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Time of

to the convenience of the people thereof, holding diftrict courts giving reasonable notice of the time and place in Kentue of attendance.


Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day of September next, the prefent terms for holding the district-court, in the Kentucky diftrict, fhall ceafe, and thereafter the faid court, fhall be holden on the fecond Monday in March, the third Monday in June, and the third Monday in November, annually.

JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the
Houfe of Reprefentatives.

WILLIAM BINGHAM, Prefident pro

tempore of the Senate.

APPROVED, March third, 1797:


Prefident of the United States.

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An Act for the Relief of John Brown.

E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the Comptroller of the Treafury fhall and may examine and determine upon fuch evidence, as John Brown, of Providence, in the state of RhodeIfland, furviving partner of the late houfe of Brown and Francis, fhall and may produce and offer, to establish and prove the export

to John

and delivery without the limits of the United Drawback
States, of certain foreign Geneva and empty allowed
bottles, faid to have been exported from the Brown
port of Providence for the East-Indies, in the
year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
one, by the faid Brown and Francis; and, up-
on fatisfactory proof of fuch export and deli-
very as, by law, is required for goods entitled
to a drawback of duties, the Comptroller of
the Treasury fhall and may direct the payment
to the faid John Brown, of the drawback of
the duties which have been paid on the said
Geneva and bottles; any failure of the par--
ticular certificates of delivery required by law

the House of Representatives.

WILLIAM BINGHAM, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, March third, 1797:


Prefident of the United States.



ESOLVED by the Senate and Houfe of Re

R prefentatives of the United States of Ame

Prefident rica, in Congress affembled, That the Prefident to call on be requested to adopt fome speedy and effecftates re- tual means of obtaining information from the fpecting an ftates of Connecticut, New-Jerfey, Pennfylment to the vania, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tenneffee and South-Carolina, whether they have ratified the amendment propofed by Congrefs to the Conftitution concerning the fuability of states; if they have, to obtain the proper evidences thereof.



JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

WILLIAM BINGHAM, Prefident pro

tempore of the Senate.

APPROVED, March fecond, 1797:


Prefident of the United States.


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ESOLVED by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the five hun- Mode of dred copies of the laws of the United States, ting laws of directed to be printed by the act, intituled, U. States. "An Act for the more general promulgation of the laws of the United States," and which were, by the faid act, referved for the future difpofition of Congrefs, fhall be diftributed by the Secretary of State, in the manner following: One fet fhall be delivered to George Washington, now Prefident of the United States; to the Prefident of the United States; to the Vice-Prefident of the United States, and to each of the members of the Senate, and House of Reprefentatives; fix fets fhall be delivered to the Secretary of the Senate, and twelve fets to the clerk of the House of Representatives; one fet fhall be delivered to each of the Judges of the Supreme Court; to each of the Judges of the District Courts; and to each of the Marfhals and Attornies of each diftrict; one fet fhall be delivered to the Secretary of State; to the Secretary of the Treafury; to the Secretary of War; to the Attor ney-General, to the Director of the Mint; to the Comptroller of the Treasury; to the Commiffioner of the Revenue; to the Register; to the Auditor; to the Accountant of the WarDepartment, and to the Poftmafter-General, and the Purveyor of public fupplies; one fet fhall be delivered to the Governor and to the Secretary of the Territory northwest of the Ohio, and to each of the Judges thereof; one fet fhall be delivered to each Collector, NavalOfficer and Surveyor, and to each Supervisor and Infpector of the Revenue, in the United States,

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[ 438 ]

Sec. 1. And be it further refolved, That in cafe of the death, refignation, or difmiffion from office, of either of the officers beforementioned, excepting the Prefident and VicePrefident of the United States, the members of the Senate, and Houfe of Representatives, 'and the Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, the faid copies of the laws of the United States, delivered to them as aforefaid, fhall belong to their refpective fucceffors in the faid offices.

JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

WILLIAM BINGHAM, Prefident of the

·Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, March third, 1797:


Prefident of the United States.

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