Resource directory for older peopleU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging; Administration on Aging, 2001 - 111 pages Presents a directory of resources for older people, provided by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Administration on Aging (AoA). Offers access to state agencies and information on long term care ombudsman programs. Provides access to associations and academies, government agencies, and related foundations. Notes that inclusion in the directory does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by the NIA or the AoA. |
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Abuse Administration on Aging advocacy Agencies on Aging Alzheimer's disease American Academy American Association American Health APDA Area Agencies Association AHA Association of America Avenue Bethesda Brookdale Center Cancer caregivers Contact Council on Aging Department Diabetes disabilities Diseases Information Clearinghouse Drug Elder Elderly Email Federal Government Foundation Geriatric Gerontological glaucoma Health Information Health NIH Hispanic Huntington's Disease Information Center Institutes of Health Long-Term Care Ombudsman Medicare Medicine Menopause Mental Health NAHF National Association National Center National Council National Institute National Osteoporosis Foundation National Resource Center NCCNHR NCOA nonprofit organization providing NSHC Nurse Associations nursing homes nutrition NW Washington older organization providing information Osteoporosis Parkinson's Disease Phone Prevent Blindness America prevention professional programs provides referrals Publications are available referrals to specialists rehabilitation Senior Social Security Society Spanish language Spanish language resources Street Suite support groups Therapy Association toll-free treatment Urologic Diseases Website