14. D63/1: P 75/12 POLICE AND FIREMEN SALARIES HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON BUSINESS, COMMERCE AND FISCAL AFFAIRS OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON H.R. 12710 TO AMEND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA POLICE AND FIRE- CONTENTS H.R. 12710 (McMillan et al., by request), a bill to amend the District of Page District Government's legislative draft, as per submission to the Speaker 143–151 Raeder, Al, retired battalion chief. District of Columbia Policemen's Association: Cooper, Sgt. Everett L., president Dunphy, Sgt. George, chairman, Legislative committee.. Greenspoon, Benjamin, attorney. Randall, Capt. Donald R., member, legislative board. District of Columbia Police Wives Association, Inc., Mrs. Mary Gannon, Back, Kenneth, Director, Finance and Revenue.. Harpster, Doyle E., Deputy Fire Chief.. Mattare, Joseph H., Fire Chief... Watt, Graham, Assistant to Commissioner. Weinberg, Donald, Chief, Pay Systems and Labor Relations. Federation of Business Associates, Inc., Sanford Bomstein, president.. Hogan, Hon. Lawrence J., Representative from the State of Maryland executive director... Laundry and Dry Cleaning Association of Greater Washington, Wilmer H. Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington, Jack Cockrell, execu- Restaurant Beverage Association, James O'Donnell, executive secretary - - United States Brewers Association, Bernard F. Maloy, vice president and and general counsel.. Washington, D.C. Retail Liquor Dealers Association, Hilliard Schulberg, executive director.. United Licensees Beverage Association of the District of Columbia, William 0. Woodson, executive secretary- 45, 99, Comparison, entrance salaries for police private (1969 and 1972) for 47, 67, 98, 46, 97, Comparison, minimum and maximum salaries paid police privates Financing provisions, sales and use tax increases Laundry-Dry Cleaning Association of Greater Washington, William H. Memorandum of understanding, District Government, Police and Fire- Police and firemen salary schedules. Revisions in police and fire retirement benefits_ Statement of purpose and justification of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act Amendments of 1972__. Summary of provisions of the proposed District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act Amendments of 1972___ Fire Department; District Government: Peters, James P., Fire Inspector, letter to Chairman Cabell, dated May Weinberg, Donald H., Chief Pay Systems and Labor Relations Divi- Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, John W. Stadtler, president, Pay Board, Executive Office of the President: District Government's Application of April 6, 1972 for pay increases__ Pay increases in District of Columbia by wage classifications (1954–71) 55, F 25, 45, 62, 67, 69, 97, 1 for 24 48, 100, Comparison, entrance salaries for police privates (1969 and 1971) Comparison, minimum and maximum salaries paid police privates by 25 Effect of alcoholic beverage tax increases- 200, 203, 207, 215 Employees, District of Columbia government and other cities... 117-118 56, 63, 73, 78, 96, 109, 120, 143, 190, 205, 231 Police and firemen, authorized and actual positions. 78, 199 171, 191 |