Secretary's determination, and shall respectfully request the court or other authority to withdraw or stay the demand. (b) (1) Whenever a demand of the type described in paragraph (a) of this section is made upon an employee of this Department not authorized to make releases pursuant to § 1.11(b) of this subpart, by a court or other authority while he is appearing before, or is otherwise in the presence of the court or other authority, the employee, or other appropriate Government official or attorney acting on behalf of the employee, shall (i) immediately inform the court or other authority that this section prohibits the employee from producing or disclosing the information or material demanded and (ii) offer to refer the demand for the prompt consideration of authorized officials, providing the court or other authority a copy of this subpart and respectfully requesting that the demand be stayed pending his receipt of appropriate instructions concerning the demand. (2) If the employee is authorized to make a release pursuant to § 1.11(b) of this subpart but determines that such release would be improper, he shall offer to refer the demand for the prompt consideration of the agency head and/or Secretary and shall otherwise comply with paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section. (c) If the court or other authority declines to stay the effect of the demand in response to a request made in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this section pending the receipt by the employee of instructions or directions, or if the court or other authority rules adversely on any assertion made in conformity with the provisions of this subpart, the employee upon whom the demand has been made may tender the records, material, or information, demanded with a request they be held in camera until an appeal can be taken from the adverse ruling. § 1.16 Records in formal adjudication proceedings. Records in formal adjudication proceedings are on file in the Office of the Hearing Clerk, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250, and shall be made available to the public. APPENDIX A-FEE SCHEDULE FEE SCHEDULE Sec. 1. General. This schedule sets forth fees to be charged for providing copies of records, including photographic reproductions, microfilm, maps and mosaics, and related services. The fees set forth in this schedule are applicable to all agencies and consitituent units of the Department of Agriculture. Sec. 2. Facilities. Records and related services are available at the locations specified by the agencies in their statements of procedures to facilitate public inspection and copying of its records. Any material offered for sale by the Government Printing Office should be purchased from that source. Departmental agencies will not stock such material for public sale. Agencies do not stock copies of forms and publications or maintain records at any facility which does not require these materials in its operations. Sec. 3. Fees for materials and services. All agencies of the Department shall be guided by the fees set forth herein. Any changes or additions to this fee schedule shall be made by amendment to or revision of this schedule. Sec. 4. Circumstances governing exceptions to the charging of fees for records and related services. (For photographic reproductions, see Sec. 12.) a. Waiver of fees for records and related services. Fees may be waived in whole or in part under the following conditions: (1) Where individual collections are $3 or less. (2) Where the furnishing of the service without charge is an appropriate courtesy to a foreign country or international organization; or comparable fees are set on a reciprocal basis with a foreign country or an international organization. (3) Where the recipient is engaged in a nonprofit activity designed for the public safety, health, or welfare. (4) Where the agency determines that payment of the full fee by a State, local government, or nonprofit group would not be in the interest of the program involved. b. Fees not to be charged for records and related services. Documents shall be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge under the following conditions: (1) When the furnishing of records and related services is determined by the agency to be in the public interest as primarily benefiting the general public. (2) When filling requests from other Departments or Government agencies for official use, provided quantities requested are reasonable in number. (3) When members of the public provide their own copying equipment, in which case no copying fee will be charged. (4) When any notices, decisions, orders, or other material are required by law to be served on a party in any proceedings or matter before any Department agency. c. Where both a and b above apply to a matter, b shall be controlling. Sec. 5. Limitations of copies. a. Agencies may restrict numbers of photocopies and directives furnished the public to one copy of each page. Copies of forms provided the public shall also be held to the minimum practical. Persons requiring any large quantities should be encouraged to take single copies to commercial sources for further appropriate reproduction. b. Single or multiple copies of transcripts, provided the Department under a reporting service contract, may be obtained from the contractor at a cost not to exceed the cost per page charged to the Department for extra copies. The contractor may add a postage charge when mailing orders to the public but no other charge may be added. Sec. 6. Search services. a. Search services are services of agency personnel-clerical, supervisory or professional salary levelused in trying to find the records sought by the requester. They include time spent examining records for the purpose of finding records which are within the scope of the request. They also include services to transport personnel to places of record storage, or records to the location of personnel for the purpose of the search, if such services are reasonably