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Letters, telegrams, prepared and supplementary statements, etc.:

Amaral, José Vázquez, Rutgers University, letter to Chairman Page


Amram, Mrs. Hortense, weaver, Washington, D.C., statement of..
Bealmer, William, president, Western Arts Association, letter to
Chairman Thompson_.

Beelke, Ralph G., executive secretary, the National Art Education
Association, prepared statement of




Benzell, Mimi, Manhasset, N. Y., letter to Chairman Thompson.

Biemiller, Andrew J., director, Department of Legislation, AFL-


Buttelman, Dr. Clifford, Music Educators National Conference,

prepared statement _ _.

Chelf, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of


"A Plan To Bring Together Memorials to Theodore Roosevelt,

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Other Past

Presidents Has Growing Support," extension of remarks of

Hon. Frank Thompson, Jr., in the appendix of the Congres-

sional Record of January 16, 1961.

"Cities and People-More or Fewer Works of Art," article by

Robert J. Lewis, in the Sunday Star of May 14, 1961-

"Congressman Frank Chelf's Plan for a Living Memorial to

Past Presidents Has Growing Support," extension of remarks

of Hon. Harris B. McDowell in the appendix of the Congres-

sional Record of March 24, 1961___

Text of H.R. 5617, A bill to amend the National Cultural Center

Act so as to make it permanent and to provide for a living

memorial to past Presidents of the United States including

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Theodore


Winstead, Mrs. T. D., chairman, Federation of Womens Clubs,

letter from.

Cheskin, Irving W., executive director, the League of New York

Theaters, Inc., letter to Chairman Thompson

Clark, Hon. Joseph S., Jr., a Senator from the State of Pennsylvania,

article appearing in the Congressional Record of February 2, 1961,

entitled, "Program of Grants to States for Development of the


Coe, Richard L., dramatic critic, the Washington Post and Times
Herald, prepared testimony of

Conaway, Donald F., national executive secretary, American Federa-
tion of Television and Radio Artists, telegram to Chairman Thomp-


De Mille, Agnes, telegram to Chairman Thompson

Faine, Hy, national executive secretary, American Guild of Musical

Artists, telegram to Chairman Thompson

Fall, Dr. Frederick, former director, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Symphony Orchestra; director and conductor of opera activities
of the District of Columbia Recreation Department; former music
director for U.S. army of occupation in Austria, statement of ... ... ... ... ...
Hanson, Howard, director, Eastman School of Music, and president,
national council, telegram to Chairman Thompson..
Hayes, Patrick, broadcast on WGMS, May 14, 1961.
Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., a Senator from the State of Minnesota:
"Cultural Activities in the District of Columbia," article appear-
ing in the Congressional Record of January 13, 1960-
"The International Cultural Exchange Program," article appear-
ing in the appendix of the Congressional Record of January 13,

Joel, Lydia, editor, Dance magazine, telegram to Chairman Thomp-










Kearns, Hon. Carroll D., a Representative in Congress from the State

of Pennsylvania:

"A Home for American Art," article in the New Republic..

"A Thorough Search Would Surely Find Negro Musicians Cap-

able of Playing in the National Symphony Orchestra," article

by Hon. Adam Clayton Powell, appearing in the appendix of

the Congressional Record of March 20, 1961-

"Amendment of Public Buildings Act of 1959, Relating to Loca-
tion of Certain Courts in the District of Columbia," by Sen-
ator Kennedy, in the Congressional Record of March 24, 1960.
"Amendment of Public Buildings Act of 1959, Relating to Loca-
tion for New U.S. Court of Claims Building," by Senator
Morse in the Congressional Record of March 24, 1960....
"Amendment of Public Buildings Act of 1959, Relating to Loca-
tion of Certain Court Buildings in the District of Columbia,"
by Senator Humphrey, in the Congressional Record of April
21, 1960

American Association of School Administrators, resolution on the

creative arts.




"Capital on Culture Kick," article by Betty Beale, in the New
York World-Telegram of May 6, 1961


"Capital To Have Its Shakespeare," article by Louis Calta, in
The New York Times, May 13, 1961_..


"Culture Talk Evokes Blast," article by Betty Beale, in the
Washington Star_


"Designation as National Historic Sites of Lafayette Square and
Certain Buildings in the Vicinity Thereof," by Senator Murray
in the Congressional Record of August 7, 1957
Eisenhower, Dwight D., former President of the United States:
Letter from, dated May 8, 1961.
Telegram from, dated May 14, 1961.




Equity magazine, November 1960 issue, questions asked by
Dick Moore, editor, and answers by Senator John F. Kennedy
and Vice President Richard M. Nixon...
Hayes, Patrick, broadcast on WGMS, August 28, 1960_
"Home Slated as Shrine to Sousa Is Condemned," article by
Stephen S. Rosenfeld, in the Washington Post.




Isenbergh, Max, Acting Assistant Secretary for Educational and

Cultural Affairs, letter to Senator Hubert H. Humphrey.

"Kennedy Asks Fund To Save Nile Relics," article by W. H.
Lawrence, in the New York Times...


Lang, Paul Henry, New York Herald Tribune, letter to Congress-
man Kearns


McCarthy, Hon. Eugene J., a Senator from the State of Minne-


"Future of Lafayette Square," article in the appendix of the
Congressional Record of July 1, 1960.

"Reconstruction at Lafayette Square," in the Congressional
Record of July 1, 1960.



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