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List of claims filed with the board of officers on claims for the year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.

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Total amount recommended for payment by the board..

Amount allowed by military governor where board recommended disallowance

Total amount allowed by military governor..

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Amount asked by claimants in cases tried.
Amount recommended for payment by the board.
Amount allowed by the military governor.

$454, 048. 15 12,695. 08 13,895.08


[Bringing the report of the board up to August 15, 1900.]

List of claims filed prior to June 30, 1899, and upon which the board has taken action since June 30, 1900.

18. Luis Saens Vismanos Ong Queco: Loss of distilling plant at Malolos by fire in April, 1899, valued at $123,993.44. Filed (date unknown). Disallowed by board July 3, 1900, and this action approved by military governor July 13, 1900.

21. Francis E. Coney: Damages to furniture, household goods, etc., and for inconvenience in moving, February 5, 1899, near Manila, estimated at $5,840. Filed May 17, 1899. Disallowed by the board July 10, 1900, and this action approved by military governor July 13, 1900.

35. Enrique Rodriguez: Loss of shipyard, cascos, etc., by fire at Malabon in March, 1899, valued at $8,225. Filed September 5, 1899. Disallowed by board June 30, 1900, and this action approved by military governor July 13, 1900.

53. Edward Vidal: Asks $617 for horse, quilez, carriage, and lamps, detained by Captain Crago, Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Manila, since February 6, 1899. Filed June 28, 1899. Board allowed $230 August 7, 1900, and this action approved by the military governor.

List of claims filed since June 30, 1900, up to August 15, 1900, inclusive, and action when any has been had is indicated; otherwise the claim is still pending.

179. Lorenza Ynza Cruz: Asks possession of a house at Guagua occupied by United States troops, and rent therefor, at $35 per month, from October 3, 1899. Filed July 3, 1900. Case was heard July 13, 1900. No decision reached by board as yet.

180. Fernando Ricafrente: Requests that $700 (Mexican), taken from him by United States troops when they first entered Rosario, Cavite, October 9, 1899, be returned to him, he being the lawful owner of same. Filed July 5, 1900. Pending August 15,


181. Sy Giang, executor of estate of Don J. M. y Tiongtay, deceased: Claims loss of cargo and damages done to two steamships, San Joaquin and Gloria, of which Tiongtay was part owner. Claim on former vessel amounts to $90,430, and on latter $16,463.86. Vessels were flying United States flag at time of capture by insurgents, and were registered in name of John J. Russel, an American citizen, of Manila, P. I. Filed July 5, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

182. Bartolome Arique: Requests return of a seized banca held by captain of the port at Manila, P. I., since October, 1899. Filed July 18, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

183. Francisco Ferrer: Asks $9,000 for loss of house and property during bombardment at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 6, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

184. Ramon M. Orozco: Asks $30,722 for house and property burned at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 6, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

185. Thomas Orio y Balbas: Asks $62,000 for loss of houses and property at Catubig, Samar, April 15, 1900. Filed July 7, 1900. Case was heard August 13, 1900. No decision reached by board as yet.

186. Chiene, Charles Morgan: Asks $8,177 for loss of household property at Iloilo, February 11, 1899. Filed July 9, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

187. Sabino Ordase Sanmurful: Asks $96,946 for destruction of houses and other property at Iloilo, February 11, 1899. Filed July 23, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900. 188. Maximiano Rosales: Asks $510 for damages to his house at Manila while occupied by United States troops. Filed July 23, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900. 189. Tomas Francisco: Requests return of 2 bancas held by captain of the port, Manila, P. I., since January 15, 1900. Filed July 23, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900. 190. Juan Ballesteros Santhez: Asks $10,000 for damages to his property and business at Capiz, island of Panay, November 26, 1898. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

191. Salas Brothers: Ask $50,525.42 for destruction of property and household goods at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

192. Don Demetrio y Odon Villamarin: Requests return of two vessels, San Rafael and Aguilar, taken from him at San Roque, Cavite, about May 1, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