necessary. b. Because of the nature of the Department's business and records, the normal location of a record in a file or other facility will not be considered a search. This would be the same as quickly locating a piece of material for purposes of answering a letter or telephone inquiry, and is based on the Department's obligation to respond to requests furnishing a reasonably specific description of the record. Sec. 7. Payments of fees and charges. a. Payments will be collected to the fullest extent possible in advance or at the time the requested materials are furnished. b. Except as otherwise stipulated by agency procedures, payment shall be made by check, draft, or money order made payable to the Treasury of the United States, but small amounts may be paid in cash, particularly where services are performed in response to a visit to a Department office. c. Where the estimated fees to be charged exceed $50.00, a deposit of 50 percent of the estimated amount shall be collected from the requester before any of the requested materials are reproduced. d. Where a request for records indicates the necessity of an extensive search, the requester should be notified of that fact and of the possibility of an unproductive search. The notification should offer the requester the opportunity to confer with agency personnel to reform the request to meet the needs at a lower fee. When an extensive search still appears necessary, unless the agency determines that the request is in the public interest in accordance with Section 4b (1), it shall inform the requester that no search will be undertaken until an agreement to pay applicable fees is received, including a deposit of 50 percent of the estimated fee where appropriate. Sec. 8. Fees for records and related services. a. Photocopies 81⁄2" x 14" or smaller; $0.10 for the first copy and $0.05 for each additional copy of the same page. b. Photocopies in excess of 81⁄2" x 14"; $0.25 per linear foot of the longest side of the copy. c. Manual searches will be charged for at the rate of $5.50 per hour for clerical time and $11.00 per hour for supervisory or professional time. Charges will be computed to the nearest quarter hour required for the search. A search may involve both clerical and supervisory or professional time. d. Other direct costs incurred will be assessed the requester at the actual cost to the Government, e.g., where records are required to be shipped from one office to another by commercial carrier in order to timely answer the request, the actual freight charges will be assessed the request er. e. Computer services will be charged for at the rates established in the Users Manual or Handbook published by the computer center at which the work will be performed, except that where commercial time-sharing computer sources are the required search media, the contract rate charged by the commercial source to the Government will be charged. A listing follows showing where those rates are published and the office from which copies may be obtained or at which the rates may be examined. Fort Collins Computer Center Users Manual: Fort Collins Computer Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 3825 East Mulberry Street (P.O. Box 1206), Fort Collins, Colo. 80521. New Orleans Computer Center Users Manual: New Orleans Computer Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 13800 Old Gentilly Road, Building 350, New Orleans, La. 70129. Kansas City Computer Center Users Manual: Kansas City Computer Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8930 Ward Parkway (P.O. Box 205), Kansas City, Mo. 64141. Washington Computer Center Users Handbook: Washington Computer Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room S-100, South Building, 12th Street and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, D.C. 20250. St. Louis Computer Center. Charges for the St. Louis Computer Center will be based on actual expenses incurred in performing the search. Address is: St. Louis Computer Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1520 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. 63103. f. The fees do not include and no charge shall be made for (a) time spent examining records to determine whether an exemption can and should be asserted, (b) time spent deleting exempt matter being withheld from records to be furnished, or (c) time spent in monitoring a requester's inspection of agency records. g. Certifications, $1.00 each; Authentications under Department Seal (including aerial photographs), $2.00 each. h. Except as provided in section 9, for services not subject to the Freedom of Information Act and not covered by (g) above, agencies may set their own fees in accordance with applicable law. i. The fees specified in a through f of this Section apply to all requests for services under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552), unless no fee is to be charged, or the agency has determined to waive or reduce those fees pursuant to Section 4. No higher fees nor charges in addition to those provided for in this schedule may be charged a party requesting search or duplication services under the Freedom of Information Act. j. The fees specified in g and h of this Section and in Sections 9 through 16 of this schedule apply to requests for services other than those subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The authority for establishment of these fees is at 31 U.S.C. 483a and other applicable law. Sec. 9. Photographic reproduction, microfilm, mosaic and maps. Reproduction of such aerial or other photographic microfilm, mosaic and maps as have been obtained in connection with the authorized work of the Department may be sold at the estimated cost of furnishing such reproductions as prescribed in this schedule. Sec. 10. Agencies which furnish photographic reproductions. a. Aerial photographic reproductions. The following agencies of the Department furnish aerial photographic reproductions: Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS), APFO, USDA-ASCS, 2222 West 2300 South, P.O. Box 30010, Salt Lake City, Utah 84125. