A Pamphlet Relating to the Claim of Señor Don José Y. Limantour: To Four Leagues of Land in the County Adjoining and Near the City of San Francicso, California

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Whitton, Towne & Company, printers, 1853 - 78 pages

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Page 64 - Board so acts, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted on January 26, 1965 by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles...
Page 29 - County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original Resolution No.
Page 36 - This cause came on to be heard at a * stated term of the court on appeal from the final decision of the board of commissioners to ascertain and settle the private land claims in the state of California...
Page 20 - Provisionally empowered by the maritime custom-house of the port of Monterey, in the Department of the Californias, for years eighteen hundred and forty-four and eighteen hundred and forty-five. PABLO DE LA. GUERRA.
Page 10 - Arroyo, subscribed to the foregoing certificate, is in the proper handwriting of said person, the same as used by him in all his official acts, who is well known to me and was at the time of subscribing the same, Chief Clerk of the Department of...
Page 20 - Micheltorena, brigadier general of the Mexican army, adjutant general of the staff of the same, governor, commandant, and general...
Page 18 - Despatch, and that it be delivered to the party interested for his security. Given in the town of Los Angeles, the twenty-seventh day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty- Three.
Page 10 - In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the [L.
Page 17 - Kincon to the south-east, and following the bay as far as the mouth of the estuary of the mission, including the deposits of salt water, and following the valley (canada) to the south-west, where the fresh water runs, passing to the north-west side, about two hundred varas from the mission to where it completes two leagues north-east and south-west to the Rincon, as represented by the plat (diseno) No. 1, which accompanies the Expediente. " Second : Two leagues of land, more or less, beginning on...
Page 22 - Questions by counsel for the claimant. QUESTION 1. What is your name, age, and place of residence ? ANSWER. My name is Agustin Olvera ; I am 39 years of age, and I reside in Los Angeles county.

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