193. Francisco Otzet Villanova: Asks $8,428 for damages to house with contents at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

194. José Escrich y Llopiz: Asks $5,000 (gold) for destruction of houses and property during bombardment at Olangapo, Port of Subig, September 23, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

195. Manuel Conto y Soriano: Asks $1,395 for damages to property at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

196. Francisco Palma Gonzales: Asks $5,565.65 for destruction of property at Iloilo, February 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

197. Alejandro Arnechazurra y Egusquiza: Asks $150,359 for damages to property at Maso, island of Negros, June 26 and 30, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

198. Cornelio de Luzarraga Echevarria: The same as claim No. 89.

199. José Maria Romero y Sales: Asks $26,340.75 for destruction of house with printing office at Iloilo, P. I., July 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

200. Francisco Cacho Tijedor: Asks $49,485 for destruction of house, furniture, and property at Iloilo, P. I., February 11, 1899. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

201. Michela Rosales: Asks $2,580.93 for destruction of house and property by United States troops at Manila, November 29, 1898. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

202. Manuel del Busto: Asks $781 for loss of furniture, clothes, etc., stolen and destroyed by the insurgents during their occupancy of the college building after the surrender of Manila, P. I. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

203. Bernardo Ascanio y Nieves: Asks $13,700 for destruction of three plantations at Malbato, island of Bumanga, province of Calamianes. Filed July 24, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

204. Franklin Brooks: Asks $129.50 for horse and bridle taken by United States soldiers near Manila, March 15, 1899. Filed July 26, 1900. Board, August 8, 1900, recommended payment of $129.50, and this action approved by military governor August 11, 1900.

205. Dionisio Ferrazy: Asks $2,045 for destruction of household property by United States troops at San Fernando, Pampanga, May 14, 1899. Filed July 28, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900.

206. Francis A. da Silva: Requests return of launch Orienta, seized under suspicious circumstances by U. S. gunboat Oeste near Playa, province of Laguna de Bay, June 10, 1900. Filed August 10, 1900. Pending August 15, 1900. Case was heard August 22, 1900. No decision reached by board as yet.

207. Tan Chico: Asks $205 rent for carriage and horses. Being a case stated, sent by military governor, requesting opinion of board on paper and facts as presented. Filed August 10, 1900. Opinion disallowing forwarded August 17, 1900.

208. Nicolas Ortiz Luis: Asking $316.75 for damage to house and crops. Being a case stated, sent by the military governor, requesting opinion of board on papers and facts as presented. Filed August 10, 1900. Opinion forwarded August 16, 1900. 209. Manila and Dagupan Railway Company: Asking compensation for hauling army store over their tramway from Tondo to Pasig River. Being a case stated, sent by the military governor, requesting opinion by the board on papers and facts as presented. Filed August 14, 1900. Opinion forwarded August 22, 1900.


Number of cases filed with board up to August 15, 1900, and since June 30, 1900...

Number of foregoing cases heard by board up to August 15, 1900, and no decision rendered

Number of foregoing cases heard and approved by military governor. Number of foregoing cases acted upon by board and opinion forwarded to military governor

Number still pending.


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Number of claims filed previous to June 30, 1899, and heard since June 30, 1900.

Number of claims filed previous to June 30, 1900, and heard since..
Number of claims filed after June 30, 1900, and heard since...

[blocks in formation]

Total number of claims heard since June 30, 1900, up to August 15,

Number of above claims approved by military governor..
Number still awaiting action of military governor..

Number in hands of board to be forwarded for action of military gov







Amount asked for in claims filed since June 30, 1900.
Amount asked for in claims heard by the board since June 30, 1900.
Amount recommended by board for payment since June 30, 1900.

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Total number of claims heard.

Amount asked for in above claims heard by the board

Amount recommended for payment by board ..


$897, 693. 26 $14,907. 25

1Six claims returned for compliance with circular No. 4. Three claims have been

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