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potential employers of students and of unions should be created. From these councils there should be drawn panels, some temporary, others standing, to advise with the faculty and staff on specific occupational curricula and to assist students who follow them successfully to find employment.

The Committee hopes that continuing flexibility and imagination in instruction and administration will not only guard the community college from the dangers of obsolescence in curriculum and teaching methods, but also make it a model for emulation by community colleges in other great cities of the Nation.

A work-study program. The Committee recognizes that there are, and will continue to be, many students who will be unable to take advantage of post-high school education even at minimal cost because of their need to support themselves and, in some instances, to contribute to the support of their families as well.

Traditionally, this difficulty has been surmounted by "working one's way through college," and no doubt many students will continue to do just that. There are, however, several factors that make this solution less than adequate to the needs of the District's young people. In the first place, employers' demands are increasingly hard to meet until there has been some real skill training. Second, many of the students who most urgently need money are likely to be least able to find jobs for themselves. Furthermore, the job is too often profitable—if at all-only in terms of money and not in terms of an experience that bears any relation whatever to the student's objectives. Finally, there are many whose sometimes wavering ambition and limited ability to grasp the more theoretical work of the classroom, laboratory or shop need complementing by "real-life" applications of class work in employment.

The Committee recommends, therefore, that a formal work-study program be made a prominent part of the community college plan. Such a program has manifold advantages. Under it trained college officers maintain lists, which are constantly being enlarged, of companies—and, in the District, of Government departments and agenciesprepared to employ students in the work-study program. These officers study the records of each student assigned to them and hold a number of individual consultations to as

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certain his major interests and abilities. They then help to arrange a hiring interview with one or more of the employers who offer jobs suited to the student's needs.

Supervision and review of the student's work on the job, which is an integral part of the program, will teach him not only to identify mistakes and avoid their repetition, but also to accept high standards of competence, punctuality and personal appearance. The student's work in class, moreover, benefits from his experience on the job. Ultimately, as experience has demonstrated, the transition from school to the labor market will be made very much easier; in one community college in which the work-study program is highly developed, 80 percent of the students found jobs on graduation with the employer for whom they had worked in college. Of the 34,000 students now in formal work-study programs in all types of institutions of higher education, about 40 percent regularly do the same.

B. A College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

1. The Need

The recommendation of the Committee that the District establish a college of liberal arts and sciences (hereafter called the college of arts and sciences) is responsive to two needs, both urgent. First, the District should have a completely new physical and educational setting for the vital function of teacher education. Second, the young people of the District should have the opportunity now enjoyed by the young people of all the States to attend a publicly supported institution offering a liberal education at least through the baccalaureate degree. The Committee found it unnecessary to determine whether either need, taken alone, would have led them to the same recommendation. Taken together, they compel it.

First. One of the Committee's most difficult tasks was to reach a conclusion about D.C. Teachers College. Visits were paid to the institution. There were discussions with President Carr and his predecessor, with a number of alumni, and with others in a position to know the institution well. The Committee reviewed the reports of the president of the institution for each of the past several years and the self-evaluation prepared by the college in 1961 for the accrediting com

mittee of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. It has also examined the evaluation made by the Middle States Committee and the correspondence in 1962 between the college and the National Council for Accreditation of Teachers Education, which culminated in NCATE's withdrawal of accreditation.

The Committee has been forced to the conclusion that the needs of the District for teacher training cannot be satisfied by the D.C. Teachers College. The case is clear on more than one count: the restricted outlook, scope and resources of the institution; the gross inadequacy of its physical facilities; and its demonstrated inability to command the support by which it might have remedied its cumulative weaknesses. These points are discussed in order.

(a) Informed persons who have studied teacher education tend to agree that it goes forward best in strong multipurpose institutions where those preparing to teach are in association and competition with those preparing for other professions and where they encounter able minds in the sciences, the humanities and other scholarly fields both among the faculty and among the students. The Committee concurs in this view. Applying its standard to the institution that now exists in the District exclusively to prepare teachers, it finds that institution inadequate. The business of preparing young people for careers in teaching or counseling in our public schools in now recognized as having outgrown such a single-purpose institution. Only the college or university committed to the liberal arts and sciences can provide the rich and exciting environment needed by the prospective teacher. Professional training is most effectively done by concentration in the fifth year after a full exposure of 4 years of liberal education.