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), USDA, Cartographic Division, Washington, D.C. 20250, or Cartographic Facility in nearest SCS Technical Service Center. reproductions. b. Other photographic Other types of photographic reproductions may be obtained from the following agencies of the Department: Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) (Address above). Forest Service (FS), USDA, P.O. Box 2417, Washington, D.C. 20013, or nearest Forest Service Regional Office. Office of Governmental and Public Affairs, USDA, Photographic Division, Room 530A, Washington, D.C. 20250. Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Information Division, Audio Visual Branch, Washington, D.C. 20250. Science and Education Administration, USDA, Office of the Deputy Director, Technical Information Systems, Room 200, NAL Building, Beltsville, Md. 20705. Sec. 11. Photographic Sales Committee. The Photographic Sales Committee consists of representatives designated by Department agencies principally concerned with the sale of photographic reproductions. The Committee recommends prices at which photographic and mosaic reproductions, except library material, shall be sold, and other matters related to photographic reproductions. Sec. 12. Circumstances under which photographic reproductions may be provided free. Reproductions may be furnished free at the discretion of the agency, if it determines this action to be in the public interest, to: a. Press, radio, television, and newsreel representatives for dissemination to the general public. b. Agencies of State and local governments carrying on a function related to that of the Department when it will help to accomplish an objective of the Department. c. Cooperators and others furthering agricultural programs. Generally, only one print of each photograph should be provided free. Sec. 13. Loans. Aerial photographic film negatives or reproductions may not be loaned outside the Federal Government. Sec. 14. Sales of positive prints under Government contracts. The annual contract for furnishing single and double frame slide film negatives and positive prints to agencies of the Department, County Extension Agents, and others cooperating with the Department, carries a stipulation that the successful bidder must agree to furnish slide film positive prints to such persons, organizations, and associations as may be authorized by the Department to purchase them. Sec. 15. Procedure for handling orders. In order to expedite handling, all orders should contain adequate identifying information. Agencies furnishing aerial photographic reproductions require that all such orders identify the photographs. Each agency has its own procedure and order forms. Sec. 16. Photographic reproduction prices. The prices for photographic reproductions listed here are the most generally requested items. a. Science and Education, National Agricultural Library. The following prices are applicable to National Agricultural Library items only: Reproduction of electrostatic, microfilm, and microfiche copy-$3.00 for the first 10 pages or fraction thereof, and $2.00 for each additional 10 pages or fraction thereof. Duplication of NAL-owned microfilm-$10.00 per reel. Duplication of NAL-owned microfiche-$3.00 for the first fiche, and $0.50 for each additional fiche. Magnetic tape containing bibliographic files-$45 per reel. Charges for manual and automated data base searches for bibliographic or other research information will be made in accordance with section 8, subsections c-e of this fee schedule. The contract rate charged by the commercial source to the National Agricultural Library for computer services is available at the National Agricultural Library, Room 111, Information Access Division, United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 (301-344-3834). b. General photographic reproductions. Minimum charge $1 per order. All sizes are approximate. An extra charge may be necessary for excessive laboratory time caused by any special instructions from the purchaser. (5 U.S.C. 301; 5 U.S.C. 552; 7 U.S.C. 2244; 31 U.S.C. 483a; and 7 CFR 2.75(a)(3)(ii) and (iii)) [43 FR 14002, Apr. 4, 1978, as amended at 44 FR 21251, Apr. 10, 1979; 45 FR 27435, Apr. 23, 1980; 46 FR 23913, Apr. 29, 1981; 46 FR 50359, Oct. 13, 1981] Subpart B-Departmental Proceedings § 1.26 Representation before the Department of Agriculture. (a) Applicability. The provisions of this section apply to all hearings and other proceedings before the Department of Agriculture, except to the extent that any other regulation of the Department may specifically make such provisions, or any part thereof, inapplicable as to particular hearings or other proceedings. (b) Administrative provisions. (1) In any hearing or other proceeding before the Department of Agriculture, the parties may appear in person or by counsel or other representative. Persons who appear as counsel or in a representative capacity in any hearing or proceeding must conform to the standards of ethical conduct required of practitioners before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and to any applicable standards of ethical conduct established by statutes, executive orders and regulations. (2) Whenever the Secretary finds, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that a person who is acting or has acted as counsel or representative in any hearing or other proceeding before the Department has not conformed to any such standards of ethical conduct, he may order that such person be precluded from acting as counsel or representative in any hearing or other proceeding before the Department for such period of time as he deems warranted. Whenever the Secretary has probable cause to believe that any person who is acting or has acted as counsel or representative in any such hearing or other proceeding has not conformed to any such standards of ethical conduct, he may, by written notice to such person, suspend |