*ABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending April 5, 2008, and April 7, 2007 _4th Week)* Data for meningococcal disease, invasive caused by serogroups A, C, Y, & W-135; serogroup B; other serogroup; and unknown serogroup are available in Table I. 7 1 2 10 71114 20007 TOOooooo0 4OMOTO 21 10 1 10 16 4 26 28 5 5 1 110732432 32222 310010 1000O 37 38 7 15 8 5 16 17 53 58 13 22 6 11 10 14 13 TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending April 5, 2008, and April 7, 2007 (14th Week)* EABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending April 5, 2008, and April 7, 2007 4th Week)* |