During the 1930's, the old normal school was supplanted in concept and form by the 4-year teachers college. So, in turn, the teachers college has grown obsolete as a still more generous concept and form for teacher education has been developed. Today nearly all the former teachers colleges have not only dropped the term "teachers" from their names, but have expanded their outlook and scope to become general institutions of liberal arts and sciences. That the D.C. Teachers College has long sought authorization to join this almost universal movement is to its credit; the fact that it

has failed, largely for reasons beyond its control, has left it unable to fulfill properly even the narrowly specialized function to which it is limited.

(b) As far back as 1949, when the District's segregated school system provided two teachers colleges-Wilson and Minor-in separate buildings, a study by the Strayer Committee led to the following comment in its official report:

If the District is to provide its youth with teacher education opportunities comparable to those furnished by the public institutions of the 14 States that have populations smaller than that of the District, it will be necessary to expend at least $10 million upon new plant facilities and to contemplate increasing current operating costs by 300 or 400 percent.

In 1955 the two colleges became one institution-D.C. Teachers College-but the physical plant continues to be the same two buildings, a mile apart. Virtually nothing in the way of capital improvements has been done. The third floors of both buildings have been condemned because of fire hazards, and hence are unusable. Neither has a campus, and both are located in crowded neighborhoods that make expansion virtually impossible. Although the Middle States Association in 1961 commended the college "for the excellent progress which it has made in all aspects of the library since 1958," the library is overcrowded; the Middle States evaluation report concluded that "immediate plans for expansion in the present building are necessary."

The same evaluation report noted that "although the science laboratories have been tremendously improved through the purchase of new equipment, the laboratories themselves are small and equipped with outmoded furniture." Research facilities for faculty and advanced students are lacking; laboratory facilities for language work are grossly deficient; and studio facilities for art work are scarcely better. Quoting once more from the Middle States Report:

The physical education and recreation facilities are extremely poor. There are no athletic fields, swimming facilities, handball courts, squash courts, or special rooms for corrective exercises, modern dance, bowling, etc. In addition there are no out

door recreation areas except three tennis courts, and the gymnasia are undersize and obviously built in another era. With such facilities it is doubtful that the college should have a physical education major. In fairness it should be said that the Report acknowledged that "on the basis of performance," as a result of imaginative planning of the faculty, "the physical education program is one of the strengths of the college." This may prove that bricks can be made for a time without straw; in the long run, however, there simply must be straw if there are to be bricks of consistently high quality.

(c) Many American communities have found it difficult to obtain the funds required to meet the insistent demands for improving and expanding their educational facilities. The District has been no exception; indeed, its dependence for appropriations upon the Congress rather than upon its own local authorities has made its task more complex. Attempts to secure adequate financing of its single public institution of higher education are further complicated by the fact that the same body that bears the responsibility for the elementary and secondary public schools has been obliged to carry the responsibility for the D.C. Teachers College as well. It is scarcely surprising to find, in these circumstances, that the Board of Education has felt obliged to give priority to school needs that simply could not be deferred. The inevitable effect on the physical plant of the college has been noted in some detail, but its efforts to strengthen itself have been frustrated in other ways as well. The final result is a fatal impairment of its standing.

The formal qualifications of the present faculty of the college are still impressive: Of the 55 members of the faculty and administrative officers listed in the most recent catalog, 28 (including all those with the rank of full professor or associate professor) hold a doctor's degree, and all the rest master's degrees. Nonetheless, the multiple problems of the college make the task of filling vacancies in the staff as they occur a grave one; a deterioration in caliber of personnel is inevitable.

The student body, despite heroic efforts by the college to raise admissions standards and maintain a high level of academic work, cannot be called first-rate. The Middle States Association noted that the 1959 freshman class "scored

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