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ufe of the United States: Except where the profecution fhall be firft inftituted on behalf of the United States; in which cafe, the whole fhall be to their use.

Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That notrade and thing in this act shall be conftrued to prevent excepted. any trade or intercourse with Indians living on lands furrounded by fettlements of the citizens


• Certain

of the United States, and being within the ordinary jurifdiction of any of the individual ftates; or the unmolefted ufe of a road from roads ex- Washington district, to Mero district, and of the navigation of the Tennesse river, as referved and fecured by treaty.


The Prefi.



Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the dent Prefident of the United States be, and he is caufe to be hereby authorized, to cause to be clearly ascer. other boun- tained, and diftinctly marked, in all fuch places dary lines. as he shall deem neceffary, and in fuch manner as he shall direct, any other boundary lines between the United States and any Indian tribe, which now are, or hereafter may be established by treaty.

Other acts repealed.


Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That all and other act and acts, coming within every the purview of this act, fhall be, and they are hereby repealed: Provided, nevertheless, that all disabilities, that have taken place, fhall continue and remain; all penalties and forfeitures, that have been incurred, may be recovered; and all profecutions and fuits, that may have been commenced, may be profecuted to final judgment, under the faid act or acts, in the fame manner, as if the faid act or acts were continued, and in full force and virtue.

Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That this

act fhall be in force, for the term of two years, Limitation and from thence, to the end of the feffion of of the act. Congress next thereafter and no longer.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the
Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the nineteenth, 1796:
Prefident of the United States.


An Act relative to Quarantine.

B prefentatives of the United States of Ame

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Re

rica, in Congress affembled, That the President
of the United States be, and he is hereby au-
thorized, to direct the revenue-officers and the
officers commanding forts and revenue-cutters,
to aid in the execution of quarantine, and also
in the execution of the health-laws of the states,
respectively, in fuch manner as may to him
appear neceffary.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the twenty-feventh, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.

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An Act altering the Compenfation of the Accountant to the War-Department.

Sec. I.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That there fhall hereafter be allowed to the Accountion to the tant of the Department of War, the fum of one thoufand fix hundred dollars per annum, as a compenfation for his fervices, in lieu of partment. the compenfation heretofore allowed.



tant of the War-De

Privilege of

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all franking. letters and packets to or from the Accountant of the Department of War, fhall be conveyed by poft, free of poftage, under fuch restrictions as are provided by law, in like cafes.

the House of Representatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the
Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the twenty-feventh, 1796:

Prefident of the United States.

Sect. 1.


An Act refpecting the Mint.

•BE it enabled by the Senate and House

of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That there fhall be appropriated for the purchase of

copper for the further coinage of cents and Arproprihalf cents, a fum equal to the amount of the ation for the purcents and half cents which fhall have been chafe of coined at the mint, and delivered to the trea- copper. furer of the United States, fubfequent to the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-fix, which fum fhall be payable out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwife appropriated.

Part of

gold and

to be

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of this act, there shall be retained from every depofit in the mint, of gold or filver bullion below the standard of the United States, fuch fum as fhall be equiva-ilver bullent to the expenfe incurred in refining the retained. fame, and an accurate account of fuch expenfe on every depofit fhall be kept, and of the fums retained on account of the fame, which fhall be accounted for by the Treasurer of the mint, to the Treasurer of the United States.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act fhall continue in force for the term of two years from the paffing thereof, and from thence until the end of the next feffion of Congrefs Limitation. thereafter holden, and no longer.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore."

APPROVED, May the twenty-feventh, 1796;


Prefident of the United States.

Time and

place of

Hoiding the


court of




An Act altering the Seffions of the Circuit-Courts in the Districts of Vermont and Rhode-Island ; and for other Purposes.

Sec. 1.

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe


of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That from and after the first of June next, the circuit-court, for the district of Vermont, shall be held at Rutland and Windfor, alternately, beginning with the former, on the feventh day of November, and on the twelfth day of May, annually: Previded, when either of those days fhall be Sunday, the court shall be held on the day following.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Fall-effion fall-feffion of the circuit-court, for the difof the cir- trict of Rhode-Ifland, fhall be held on the of Rhode nineteenth day of November, with the exception for Sunday, as is provided in the preceding fection.


Times of

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the diftrict-court for the district laft aforefaid, instead of the several days heretofore prescriholding the bed, fhall be held annually, on the first TuefCourt of R. day of Auguft, the third Tuefday of NoIfland. vember, the first Tuesday of February, and the second Tuesday of May.


Returns of

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all writs and proceffes, of whatever name or defcription, which may have iffued from either writs and of the courts before-mentioned, or which shall proceffes, hereafter iffue, the return of which will be interrupted by this act, fhall be returned to the terms of the courts, refpectively, next


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