Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: MMWRU.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, 2008 |
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Page 649
... Oral Fluid Rapid HIV Tests New York City , 2005-2008 666 QuickStats DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS For DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 3LE . Number , percentage , and estimated average annualized.
... Oral Fluid Rapid HIV Tests New York City , 2005-2008 666 QuickStats DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS For DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 3LE . Number , percentage , and estimated average annualized.
Page 657
... oral fluid ( OF ) samples . Both of ese approaches have potential to be useful tools for measles d rubella control programs . In June 2007 , WHO con- ned an ad hoc meeting in Geneva , Switzerland , to review ailable data and provide ...
... oral fluid ( OF ) samples . Both of ese approaches have potential to be useful tools for measles d rubella control programs . In June 2007 , WHO con- ned an ad hoc meeting in Geneva , Switzerland , to review ailable data and provide ...
Page 658
... Oral fluid . Immunoglobulin M. chain reaction . Since 2001 , LabNet reference labo- ratories in Australia , Cote d'Ivoire , Netherlands , Turkey , Uganda , the UK , and the United States have been working to 1 ) determine IgM and RNA ...
... Oral fluid . Immunoglobulin M. chain reaction . Since 2001 , LabNet reference labo- ratories in Australia , Cote d'Ivoire , Netherlands , Turkey , Uganda , the UK , and the United States have been working to 1 ) determine IgM and RNA ...
Page 659
... oral fluid rapid human immunodeficiency. Good acceptance by patients , because DBS avoids venipuncture and OF is noninvasive . → Stability without refrigeration for periods of up to 7 days ( OF ) or longer ( DBS ) . Equivalent cost for ...
... oral fluid rapid human immunodeficiency. Good acceptance by patients , because DBS avoids venipuncture and OF is noninvasive . → Stability without refrigeration for periods of up to 7 days ( OF ) or longer ( DBS ) . Equivalent cost for ...
Page 660
... oral fluid samples to detect rubella virus genome for epidemiological surveillance . Mol Cell Probes 2002 ; 16 : 93-7 . 8. De Swart RL , Nur Y , Abdallah A , et al . Combination of reverse tran- scriptase PCR analysis and immunoglobulin ...
... oral fluid samples to detect rubella virus genome for epidemiological surveillance . Mol Cell Probes 2002 ; 16 : 93-7 . 8. De Swart RL , Nur Y , Abdallah A , et al . Combination of reverse tran- scriptase PCR analysis and immunoglobulin ...
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2007 Current week 2008 are provisional 52 weeks Previous American Samoa Anaplasma phagocytophilum Atlantic available in Table breastfeeding California children aged clinical Commonwealth of Northern Contains data reported Cumulative year-to-date counts Current 52 weeks Current week 52 Current week Previous data for reporting deaths Department of Health Disease Surveillance System E.S. Central Electronic Disease Surveillance Health and Human health-care Hepatitis Hispanic HIV/AIDS Human Services Incidence data infants infection laboratory Legionellosis measles Median meningococcal disease MMWR Series National Center National Electronic Disease North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands notifiable diseases outbreak patients pertussis Previous 52 weeks Previous Previous public health Q fever Reporting area reporting years 2007 rotavirus selected notifiable diseases serogroup serotype Smoke-free Surveillance System NEDSS testing U.S. Virgin Islands United UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/RIVERSIDE viral Virginia virus viruses week 52 weeks week Med Max week Previous 52 West Nile virus workers York City York Upstate