Federal Reincorporation of Export-Import Bank: Hearings Before ... , 80-1 on S. 993 ... , May 8 and 12, 1947, Volume 1

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Page 29 - ... corporation, or association; to adopt, alter, and use a corporate seal, which shall be judicially noticed; to sue and to be sued; to complain and to defend in any court of competent jurisdiction; and the enumeration of the foregoing powers shall not be deemed to exclude other powers necessary to the achievement of the objects and purposes of the Bank.
Page 30 - Each such obligation shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the current average rate on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States as of the last day of the month preceding the issuance of the obligation of the Association.
Page 30 - Net earnings of the Bank after reasonable provision for possible losses shall be used for payment of dividends on capital stock.
Page 7 - ... It is the policy of the Congress that the Bank in the exercise of its functions should supplement and encourage and not compete with private capital, and that loans, so far as possible consistently with carrying out the purposes of subsection (a), shall generally be for specific purposes, and, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, offer reasonable assurance of repayment.
Page 61 - Territories, but that because of the use of the word "or
Page 29 - ... acceptances, cable transfers, and other evidences of indebtedness; to purchase, sell, and guarantee securities but not to purchase with its funds any stock in any other corporation except that it may acquire any such stock through the enforcement of any lien or pledge or otherwise to satisfy a previously contracted indebtedness to it; to accept bills and drafts drawn upon it; to issue letters of credit; to purchase and sell coin, bullion, and exchange; to borrow and to lend money; to perform...
Page 45 - The stated purpose of this bill is "to assist in the development of the resources, the stabilization of the economies, and the orderly marketing of products of the countries of the Western Hemisphere.
Page 6 - To assist in the development of the resources, the stabilization of the economies, and the orderly marketing of the products of the countries of the Western Hemisphere...
Page 7 - ... decision should apply especially to countries which have access to the facilities of the International Bank. The bank continues to consider, however, in accordance with its general powers and policies, credits to finance trade with countries undergoing reconstruction as well as with other countries. It is the policy of the bank that the credits which it authorizes shall be for specific purposes, shall contribute in the most direct manner to a balanced long-range expansion of foreign trade, and...
Page 5 - February 2, 1934). The Bank was continued as an agency of the United States by acts of Congress in 1935, 1937, 1939, and 1940. It was made an independent agency of the US Government by the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat.

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