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The following actions represent measures the United States has begun to take in the areas of energy efficiency, transportation, the use of lower emitting supply technologies,

agriculture and natural resources, and technology research and development. Also noted are examples of actions taken by the private sector and by our fifty states:


To increase the efficient use of energy in the industrial, commercial and housing sectors we are:

• strengthening energy efficiency standards for appliances and equipment;

expanding energy efficiency labelling programs;

• developing and encouraging the use of building efficiency standards;

• promoting the use of industrial energy efficiency audits;

• establishing voluntary public-private "green"
partnerships in the areas of lighting, piping, commercial
buildings, computer systems, industrial motors and
refrigerator program, all of which are designed to
improve the efficiency of energy use.

--For example, over 300 major corporations and

utilities have committed to voluntary participation in programs to renovate their facilities with high efficiency lighting.

Deserving of special mention are the diverse set of state and utility efforts to cut electricity demand through integrated resource planning and demand side management initiatives.


To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector ́

we are:

encouraging intermodal shifts through pricing measures,
e.g., expanded use of tolls on Federal highways;
increasing Federal purchases of alternative fuel vehicles;
requiring centrally fueled fleets to purchase vehicles
capable of using alternative fuels;

• increasing the use of public transit, vanpooling, and
ride-sharing by raising the limit on tax free commuter

• accelerating the development of a new generation of
battery technology for electric vehicles through
public-private consortia; and

• increasing the production of cost-competitive liquid
fuels, such as ethanol from non-food crops and other
renewable biomass sources through use of pilot programs.



To increase the use of lower emitting supply technologies we


• streamlining natural gas pipeline construction review, deregulating pipeline sales rates in competitive markets, and improving gas pipeline transportation access;

• streamlining the nuclear plant licensing process and developing standardized designs for the next generation of power plants;

• extending the renewable energy tax credit, proposing a ten million dollar solar bank which will provide subsidized financing for residential and commercial applications of solar energy, and increasing the use of municipal solid waste; and

• streamlining the hydroelectric licensing processes,


In addition to the landfill regulations announced last year that will capture methane, the U.S. will encourage an increase in the capture of methane from coal mines and agricultural In addition, programs exist which provide for:


• replacement of annual crop production systems on highly erodable lands with perennial vegetation, enhancing soil carbon reservoirs; and

• expanded tree planting programs in forest and urban areas.


To facilitate the longer-term market penetration of more efficient and lower-emitting technologies, the U.S. is pursuing vigorous technology research and development programs in the following areas:

• high performance aircraft engines, and high speed rail;

• intelligent vehicles and highway systems;

• building technologies;

• industrial waste reduction and recycling;

• the next generation of passively safe nuclear


• cleaner, more efficient coal technologies, an industry
government program with 60% industry funding;

• developing cost effective liquid fuels from non-food

electric and hybrid vehicle development;

• solar and wind energy technologies; and

• solid waste derived fuels.

The Global Change Research Program funding request for FY 93 was expanded by 24% to nearly $1.4 billion.



U.S industry has a number of domestic and international programs which will have the effect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it is studying other opportunities for action. Examples of existing domestic programs include:

• the National Association of Manufacturers, an association representing 18,000 manufacturing organizations, has an education and action program to incorporate energy efficiency into all aspects of manufacturing;

• the chemical industry's RESPONSIBLE CARE program promotes
both the efficient use of energy and measures to protect
the environment;

⚫ the 33/50 program which reduces the use of toxic
chemicals and has over 300 participating companies. They
have committed to total reductions in releases of over
250 million pounds.

• joint ventures have been established between the utility
and automobile industries to promote the development of
electric vehicles; and

200 utilities are spending $2 billion on 1,300
conservation programs.

Examples of international cooperation between U.S. industry and their counterparts in other countries include activity in every major industrial sector in all regions of the world. Using joint ventures and cooperative R&D, the U.S. automobile, petro-chemical, utility, mining, and manufacturing industries are promoting the international diffusion of technologies which will lower global greenhouse gas concentrations.


State and local governments in the U.S. are taking actions which will have the effect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These actions are being carried out independently and/or cooperatively with the Federal Government. We have not yet completed an inventory of measures being taken by our fifty states, but an assessment of state and local programs will be provided later, together with estimates of how these programs will affect greenhouse gas emissions.

9:00 a.m.

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11:15 a.m.

Technology Cooperation for
Energy and the Environment:
Needs and Opportunities


Saturday, February 29, 1992

Grand Hyatt New York, Broadway Room

Continental Breakfast

Welcome/Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Mr. Thomas R. Kuhn, President
Edison Electric Institute

Keynote Address

Mr. Robert Fri, President
Resources for the Future

Introduction of Panel I

Moderator: Mr. Robert A. Reinstein, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for Environment, Health and
Natural Resources

Panel I: Energy Technology Cooperation and the
Environment -- What Are the Needs?

What is technology cooperation? How do we integrate development and the environment? What are the needs? What are the barriers? What are the resources?

Dr. Pablo Mulas,

Electrical Research Institute (IIE), Cuernavaca, Mexico

Dr. Mukul Salwal,

Ministry of Environment, India

Dr. Michael Gluckman,

Electric Power Research Institute

Dr. David Jhirad,

Energy Program, Bureau for Research and Development,
U.S. Agency for International Development (AID)

Discussion led by moderator

[blocks in formation]

2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Introduction to Panel II

Moderator: Mr. Robert A. Reinstein

Panel II: Matching Needs, Resources and Opportunities --
A problem solving approach

What are the roles of government and the private sector? How can lending institutions assist? Who owns which piece of the problem and how can barriers be overcome?

Ms. Constance Harriman,

U.S. Export-Import Bank

Mr. Scott Sklar,

U.S. Export Council for Renewable Energ:/

Mr. Ben Yamagata,

Clean Coal Technology Coalition

Ms. Deborah Bleviss,

International Institute for Energy Conservation

Discussion led by moderator

Close of Session

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