Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
accidents Administration and Internal Administration Police answer ask the Minister Assistant Minister aware Awendo beg to reply Bill buses Commissioners Constitution deceased elections ensure erect bumps Ethiopia Ethiopian Government Ethuro export ferries footbridges Forestry and Wildlife going happened hivyo IDPs Internal Security issue ivory Kabogo Kenya Kenya Ports Authority Kenya Revenue Authority Keynan killed Kilonzo Kimeli Kinyanjui Kisumu KPLC kwamba Lake Turkana Lake Victoria LBDA lives look Mandera massacre matter Mbadi Member Migingo Migori militia Minister for Forestry Minister for Transport Ministerial Statement Ministry Mombasa Motion Nairobi Nanok nchi neighbours Nyatike Ochieng Ogari Ojode Olago Oseke Parliament point of order potholes President Private Notice problem protect Provincial Administration Question by Private Registrar of Companies responsibility road security forces Shakeel Somalia stalling sure taifa tell Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Todonyang Uganda Ugingo Waititu Waki Commission Wamalwa witness