even a more just compromise in that final congressional determination on the Amendments in Public Law 93-380 shall not go into effect until the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare has provided data sufficient enough for Congress to insure that its true intent regarding federal aid to these programs is accomplished. We urge your favorable action on this proposal. Thank you for your consideration. If we can be of further assistance, we are ready to do so. Thank you. 126,035 1 75, 421 488, 669 1 122, 627 67, 750 1 507, 703 640, 776 Wheatland Elementary. 838, 923. 24 26, 308.32 835, 402.75 (3,520) 2,520, 699 1,508, 420 1 13,260 3,636, 355.05 896, 400 Monterey Peninsula Unified 12.. School District. North Monterey County Union... 12. Santa Rita Union School District. 12. Allan Hancock Joint Community 13. College District. Fillmore Unified School District.. 13. Moorpark Union School District. 13. Ojai Unified School District.... Orcutt Union. 13 13. 25, 902.56 50, 813. 86 1,290, 161.09 42,008.97 160, 704.00 243,916.36 19, 227.58 57,625.64 322,555.00 33,673.27 1,388, 040. 01 89, 237.92 8, 261.32 100, 948. 17 37, 961.40 1,233, 192. 70 55,872.76 109, 631.58 132, 557.22 80, 362.04 3,475, 714.30 7,490.68 31, 170.39 119, 105. 40 183, 644. 04 14,090.81 46,596.89 276, 892.00 21,876. 50 1,273, 039. 37 63,605.00 166, 016. 10 701, 482.52 (6, 776) (48, 558) 9,773, 382 (3, 294) 2, 452, 538 (149,955) 1, 335, 000 (12, 853) 10, 154, 053 (56, 968) 12,815, 522 (17,765) 5,696, 757 (38,082) 13, 425, 158 (32, 587) 11, 279.927 (2,180) 555, 455 (6,262) 5,797, 622 (1,636) 1,035, 844 (28,588) 16,032, 623 (19,178) 4,861, 108 (492) 265, 198 (3,912) 4, 894, 877 (160, 641) 17,928, 007 (3,532) 1,329,623 (22,053) 5, 345, 563 (4,996) 255, 374 (3,044) 969, 761 (10,839) 3,449, 375 (41,599) 3,290, 820 (60,272) 5,656, 726 (5, 137) 1,640, 094 (11,029) 1,679 571 (55,663) 18,072, 856 (11,796) 4,487, 768 (115,001) 11,558, 058 (21, 537) 9,531, 778 (39,682) 6,754, 870 (38, 366) 3,052, 744 (1,373) 1 284, 838 1 671,258 1 563,996 1 27,773 1 289,881 1 51,792 1 801,831 1 243,055 1 244, 744 1 46,468 1 66,481 1 267, 278 12, 769 1 48, 488 1 172, 469 1 164,541 282,836 1 82,008 1 83,979 1 903,643 1 224,388 577,903 1 476,589 1 337, 744 152,637 19, 706 5,690 51,990 14. Folsom Cordova Unified. 15 Chawanakee Elementary. 16 17,855.95 42, 254.67 0 (8,000) (2,138) 394, 112 113, 792 1,039, 795 296, 133 14, 807 (155,326) (5,580) 10,218 8,627 See footnotes at end of table. (112,353) 5,389, 079 (15,984) 2,116, 123 (62,352) 6,482, 385 (10,498) 1,885, 686 (13,777) 9,754, 468 (152,253) 18, 265, 533 (4,541) 1,520, 801 (5,274) 1,158, 692 (73, 189) 9,598, 291 (25,282) 7, 300, 474 (7,777) 3,819, 736 (11,668) 4,896, 404 (15,859) 1,676, 215 (2,462) 385,000 +11,622 18, 100, 331 (2,564) 2,130, 300 (217) 4,255, 803 (13, 327) 7,525, 680 (32, 939) 5,572, 813 (61,783) 24, 167, 359 (22, 599) 5,098, 064 +66, 181 80, 890, 113 (25, 927) 21,479, 000 (5, 757) 4, 513, 109 (5,277) 2,708, 981 (116, 524) 46, 741, 252 (5,798) 4,865, 152 (25,218) 70, 378, 733 (8,073) 5,854, 301 (4,835) 3,817,098 (72, 306) 38,045, 404 (45,320) 30, 788, 604 (2, 793) 2,291, 943 (27, 107) 10, 213, 933 1 26,422 65,540 107, 474 1 324,279 1125, 725 192, 675 1 57, 187 1120, 919 170, 644 11, 466, 133 674, 782 121, 347 1 633,936 1 172, 784 1 261, 489 237, 115 1 335, 132 739, 211 1 173, 047 585, 247 523, 402 279,573 1 449, 091 199, 034 36, 164 1 15,907 3,466 1 480, 676 1 787, 371 12,830,000 1855, 591 1376,284 1 287,641 11, 208, 368 1254, 903 14,044, 506 11,073, 950 1 225, 655 1135, 449 12,337,063 1 243, 258 13, 518, 937 1 292, 715 1 190, 855 1 1,902, 270 11,539, 430 1 114, 597 1 510, 697 See footnotes at end of table. 58-348-75-7 183 38, 820.74 Los Alamitos. 183. 134, 429. 22 Westminster School District. Orange Unified School District. Capistrano Unified School Dis 183. 177, 971.72 28, 309. 40 124, 920.68 137,490. 23 96, 268.00 89, 443.60 trict. Irvive Unified School District... 186. 723,981.00 389,000. CO 63, 210.24 254, 979.00 1,058, 418.00 4,387.44 4, 489. 47 710, 453.00 109, 935. 13 90,641.58 3,755.84 3, 898. 17 1,866,012.00 8,938, 52 (10,511) 1,559, 863 (9, 508) 3,686, 142 (40, 481) 9, 443, 670 (37, 929) 28, 516, 040 (24, 057) 11, 316, 128 (13,528) 7,984, 531 (93, 804) 24, 863. 199 (15,887) 13, 909, 575 (53, 226) 11, 213, 860 (160, 363) 33, 896, 610 +2, 289 15,337, 721 (44, 196) 22,004, 305 (15, 864) 118,620 (19,811) 7,436, 181 (42, 100) 26, 800, 330 (2, 426) 3,568, 360 (61, 182) 19,470, 392 (22, 274) 9,794, 390 (25,711) 6,760, 241 (15,713) 2,779, 507 (17,613) 2,078, 869 (851, 309)118, 736, 217 101, 347. 24 100, 604. 34 368, 622.01 184, 385. 76 7,585, 691.00 1999, 850 1 381, 490 113, 851 1 186, 649 2, 379, 832 1 118,992 6,850, 882 342, 544 3, 249, 565 County No. 8. Gunnison Watershed. Harrison. Kim. 162, 478. 1 69, 884 1 277, 213 1 14, 397 1 17, 500 155, 128 1 213, 648 130, 216 101, 424 1 53, 124 1 667, 801 1 130,000 1 114, 850 1 762, 224 221, 534 1 17, 562 1 16,940 CONNECTICUT |