RAPs). In FY 08, four competitive grants announcements were issued resulting in the selection of 32 projects totaling $5,082,526 in the areas of Pollution Prevention, RAPs, LaMPs, and Habitat Protection and Restoration. To advance pollution prevention and reduction, 26 grants totaling just over $531,000 were awarded for collections of pharmaceuticals and electronic waste. Fiscal Year 2009: In FY 09, GLNPO expects to issue competitive requests for proposals or projects in areas supporting the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy, including the priority areas of: Pollution Prevention and Toxics Reduction; Contaminated Sediments; Habitat Protection and Restoration; Emerging or Strategic Issues (including Invasive Species); LaMP and RAP priorities; and Monitoring. GLNPO also will issue non-competitive grants to States and Tribes for LaMP and RAP activities. Additional information is available from links at Fiscal Year 2010: No Current Data Available REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Requests for proposals, examples, and other Great Lakes funding information is available from General regulations for EPA assistance programs are contained in 40 CFR Parts 30 through 47. Regional or Local Office: See Regional Agency Offices. Mike Russ, EPA, Great Lakes National Program Office (G-17J), 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604-3590. Telephone: (312) 886-4013; Fax: (312) 353-2018; E-mail: Headquarters Office: Mike Russ, EPA, Great Lakes National Program Office (G-17J), 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604 Email: Phone: (312) 886-4013. Website Address: RELATED PROGRAMS: 66.419 Water Pollution Control State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support; 66.436 Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants |